All-Girl Campus Terrorized by Shambling Humanoid

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    All-Girl Campus Terrorized by Shambling Humanoid

    National Review ^ |

    In recent days, Wellesley College — an all-women’s college — has been graced with the public, outdoor presence of a hyper-realistic statue of a sleepwalking man in his tighty-whitey underwear. The statue, by Tony Matelli, is meant to market a new exhibit at the campus’s Davis Museum, but for some the statue is much more than an advertisement.
    “Within just a few hours of its outdoor installation, the highly lifelike sculpture by Tony Matelli, entitled ‘Sleepwalker,’ has become a source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault for some members of our campus community,” senior Lauren Walsh — allegedly using another student’s name – wrote in a petition to remove the statue. “While the sculpture may not trigger, disturb, or bother everyone,” it nevertheless must be moved, Zoe says, because it disturbs some members of the community.
    Lisa Fischman, the director of the Davis Museum, wrote a response to the petition. She did not indicate whether or not the statue would be moved, but said she was “enormously glad to have . . .responses” because it meant the “art provoked dialogue, and discourse is the core of education.”
    However, many respondents were not satisfied with Davis’s letter and took to the comment section of the petition to express their disgust. Respondents rejected calls for “dialogue” and free expression, many citing their and others’ fears of an inanimate object whose very presence is considered a threat to “public safety,” as one commenter wrote.
    “This is a monument to rape culture and it should not even have to be said that it does NOT belong at a woman’s college,” Owen Lloyd writes.
    “Some students can find this inappropriate, and we shouldn’t force those students to walk by the statue every day.” Elaine Kim adds.
    Another respondent, Magdalena Zebracka, registered her objection with a more academic tone: “Matelli’s statue does not speak to the power of art to inspire dialogue but rather to the power of the nearly nude, white, male body to disturb and discomfit. . . . What does this statue do if not remind us of the fact of male privilege every single time we pass it, every single time we think about it, every single time we are forced to acknowledge its presence. As if we need any more reminders.”
    As of this writing, the petition garnered 723 signatures out of its goal of 1,000.
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797

    What disturbs me about this incident is the fact that individuals with this much hysterical silliness are still allowed to vote.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      All women's university. I never understood the gender separate schools at any age level. I can't imagine how miserable it would be to just walk around with a bunch of dongs all day with no woman in sight.


      • DanF
        • Nov 2013
        • 260

        Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
        National Review ^ |

        In recent days, Wellesley College — an all-women’s college — has been graced with the public, outdoor presence of a hyper-realistic statue of a sleepwalking man in his tighty-whitey underwear. The statue, by Tony Matelli, is meant to market a new exhibit at the campus’s Davis Museum, but for some the statue is much more than an advertisement.
        “Within just a few hours of its outdoor installation, the highly lifelike sculpture by Tony Matelli, entitled ‘Sleepwalker,’ has become a source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault for some members of our campus community,” senior Lauren Walsh — allegedly using another student’s name – wrote in a petition to remove the statue. “While the sculpture may not trigger, disturb, or bother everyone,” it nevertheless must be moved, Zoe says, because it disturbs some members of the community.
        Lisa Fischman, the director of the Davis Museum, wrote a response to the petition. She did not indicate whether or not the statue would be moved, but said she was “enormously glad to have . . .responses” because it meant the “art provoked dialogue, and discourse is the core of education.”
        However, many respondents were not satisfied with Davis’s letter and took to the comment section of the petition to express their disgust. Respondents rejected calls for “dialogue” and free expression, many citing their and others’ fears of an inanimate object whose very presence is considered a threat to “public safety,” as one commenter wrote.
        “This is a monument to rape culture and it should not even have to be said that it does NOT belong at a woman’s college,” Owen Lloyd writes.
        “Some students can find this inappropriate, and we shouldn’t force those students to walk by the statue every day.” Elaine Kim adds.
        Another respondent, Magdalena Zebracka, registered her objection with a more academic tone: “Matelli’s statue does not speak to the power of art to inspire dialogue but rather to the power of the nearly nude, white, male body to disturb and discomfit. . . . What does this statue do if not remind us of the fact of male privilege every single time we pass it, every single time we think about it, every single time we are forced to acknowledge its presence. As if we need any more reminders.”
        As of this writing, the petition garnered 723 signatures out of its goal of 1,000.

