Just thought I’d gage Snuson.com politically. I respectfully request we leave this topic free of debate/comments and, instead, just have the privacy of a voting booth.
Who are you supporting in the upcoming American election
I'm from Britain and I really like Obama. But then I'm almost a Socialist so I would...
It will be interesting to see how other non-americans will vote, I'd be very surprised if there were any for McCain. I saw some of the Democratic conference yesterday and I think Hillary came across very graciously, but the cynic in me (and everyone else I'd expect) is because she's after Vice Presidency.
Hmm... I hope that isn't classed as debate! But then I'd be very surprised if there isn't going to be any! People get very passionate about their politics...
I do find it intriguing how a lot of the users here are hard line Republicans and snus comes from one of the most liberal countries in the world, I mean selling bestial pornography in Sweden is completely legal! Not sure what that has to do with anything though, I hope it hasn't put anybody's backs up.
Yes Sarah is hot. But when the Russians invade Poland, a hot VP isn't high on my priory list. Having a president that doesn't make rash, shoot from the hip decisions, IS
I am biased on this topic. I may have mentioned that I spend a year until shortly after the primaries, raising money for Barack Obama. My company I worked for, which also raised money for the DCCC and DLCC, got the contract to do Obama's outbound fundraising when his campaign began,
8 years ago, I gave McCain a substantial amount of money (close to $1000, I was richer then). But the man who calls himself John McCain today is NOT the man I supported in 2000
I said obama.
Not because im a democrat, im not, nor am i repblican. I choose whichever candidate is in my best intrest.
But i think ive seen enough of republicans f***ing up our economy and taking money away from arts programs, teachers, and the people who actually need it and putting it in the rich persons pockets.
Right now republicans are probably the dumbest when it comes to what being a patriot and american is really about.
Taking away personal freedoms and calling it patriotic and the american way are blashphemous.
If mccain is elected then i officially will disown america.
Originally posted by Grim
But i think ive seen enough of republicans f***ing up our economy and taking money away from arts programs, teachers, and the people who actually need it and putting it in the rich persons pockets.
I vote to protect the Constitution. I took an oath many years ago to defend the Constitution from "enemies foreign and domestic". I can't do it with arms anymore (legally), but I can with my words and my vote. I cannot in good faith vote for anyone who will take more power for the Federal Gov. Neither McCain or Obama are good choices. Both will increase Federal power, both will take more of our rights, both will tell us it's for our own good, or for the children, or some other BS excuse that the sheep will swallow, and we , as a country, will continue the downward spiral to the dust heap of history. Obama is right about ONE thing. We do need CHANGE, just not his kind of change. His kind of change was already tried in another country in @1917. Didn't work out so well there, won't work here. Please don't read that last statement as meaning I think McCain has any plans that will work better.
Sorry guys, my N&J Strong hasn't kicked in all the way yet this morning and I am a bit grouchy. :lol:
I have always voted on the conservative side.
I do have enough sense not to vote stricky for a party.
IMO..Obama is 2 degrees from being a Communist. His socailistic views are just way to left for me. Yes, I voted for Bill on his 2nd term.
If Hillary had won the nomination, I would have voted for her.
I was going to vote for Bob Barr, until McCain added Palin to his ticket.
I will be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket in November. I am sorry, I am tired of working my butt off. To have almost 40% of my money taken from me to take care of crack heads, mothers that squirt out kids just to increase thier welfare checks, and just lazy ass people that will not work.
All, I get from Obama is he now will want 60% of my money. I say screw him, and the ones that want a free ride. His form of change is not what, I need. However, I bet Lenin and Stalin would be happy.
IMO..The only good, that would come from Obama in the White House, is that he would screw it up so bad (Like Jimmy "Peanut" Carter). That a good "Reagen" Conservative would be voted in next election.
I'd like anybody who doesn't drag my country into illegal wars.
As for voting for Hillary but not Obama, I think she is much more Socialistic than Barack.
I'm pretty much a Socialist, but I can see becoming a pure socialist state would drive away business and income. But anyway I'm shocked at how people can have so little disregard for their fellow man, not everybody on welfare is a freeloader, doesn't everyone deserve a chance at getting life on track? Sure some people make poor choice, doesn't mean they should suffer forever, not to mention many people are born into shit.
Drug addicts are no different to smokers, they got hooked on something damaging to their health, but should they be left to rot because their substance is illegal? I know it's a slight difference, but an addiction is an addiction.
IMO a society deserves to be judged by it's poorest citizens and for a world leader America fails in this respect.
The thing that strikes me is how incredibly right wing republicans are, the Conservative party here seem like communists in comparison!
One more thing while I'm on a roll is how many Republicans call themselves Christians. Wasn't the message of Jesus to love one another? I can't see how Jesus would approve of letting people rot because of their actions, or killing somebody because they're on your property (thou shalt not kill?) is remotely Christian. I'm an atheist but still follow the teachings of the gospels, the overriding message is love for your fellow man.
I'm sorry I went off on a bit of one, but politics is always going to be tetchy and if one side puts their view across I feel compelled to respond.