420 Use and Health

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    420 Use and Health


    Ownership has asked the mods to issue a reminder to the members of Snuson to please keep the cannabis posts in their designated threads. This enables us to maintain our commitment to an open and free discussion of the issue while at the same time being sensitive to its still controversial nature. We want frank discussions and lively debate on the topic. However, we do not want to needlessly provide fodder for those who wish to misrepresent our site’s more specific concern, which is snus. With your help we can accomplish the first while avoiding the latter.

    The two designated cannabis threads are located in People and the World and have been re-titled to better describe their purpose. They are:

    420 Policies and Laws- this thread will help members to find information in one place on policies, current debates as well as which states have legalized or are in the process of legalization.

    420 Use and Health- this thread is for information on use, health matters, as well as for general discussions.

    Enjoy your time on these threads and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Team Snuson
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674


    Could you imagine that! Pop in a tasty herbal pouch and get a wicked THC buzz! I'm sure it would be very hard to manufacture, since THC can only be absorbed by fat (butter is most commonly used). Who knows, in Amsterdam you can buy THC pills from "coffee" shops.


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      beware of the brownies at snusjus' house.


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        Re: Cannisnus

        Originally posted by snusjus
        Could you imagine that! Pop in a tasty herbal pouch and get a wicked THC buzz! I'm sure it would be very hard to manufacture, since THC can only be absorbed by fat (butter is most commonly used). Who knows, in Amsterdam you can buy THC pills from "coffee" shops.
        couldn't you just cook it with butter and throw it in a pouch?


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          You could, but I think you'd have to actually eat it - THC won't absorb, as far as I know, through your skin like nicotine will. It's gotta go to your guts where your digestive system does the work. Canna-anything doesn't taste so great anyway, or at least it's an acquired taste. Better than smoking, of course, but a normal brownie is certainly a tastier thing than something soaked in plant terpenes and whatever else.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            But I like the way you think snusjus :lol:


            • Premium Parrots
              Super Moderators
              • Feb 2008
              • 9759

              ............ya think the swedes haven't ever made snushash?
              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


              • holnrew
                • Jul 2008
                • 613

                Why just Mary Jane? How about some horse tranquillisers?


                • ponysoprano
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 562

                  Eh? Howzabout snus-o-codone or snus-o-contin for all of us with chronic pain, or those who are in pain whitout chronic.



                  • holnrew
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 613

                    What's the one you rub on your gums? Amphetamines?

                    Match made in heaven.


                    • ponysoprano
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 562

                      Originally posted by holnrew
                      What's the one you rub on your gums? Amphetamines?

                      Match made in heaven.

                      I, uh, I heard somewhere that's cocaine.


                      • ponysoprano
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 562



                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          Originally posted by ponysoprano

                          NO NO !!! Say it ain't so!!

                          I went to High School with those two. Who-da thought?
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • holnrew
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 613

                            Originally posted by ponysoprano
                            Originally posted by holnrew
                            What's the one you rub on your gums? Amphetamines?

                            Match made in heaven.

                            I, uh, I heard somewhere that's cocaine.
                            Just shows what I know about narcotics...

                            Now a snus and sleeping pill combination I'd love... go to bed with one of those, then wake up with elixir.


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              Cops not busted for pot...

                              One of the funniest news reports I've seen in a while...



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