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  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797


    I have never seen a badger. Are they common in the UK? Are they so common as to be a nuisance?
  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Black and white foxes the farmers call them, some love them, some see them as vermin, its a touchy subject in the UK. Some believe they carry bovine TB, some don't. The cull here recently was designed to try and stop the spread of bovine TB, then a lot of loonie lefties jumped on the bandwagon of the genuine protestors because its the in thing to moan about this week.

    My view is I don't see them as a problem where I live, they haven't attacked my chickens, foxes have though! So I leave them alone (except when they run out into the road and I can't stop!). They can get quite nasty if you approach them but its usually because you're close to their set so are protecting their young etc, when I have encountered then when walking the dog they usually run away or carry on right past without a glance.

    There are some nasty bastards who go badger baiting where they send dogs down into their sets or dig them up to let the dogs kill them, those people should be shot IMO as its not sporting, its barbaric! If the dog met the badger in a lane for example the badger would probably win.

    So its a mixed views thing here, its usually people who know nothing of rural life who protest against it, there are pros and cons on both sides, but I don't have an issue with badgers and think they're quite cool in an odd way.


    • Frankie Reloaded
      Banned Users
      • Jan 2011
      • 541



      • Thunder_Snus
        • Oct 2011
        • 1316

        I went to high school with a girl who said her life dream was to model naked for PETA. She was not a member of PETA and had no values based on animal rights so it was really confusing. This Kelly Brook picture reminded me of that and gave me a good chucke.

        I don't think we have badgers here in this part of IL atleast. Wouldn't really know what to think if I came across one. I see racoons crawl into sewer drains all the time though and they are quite scary looking. Then of course you have college campus squirrels who are the most fearless things you can imagine. Just a few weeks ago I saw one snatch what was left of some chick's Whopper out of her hand and run off.


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
          I went to high school with a girl who said her life dream was to model naked for PETA. She was not a member of PETA and had no values based on animal rights so it was really confusing. This Kelly Brook picture reminded me of that and gave me a good chucke.

          I don't think we have badgers here in this part of IL atleast. Wouldn't really know what to think if I came across one. I see racoons crawl into sewer drains all the time though and they are quite scary looking. Then of course you have college campus squirrels who are the most fearless things you can imagine. Just a few weeks ago I saw one snatch what was left of some chick's Whopper out of her hand and run off.
          Kelly brook is a slag, that's all you need to know. Only thing in her mind is getting paid, nothing else.


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            Badgers?:uncomfortableness:....We don't need no stinking badgers!
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


            • crullers
              • Oct 2011
              • 663

              A badger built a den by the foundation of a house near me. They are rarely seen in my area which is fine my me, it was a miserable bastard.


              • squeezyjohn
                • Jan 2008
                • 2497

                Badgers are like large thick set dogs with stripy faces - they normally run a mile from humans but can give you a nasty bite if they're cornered. They're cute and fascinating, and they were here in the UK before people started keeping livestock and as such deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt.

                They do carry and transmit bovine TB to cows (as do many species of deer). However - there is a very simple solution to bovine TB which is to vaccinate the cattle as standard practice ... our beloved EU have outlawed the vaccination of cattle against bovine TB because it messes with the testing regime to make sure no infected meat or milk reaches the market. Well done EU ... once again criminalising the solution rather than change your point of view!

                The UK government have been spineless in this - every credible scientific study has shown that killing a few badgers will do little or nothing to reduce infection levels - and the results of this first wave of culling have been even worse than predicted! It doesn't help that our farmers who are massively under-educated in these matters have been totally supporting the EU stance on this because a) they HAVE to take some action and b) they LOVE shooting at wild animals anyway.

                My view - badgers will easily survive this ridiculous policy - they are very resilient animals ... but it's costing the British taxpayer a massive amount and it will not achieve it's goals ... FACT! I would possibly support this policy if the goal was to produce high quality shaving brushes ... but there is no way this will make a dent in infection levels of bovine TB.

                It's a prime example of politicians coming together and deciding to piss our money in to the sea ... again!

                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                • Old Frothingslosh
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 175

                  they LOVE shooting at wild animals anyway.

                  What do they shoot them with, Squeezy? I thought you didn't have firearms in the UK.


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    Originally posted by Old Frothingslosh View Post
                    they LOVE shooting at wild animals anyway.

                    What do they shoot them with, Squeezy? I thought you didn't have firearms in the UK.
                    We do have firearms, we just don't let any old Thomas, Richard or Harry have one. Usually shotguns or .22 rifles, if you want to do some damage 762s.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Thought this thread was about these...

                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                        We do have firearms, we just don't let any old Thomas, Richard or Harry have one. Usually shotguns or .22 rifles, if you want to do some damage 762s.
                        Regarding the 762.....I believe you have compleatly missed the point.
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • sirloot
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 2607

                          Originally posted by whalen View Post
                          Badgers?:uncomfortableness:....We don't need no stinking badgers!
                          wins thread about badgers everytime .. mods pls lock thread discussion over ! lol


                          • Skell18
                            • May 2012
                            • 7067

                            Originally posted by whalen View Post
                            Regarding the 762.....I believe you have compleatly missed the point.
                            More like the target


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