        Only because I appreciate all of your posts here at the forum would I offer a "possible" suggestion: with good intentions.

        Is it possible (and maybe it would be difficult) could you enter your very informative posts after double spacing the text? There is a lot of good content in all of them and possibly some members will not take the time to read them.

        Originally posted by trebli View Post
        What disturbs me about this incident is the fact that individuals with this much hysterical silliness are still allowed to vote.

        College and university campus's across the nation are generally staffed by professors with extremely Left Wing leanings and classroom instructions. Of this there is little doubt. Higher education in the USA attempts to portray this country in the lowest light.

        Students respond to this in a generally unified stance and feel that their youth has given them a deeper knowledge then any older American could possibly have.

        It is the professors who have themselves stayed within the cloistered walls of their Liberal Halls and preach this to our young.

        trebil: you say that this is "hysterical" because you have lived longer then these students. But to them that shows that you are a pawn of the American Way.

        So goes our higher education. Handed down by those professors.



        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          All I put a very realistic statue of a chick in her underwear outside a guys dorm......and there would be cheers of adulation.......... and a sudden resurgence of interests in the arts

          Just saying
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Originally posted by DanF View Post
            Only because I appreciate all of your posts here at the forum would I offer a "possible" suggestion: with good intentions.

            Is it possible (and maybe it would be difficult) could you enter your very informative posts after double spacing the text? There is a lot of good content in all of them and possibly some members will not take the time to read them.

            College and university campus's across the nation are generally staffed by professors with extremely Left Wing leanings and classroom instructions. Of this there is little doubt. Higher education in the USA attempts to portray this country in the lowest light.

            Students respond to this in a generally unified stance and feel that their youth has given them a deeper knowledge then any older American could possibly have.

            It is the professors who have themselves stayed within the cloistered walls of their Liberal Halls and preach this to our young.

            trebil: you say that this is "hysterical" because you have lived longer then these students. But to them that shows that you are a pawn of the American Way.

            So goes our higher education. Handed down by those professors.

            This so much. Dan you have hit the nail on the head. I once was forced to take a class called "History of Africa" which as you can guess was supposed to be about the history of Africa. Instead my female professor (who's parents gave her a heiphenated last name which she then added another heiphen after she got married) made it into a "we are white you should feel bad" class. Something in the news about an african man murdering was our fault personally. The first day of class she told us that everyone was racist except her. She had been to Africa and since she donated 79 cents a month to a charity she was feeding 40 africans a day. Feel bad you're white, any crime ever committed by someone not white is because of white people etc.

            Which I will be honest i expected but not to such an extreme degree. College sucks because for most people it's their first time away from home and they were just brainwashed by their young douche parents for the past 18 years and so something like feminism comes along and it solves all problems. The professors they hire are ALWAYS just looking to push an agenda to try to make you think like them. If that means pushing feminism or encouraging women to explore each others bodies or anything to do with (insert current trend in the us) being wrong or stupid. The freedom of being away combined with the influence of someone who determines your grade brings out such douche behavior in everyone. So that girl that was forced to go to church twice a day in high school is now just some whore who wants to tell you how women are degraded in society...or how we dont need corporations and we don't need money. And every idea from reforming health care to changing banking laws to starting a communist revolution all starts with some hippy douche professor. And don't get me started on the professors that make the class buy a textbook that they wrote themselves.

            College blows. We should have a system like Germany where you can still live a decent life on a decent salary without spending 4 years in an overcrowded overpriced hellhole that forces you to decide what you want to do with the rest of your life when 3 months previous you had to get a note from your parent if you were sick and you had to ask to go to the bathroom.


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