Who are you supporting in the upcoming American election

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    .........theres an election?
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      Originally posted by Premium Parrots
      .........theres an election?
      thanks.. I needed a laugh after the day I had.


      • rollinred
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 115

        Lower taxes, more money in my pocket... Give me Mccain

        Higher taxes for everyone, universal heathcare that sucks my pockets and yours down even more... Give obama to another country

        protect our nation and the interst of other nations, even though it is hard to support... Give me Mccain

        Probably never shot a gun in his life, but may control the most powerful weapon of all, the us military... Give obama to another country

        Obama has never lead anything big in his life, and now is not the time for on the job experience.

        The president must be experienced when he gets in the office, not try to learn it when he gets there.

        Mccain is the only choice that even makes any sense whatsoever, even if he is not the exact person we need right now, he is by far the lesser of two evils.

        And at least Mccain will move toward energy independance.

        Go MAC all the way. Keep the US a democtacy, dont give it to Obama, who will try to plant the communist seed.


        • holnrew
          • Jul 2008
          • 613

          What's wrong with universal healthcare? You probably won't pay a lot more then on health insurance. If there wasn't universal healthcare in my country I'd be dead. And calling Bush a moderate is laughable, maybe moderate by American standards.

          Originally posted by rollinred
          protect our nation and the interst of other nations
          Now this I really take issue with. Why should one country decide what's in the interest of other nations? If somebody did the same with your country you'd be outraged. This is why the rest of the world isn't fond of America, it seems like a bully and wants to impose its will on the rest of the world. We can decide what we want for ourselves thank you very much. It's especially insulting considering how insular and unaware of the rest of the world the USA is. Anybody who has travelled outside of your country can attest to this.

          The fact that there is a percentage of Americans who think Obama is a muslim shows the general ignorance of your citizens. Speaking of which Palin is pro choice and Mcain is a secularist, how can that fit in with your christian ideals?

          I think I'm going to refrain from posting in or reading this thread again as it will only cause bad feeling.


          • rollinred
            Banned Users
            • Aug 2008
            • 115

            Originally posted by holnrew
            What's wrong with universal healthcare? You probably won't pay a lot more then on health insurance. If there wasn't universal healthcare in my country I'd be dead. And calling Bush a moderate is laughable, maybe moderate by American standards.

            Originally posted by rollinred
            protect our nation and the interst of other nations
            Now this I really take issue with. Why should one country decide what's in the interest of other nations? If somebody did the same with your country you'd be outraged. This is why the rest of the world isn't fond of America, it seems like a bully and wants to impose its will on the rest of the world. We can decide what we want for ourselves thank you very much. It's especially insulting considering how insular and unaware of the rest of the world the USA is. Anybody who has travelled outside of your country can attest to this.

            The fact that there is a percentage of Americans who think Obama is a muslim shows the general ignorance of your citizens. Speaking of which Palin is pro choice and Mcain is a secularist, how can that fit in with your christian ideals?

            I think I'm going to refrain from posting in or reading this thread again as it will only cause bad feeling.
            Where to start with this, well every sentance of yours is just... well offline.

            Universal healthcare sucks. I dont see a whole lot of Americans migrating to Canada, or England or... you get it. Not that healthcare is the only reason, but extreme taxes are. You really think that me paying $45 a month for healthcare is a lot! No sorry, universal healthcare would cost me huge amounts more. My tax would be at the very least 2% of my income. Which comes out to over $46 A PAYCHECK, that is TWICE A MONTH. so $92 a month. no thanks. Even if the tax was only once a month that is $46. And would only get more expensive as I get raises or better higher paying jobs.

            Not to mention how shitty universal healthcare is on the universal spectrum. The government pays for you doctors. Read that last sentance again. Here, I will say it again... The government pays for your doctors. And sorry that is a joke, because we all know the lowest bidder gets the governmental jobs. And I want the most expensive doctor that I can possibly find. He is expensive for a reason, and I get to chose which doctor takes care of me. I get to chose which physician would treat cancer if I ever got it. I dont get sent to the doctor that went to the cheapest college and got the cheapest training and is therefore the cheapest for the government to hire.

