If someone says that they are Napoleon trapped inside the body of a modern-day human, society agrees that they are insane and the person is given medication and treatment. They are not invited to rule France, or exiled, for being Napoleon.
That's a terrible sign of the oppression that the trans-Napoleons, like myself, face on a daily basis.
Every single day, I try to live my life in accordance with my inner identity as Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and Protector of the Rhine Confederations. Every single day, I am derided and mocked. Small children come up to me in the street and yell "You'll never be real Emperor!" or "You'll never lead the Grand Armee against the combined armies of the Tsar of Alexandria and Emperor Francis at Austerlitz!". Honestly, it hurts.
All I want is what other Napoleons have: absolute power over the French Empire and its satellites in Europe, plus a dedicated Corp of Imperial Guards and a palace to live in. But I can't even move into the Palais de Versailles without policemen trying to arrest me.
Think about that. You people get to live in your natural homes, but if I try to live in my natural home, I get arrested. I don't even want to think how Russians would treat me if I went to visit Moscow.
So have a heart, mes amis. Start working for greater social justice for Trans Napoleons such as myself.
Vive la France, vive le'empereur, vive la vieille garde.
That's a terrible sign of the oppression that the trans-Napoleons, like myself, face on a daily basis.
Every single day, I try to live my life in accordance with my inner identity as Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and Protector of the Rhine Confederations. Every single day, I am derided and mocked. Small children come up to me in the street and yell "You'll never be real Emperor!" or "You'll never lead the Grand Armee against the combined armies of the Tsar of Alexandria and Emperor Francis at Austerlitz!". Honestly, it hurts.
All I want is what other Napoleons have: absolute power over the French Empire and its satellites in Europe, plus a dedicated Corp of Imperial Guards and a palace to live in. But I can't even move into the Palais de Versailles without policemen trying to arrest me.
Think about that. You people get to live in your natural homes, but if I try to live in my natural home, I get arrested. I don't even want to think how Russians would treat me if I went to visit Moscow.
So have a heart, mes amis. Start working for greater social justice for Trans Napoleons such as myself.
Vive la France, vive le'empereur, vive la vieille garde.