Animal protein-rich diets could be as harmful to health as smoking
This debunk would apply to the latest meat scare tactic as well...
Conclusion: Lessons Learned
The lessons of this study are:
Don’t eat a high-sugar, high-flour, low-fiber diet.
Do eat natural whole foods that have the kind of fiber we and our probiotic gut flora co-evolved eating; mainly, resistant starch from in-ground starches like potatoes and soluble fiber from fruits and vegetables.
Don’t eat excessive amounts of meat. As we noted in the book, excess protein is available to gut bacteria for fermentation and that produces a number of toxic byproducts.
Do eat PHD levels of meat – one-half to one pound per day. This level of meat consumption will provide healthful and nourishing amounts of protein, choline, and carnitine, and will not cause any harm if accompanied by PHD levels of healthy plant foods.
None of these lessons is new. This study doesn’t overturn any established dietary wisdom. It is just one more piece of data reminding us to eat a balanced diet consisting of the foods we evolved eating – plant as well as animal. edited by piks101; 05-03-14, 07:09 AM.
Originally posted by piks101 View PostThis debunk would apply to the latest meat scare tactic as well...
Conclusion: Lessons Learned
The lessons of this study are:
Don’t eat a high-sugar, high-flour, low-fiber diet.
Do eat natural whole foods that have the kind of fiber we and our probiotic gut flora co-evolved eating; mainly, resistant starch from in-ground starches like potatoes and soluble fiber from fruits and vegetables.
Don’t eat excessive amounts of meat. As we noted in the book, excess protein is available to gut bacteria for fermentation and that produces a number of toxic byproducts.
Do eat PHD levels of meat – one-half to one pound per day. This level of meat consumption will provide healthful and nourishing amounts of protein, choline, and carnitine, and will not cause any harm if accompanied by PHD levels of healthy plant foods.
None of these lessons is new. This study doesn’t overturn any established dietary wisdom. It is just one more piece of data reminding us to eat a balanced diet consisting of the foods we evolved eating – plant as well as animal.
Originally posted by BadAxe View PostYep. I laugh at the people that think we have evolved and that we should not eat meat any longer. Its ridiculous. Everything in moderation. Thats how I learned to lose weight, and since I did that instead of dieting, I am having no issues keeping the weight off, and I eat what I like, and am healthier than I have been in a longggg time. And boy do I like meat and will eat it until I die. But not in over abundance. Won't even read the fear mongering articles about how bad everything in this world is for us.
Originally posted by truthwolf1 View PostThe more people that give up Corporate Grains the more you are going to see these type of articles.