            Not to mention those who go to college with the incentive of being rewarded on a higher level, like in the democracy an free market such as the US work harder because they will recieve more in the long run. Universal heathcare gives very little incentive to doctors or heathcare professionals.

            Take your universal healthcare and try to justify it, plain and simple, the people that dont make much money like it, because they dont have to worry about anything, but that just creates a lazy situation in which people feed off of others and the crazy insane taxes that socialist nations want to take from hard working succeful people. And succesful people run nations and run large businesses that are economically essential to all. Tax the crap out of them if you wish, but once jobs are being lost because they cant afford those employees, dont complain about the economics. That is the downfall of the United States. There are too many lazy folk that think the government owes them somthing. Just because you were born here in the US, does not mean you dont need to work hard to get somewhere in life. And that is why you nation is in an economic hole.

            As for the interest of other nations. When was the last serious terrorist attack? echo. echo.....

            Were heard about several attempted attacks.... but I am still hearing echo............

            In the US this has been the longest gap in attacks since Islamic terrorism first started. WOW.... OMG it cant be true, the war in Iraq actually did somthing.... yeah it did and that fact is all you need to know. Was the US justified in attacking Japan because of them killing 2000 some at pearl harbor. HELL YET WE WERE. And that was an attack on a military operation. September 11, 2001 More than 3000 CIVILIANS died. If there were no consecuences we should have Dropped 300 nukes on the middle east. Unfortunately nukes do have consecuences.

            Yes what we have done in the middle east is in the best interest of other nations. Notice though how i did not specify what nations nor how many nations.

            You can choose to have bad feeling if you wish; however, there is no bad feeling passed from me to you. It is simply that to many no days take things for face value, that is the democratic parties philosophy... ie. the war is bad because us soldiers are dieing, but the us soldier death toll in 7 years is just barely above what terrorists did in a mere few hours. They think lowering business taxes are a terrible thing because then the rich just keep it and are greedy with it. Well lets see, I know about 20 people that got raises for the first time just after Bush was elected and cut taxes. And after the 2004 election I also got a raise. That is my first two raises both on eletion years in which my boss got tax cuts. Amazing how that works.

            Democrats are the black and white party, not the blue party. They see things for face value, and dont look into the actual details and long term effects of a certain situation and a certain economic policy.

            I am a fairly hard core republican, yet I dont base a single one of my views off of religious ideas. Nor do any of the republicans that I know. I dont base any of my choices on abortion, or racism, or any of the issues tha are sometimes related to religion. So why you ever mentioned christianity is beyond me.

            For one example. I am for the legalization of marijuana. I dont use it at all, and would not use it if it were legal. But that is somthing that is a stupid scheduled substance when alcohol is legal. doesnt make any sence. I am for the freedom of press, including pornography and things of the "adult entertainment" nature. So where is the religious view in that? There is non. Because I separate church and state. I dont factor in any religious views I may have.

            Plain and simple Mccain and the republican party support money in peoples pockets first. Which is what this nation was built upon, life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. Life is given when you are born, but the governtment owes you that protection in safety laws at home, such as driving laws, DUI laws, murder punishment, and yes that includes stopping terrorists from killing our people. Liberty is somthing you must trust to your government, and this is one thing that all presidents from the begingin of the greates nation ever, have given us. Republican and democrat prsidents have all given us liberty. Persuit of happiness is where the republican exceed the democrats. Reps lower taxes to give you the greatest opprotunities that you can have, they give you the choice to the greates healthcare in the world. If you want it, you work hard to get it. If you dont truely want it, then stay status quo and leach of the food stamps and welfare that other people pay for, and should not have to pay for. All my government should ever do is create laws and protect me from delinquent members of society and foreign nations who want to wage war. The rest should be left up to me. If I want to earn lots of money, those opprotunities are right in from of me, an all of those in this country.


            • Dead Rabbit
              • Mar 2008
              • 315

              Originally posted by holnrew
              What's wrong with universal healthcare? You probably won't pay a lot more then on health insurance. If there wasn't universal healthcare in my country I'd be dead. And calling Bush a moderate is laughable, maybe moderate by American standards.

