Brit's may be getting an ass kicking! (Humor Intended)

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  • scottishsnusser
    • Apr 2011
    • 36

    Politics is always a thorny subject....I'm a fairly recent yes convert.


    • scottishsnusser
      • Apr 2011
      • 36

      To me, it's a vote on whom the oil belongs to............. The Scots? Or, the Brits?
      It's also about avoiding expulsion from Planet Earth by voting NO (according to the BBC)....but on the plus side snus would be legal since we would be thrown unceremoniously out of the EU. :triumphant:
      Last edited by scottishsnusser; 25-02-14, 01:21 PM.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        As an Englander - I don't have a vote. But I could see it working very well provided the first government make all the right decisions ... I have to say that if it was my country I wouldn't be happy trusting Mr. Salmond with the job - he's a good entertaining political character and I agree with most of his goals for Scotland ... but it's going to take a lot more than words to make it work!

        The main problem from our end is what to call the rest of the bits if Scotland leaves ... it can't be the United Kingdom - because the other kingdom will have gone ... and it can't be Great Britain as that's the name of the island England shares with Scotland & Wales.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • scottishsnusser
          • Apr 2011
          • 36

          Well , I feel I've derailed this thread by posting (apologies)....but, I agree that it could work very well. Simply having the right to accurate representation, and a written constitution would be spectacular. No Scot has to trust Alex Salmond with the job. The vote on Sep 18th is only a vote on whether or not we think that Scotland should run itself or continue to be run by Westminster. After that, in the event of a Yes vote, all political parties would have to engage and the next election would determine who we trust to take us forward. Independence is not Alex Salmond. No matter how often the spin machines in the press try and tell us the opposite.

          As for words not cutting it....the Scottish Government under the SNP have stuck to far more of their promises than Labour ever did, which is why we are having a vote I suppose.

          I think you should be able to call the rUK anything you want in the event of a yes vote. Think of the opportunities. You could have the most awesome name in the world. Just make it up.


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            Oh I wasn't championing English politicians as any better!

            As for a name ... maybe we should just be honest and call it Heritage Disneyland.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • scottishsnusser
              • Apr 2011
              • 36

              I was thinking something more I don't know....."The All Powerful State of Voltron" or something. Or you could just continue to use the present name. But that would be boring. Oh, and I don't want you to think I was defending politicians here....they are all self serving. It's just a chance for people and civic organisations to get involved which is better than politicians deciding everything.

              or, we'll vote no and all of this is irrelevant.

              but we should still have a name change


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