Sweden's new generation of Monsters

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Sweden's new generation of Monsters

    Have Sweden’s permissive parents given birth to a generation of monsters?

    … Sweden was the first country on the planet to introduce a ban on physical punishment in 1979. Thereafter, the view was taken that hierarchy within families ought to be jettisoned in favor of treating children like adults. But while the egalitarian values of social democracy might work for the economy, they have been a disaster on the domestic front. […]
    … (S)omething is rotten in the state of Sweden. (Psychiatrist David) Eberhard points to growing social problems in school, where Swedish pupils routinely refuse to follow teachers’ instructions, and later on in what he views as their unfulfilled young adulthood. […]
    “Young people in Sweden tend to be very disappointed in life, especially in their twenties,” observes Eberhard. “While there is a falling rate of suicides, there is a huge rise in suicide attempts, especially among girls aged 15 to 25.” …

    (Excerpt) Read more at telegraph.co.uk ...
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  • blotgode
    • Apr 2009
    • 338

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!


    • Andy105
      • Nov 2013
      • 1393

      Sponsor of Kansas spanking bill says it would help define corporal punishment, restore parental rights
      The Wichita Eagle
      Published Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014, at 4:25 p.m.
      A bill introduced by a Wichita lawmaker would ease some restrictions on spanking in Kansas, allowing parents, caregivers or school officials to hit children hard enough to leave redness or bruising. Rep. Gail Finney, a Wichita Democrat, introduced the bill late last week. She said it attempts to clarify the definition of corporal punishment, restore parental rights and protect parents who spank from being charged with child abuse.

      House Bill 2699
      Proposed Kansas bill would allow spanking that leaves marks

      Rep. Gail Finney, D-Wichita, who introduced the bill, said it attempts to define corporal punishment, restore parental rights and protect parents who spank their children from being charged with child abuse.
      “What’s happening is there are some children that are very defiant and they’re not minding their parents, they’re not minding school personnel,” Finney said Tuesday.

      “What it (the proposed law) does is it tries to give a definition. … But it does not allow hitting, punching, beating, because that is still considered abuse.”
      Current Kansas law allows spanking that does not leave marks. The proposed legislation, House Bill 2699, would define corporal punishment as “up to 10 forceful applications in succession of a bare, open-hand palm against the clothed buttocks of a child.”
      The bill also would allow “reasonable physical force” to restrain a child during a spanking, “acknowledging that redness or bruising may occur on the tender skin of a child as a result.”

      Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2014/02/18/329...#storylink=cpy
      Last edited by Andy105; 19-02-14, 02:05 PM.


      • Thunder_Snus
        • Oct 2011
        • 1316

        Something needs to be done so everyone stops raising a generation of douche bags. Maybe hitting is it but most likely its to stop praising your shitty kid for everything so he doesn't get it into his head that he is entitled to anything he wants.


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