              Originally posted by rollinred
              protect our nation and the interst of other nations
              Now this I really take issue with. Why should one country decide what's in the interest of other nations? If somebody did the same with your country you'd be outraged. This is why the rest of the world isn't fond of America, it seems like a bully and wants to impose its will on the rest of the world. We can decide what we want for ourselves thank you very much. It's especially insulting considering how insular and unaware of the rest of the world the USA is. Anybody who has travelled outside of your country can attest to this.

              The fact that there is a percentage of Americans who think Obama is a muslim shows the general ignorance of your citizens. Speaking of which Palin is pro choice and Mcain is a secularist, how can that fit in with your christian ideals?

              I think I'm going to refrain from posting in or reading this thread again as it will only cause bad feeling.
              Lol…dude calls out an entire nation’s citizenry as ignorant then worries about his “own” feelings.

              But…the feeling is mutual, I wish you guys would take more initiative to hold the fort down, and I wish we would mind our business more. Besides, the British government wants things the way they are. Why don’t you hold your own politicians responsible for the alliance?

              The UN is spineless without American might to back it up. But America’s might pisses off the people of the UN. Catch 22.


              • holnrew
                • Jul 2008
                • 613

                Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                But…the feeling is mutual, I wish you guys would take more initiative to hold the fort down, and I wish we would mind our business more. Besides, the British government wants things the way they are. Why don’t you hold your own politicians responsible for the alliance?
                We do.

                Sorry for getting a bit angry. This is something both sides will never agree on and is pointless arguing about and can easily descend to name calling etc.

                For the record I don't hate Americans, I have Americans I call friends, I just don't agree with the foreign policy.

                I shall bow out now before I upset myself too much.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

                  .........oh THAT election.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Steel Blue 91
                    • May 2008
                    • 163

                    Re: Who are you supporting in the upcoming American election

                    Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                    Just thought I’d gage Snuson.com politically. I respectfully request we leave this topic free of debate/comments and, instead, just have the privacy of a voting booth.
                    In the spirit of the above, I'll refrain from any further comments other than:



                    • kidstaxi
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 91

                      Originally posted by holnrew
                      What's wrong with universal healthcare? You probably won't pay a lot more then on health insurance. If there wasn't universal healthcare in my country I'd be dead. And calling Bush a moderate is laughable, maybe moderate by American standards.

                      Originally posted by rollinred
                      protect our nation and the interst of other nations
                      Now this I really take issue with. Why should one country decide what's in the interest of other nations? If somebody did the same with your country you'd be outraged. This is why the rest of the world isn't fond of America, it seems like a bully and wants to impose its will on the rest of the world. We can decide what we want for ourselves thank you very much. It's especially insulting considering how insular and unaware of the rest of the world the USA is. Anybody who has travelled outside of your country can attest to this.

                      The fact that there is a percentage of Americans who think Obama is a muslim shows the general ignorance of your citizens. Speaking of which Palin is pro choice and Mcain is a secularist, how can that fit in with your christian ideals?

                      I think I'm going to refrain from posting in or reading this thread again as it will only cause bad feeling.
                      We just disagree on a few things,

                      1. If the government takes over healthcare..The quaility level drops, the taxes goed through the roof. We will be like Canadians going somewhere else in the world for healthcare.

                      2. Everytime a country gets in trouble, they need to quit asking the U.S. for help. I beleive we had alot do with, western Europe not having to speak Russian from 1949 to the early 90's. If Puitn and his puppet government decide to make a move. I hope we are to busy that day.

                      3.Obama a muslim. Compared to any other candidate that ran for office. He is the closest thing. Granted some folks are paranoid. But, they might need to be. We could turn into the UK. How long do you think it will be before your MUslim population starts forcing its will on you?

                      4. Palin is Pro-Choice. I really don't know. If she is? Why would it matter to you, about anyone Christian ideas? Like, I said before. You are probally more religious than I. As a Republican, I see through the religious comments. It is obivious. You are grasping for straws.

                      5. Bottom Line is. This country is not perfect. No country is. Think back through history and some of the positives actions we have had on the world. Do you think YOU would better off then?

                      6. Where does a British person get off talking about our foreign policy? Name one counrty other than Thailand, that Great Britian has not tried to RULE.

                      7. I love my country. So, F*CK YOU


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Well, I didn't pick an option because I need one that says

                        I'm not American but hate both/would vote 3rd party

                        :lol: Obama can talk in politically seductive tones, but his policies are the same nonsense that hasn't changed in decades. McCain is simply psychologically unfit to lead and had demonstrated that he is little more than a puppet for the neoconservatives. America is screwed either way. I feel for you guys.


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Re: Who are you supporting in the upcoming American election

                          Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                          Originally posted by kidstaxi
                          Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
                          Just thought I’d gage Snuson.com politically. I respectfully request we leave this topic free of debate/comments and, instead, just have the privacy of a voting booth.
                          Sorry man...Did not read this.. I will be quite.
                          lol....no need for an apology, just ripping on myself more then anything
                          You can't post a political poll and then realistically expect nobody to comment. I think a better stance would be to simply ask people to have sensible debate free of rages and flaming, etc. Good debate is what politics is all about.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Originally posted by kidstaxi
                            We just disagree on a few things,

                            1. If the government takes over healthcare..The quaility level drops, the taxes goed through the roof. We will be like Canadians going somewhere else in the world for healthcare.

                            2. Everytime a country gets in trouble, they need to quit asking the U.S. for help. I beleive we had alot do with, western Europe not having to speak Russian from 1949 to the early 90's. If Puitn and his puppet government decide to make a move. I hope we are to busy that day.

                            3.Obama a muslim. Compared to any other candidate that ran for office. He is the closest thing. Granted some folks are paranoid. But, they might need to be. We could turn into the UK. How long do you think it will be before your MUslim population starts forcing its will on you?

                            4. Palin is Pro-Choice. I really don't know. If she is? Why would it matter to you, about anyone Christian ideas? Like, I said before. You are probally more religious than I. As a Republican, I see through the religious comments. It is obivious. You are grasping for straws.

                            5. Bottom Line is. This country is not perfect. No country is. Think back through history and some of the positives actions we have had on the world. Do you think YOU would better off then?

                            6. Where does a British person get off talking about our foreign policy? Name one counrty other than Thailand, that Great Britian has not tried to RULE.

                            7. I love my country. So, F*CK YOU
                            1 - Well, on the medical side, I think the situation is much more complex. I'm personally a fan of market-delivered medical care but I recognise that many countries have had at least reasonable success in delivering social medical care. The American system at present suffers not from socialist failings or market failing, but collusive abuse of legislative power, corporate favourtism, and corruption. I'm not sure either candidate is prepared to tackle these issues.

                            2 - Everytime a country gets in trouble, they need to quit asking the U.S. for help.

                            This seems to be an opinion endemic of the US population, but the fact of the matter is that very few countries have ever asked for US help. The US imposes its help by force, usually with intent to capitalise on the relationship. Many times, like innumerable conflicts in South America, Africa, and in the Eurasian countries, the US has often caused the very problems that they imposed their help on - training militias, terrorists, and revolutionaries in secret, only to manipulate the terror they caused to their own advantage. The world rarely wants US 'help' because it almost always comes with strings attached - protection money, if you will.

                            3 - Islamophobia? For real? I'm not even going to touch this.


                            6 - If anything, the British have experience which is worth listening to. Having suffered the collapse of an Empire, it could well be that the UK might provide important warnings about the folly of the current US foreign policy. This is the captain of the Hindenburg telling you that it's probably aa bad idea to put hydrogen in your airships - it may not be a bad idea to listen.

                            7 - And I love my parents - that didn't stop me, for example, from telling them that they were idiots for being smokers and that it would kill them if they carried on. To love your country doesn't mean you have to love everything it's doing - it means you care about its best interests and if best interests involve not doing something dangerous and stupid then criticism can be more of an expression of patriotism than subservience.


                            • holnrew
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 613

                              Thank you Zero for being intelligent and eloquent enough to put the other side across without being emotive.

                              And I apologise for seemingly calling ALL Americans ignorant, I showed myself up a bit there.


                              • kidstaxi
                                • Jul 2008
                                • 91

                                Originally posted by Zero
                                Originally posted by kidstaxi
                                We just disagree on a few things,

                                1. If the government takes over healthcare..The quaility level drops, the taxes goed through the roof. We will be like Canadians going somewhere else in the world for healthcare.

                                2. Everytime a country gets in trouble, they need to quit asking the U.S. for help. I beleive we had alot do with, western Europe not having to speak Russian from 1949 to the early 90's. If Puitn and his puppet government decide to make a move. I hope we are to busy that day.

                                3.Obama a muslim. Compared to any other candidate that ran for office. He is the closest thing. Granted some folks are paranoid. But, they might need to be. We could turn into the UK. How long do you think it will be before your MUslim population starts forcing its will on you?

                                4. Palin is Pro-Choice. I really don't know. If she is? Why would it matter to you, about anyone Christian ideas? Like, I said before. You are probally more religious than I. As a Republican, I see through the religious comments. It is obivious. You are grasping for straws.

                                5. Bottom Line is. This country is not perfect. No country is. Think back through history and some of the positives actions we have had on the world. Do you think YOU would better off then?

                                6. Where does a British person get off talking about our foreign policy? Name one counrty other than Thailand, that Great Britian has not tried to RULE.

                                7. I love my country. So, F*CK YOU
                                1 - Well, on the medical side, I think the situation is much more complex. I'm personally a fan of market-delivered medical care but I recognise that many countries have had at least reasonable success in delivering social medical care. The American system at present suffers not from socialist failings or market failing, but collusive abuse of legislative power, corporate favourtism, and corruption. I'm not sure either candidate is prepared to tackle these issues.

                                2 - Everytime a country gets in trouble, they need to quit asking the U.S. for help.

                                This seems to be an opinion endemic of the US population, but the fact of the matter is that very few countries have ever asked for US help. The US imposes its help by force, usually with intent to capitalise on the relationship. Many times, like innumerable conflicts in South America, Africa, and in the Eurasian countries, the US has often caused the very problems that they imposed their help on - training militias, terrorists, and revolutionaries in secret, only to manipulate the terror they caused to their own advantage. The world rarely wants US 'help' because it almost always comes with strings attached - protection money, if you will.

                                3 - Islamophobia? For real? I'm not even going to touch this.


                                6 - If anything, the British have experience which is worth listening to. Having suffered the collapse of an Empire, it could well be that the UK might provide important warnings about the folly of the current US foreign policy. This is the captain of the Hindenburg telling you that it's probably aa bad idea to put hydrogen in your airships - it may not be a bad idea to listen.

                                7 - And I love my parents - that didn't stop me, for example, from telling them that they were idiots for being smokers and that it would kill them if they carried on. To love your country doesn't mean you have to love everything it's doing - it means you care about its best interests and if best interests involve not doing something dangerous and stupid then criticism can be more of an expression of patriotism than subservience.
                                Well said.. I can take any criticism, if it put in a respectable manner. I can't take the "In your face" attitude some people give. I tend to get defensive very fast.

                                No country is Shan-gri-la. We all have our problems. We all make our mistakes. I can't stand Americans that say, its the governments fault, they are in the situation they are in. They tend to be uneducated, lazy, or bought into the "victumazation" that our schools teach now. Just knowing where, I came from and where I am now, anyone can do it, if they are mentally and physically capable.

                                But, what really gets me, is when outsiders what to blame America for thier problems. Blaming Christians anf Republicans for all the worlds problems is obsurd. The last time, I checked. Niether one of these groups bombed tranis, flew airplanes into buildings, beheaded people, or Homocide Bombed people for 72 virgins in heaven.

                                I do not think Obama is a Muslim. His ties to them though are not comfortable with me. He socialist style of polictics is why I would not vote for him.

                                I would give anything if America would keep her nose in her own business. Pull our troops from every corner of the globe and park them on US soil. I have been saying for years, we do not need to be in Europe, Korea, Japan or the Middle East.

                                If the Democratic party would allow us to open our oil potential, we would have plenty to be self sufficent, until a new renewable sorce was created. We have to much food, thats why we are the fatest nation in the world. But, if I had my way we would be fatter. I would not let any leave, the U.S.

                                If America was to shut her doors, like North Korea. The world would hurt from it. It seems this is what the rest of the world like. If I had the power, I would call its bluff.

