420 Use and Health

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
    So if no file sharing is happening, than what is the point? What are you purchasing for those $15?
    The files are still there but the difference is there are no anonymous indivduals involved that you have to share with. Someone uploads the files to the USENET and you download it from your favorite USENET server. The USENET severs share with each other so what gets posted on one server is picked up by other servers.

    The USENET was originally for text messages, they served as the discussion board/mailing list/forum of their day until someone figured out they could take the files and break them into multiple pieces and post it as a "text" message. Then all you had to do was download all the pieces of the file and reassemble them back into the original file. The software has streamlined the process.

    Back in the old days most ISPs had their own servers and they retained "messages" for about 30 days. As webpage based discussion forums became popular and trading binary files became more popular ISPs started dropping their access to the USENET and then USENET only subscription services started appearing.


    • Joe234
      • Apr 2010
      • 1948

      Does Marijuana Really Trigger Psychosis?


      Does Marijuana Really Trigger Psychosis?


      Does Marijuana Cause Schizophrenia?


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        Was this post necessary? The answer is the same as the one to your two question, no. Aside from some ideological die-hards, I doubt there's anyone who still believes either of those claims. As my statistics prof would say, "Correlation does not equate causation." It's far more likely from available evidence that psychotic and schizophrenic individuals are more likely to us marijuana than the claim the marijuana causes those conditions. The same is true of many other things like LSD and tobacco. Especially tobacco, actually. Schizophrenic patients have as a group one of the highest rates of tobacco use out of any in the world. Would you argue tobacco causes schizophrenia?


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          Only if you listen to soca music Joe.


          • Mykislt
            • Sep 2010
            • 677

            no, but it does cause brain tumors, jaundice, and joint failure, as does masturbation


            • MikeDubs
              • Jan 2011
              • 30

              joint failure, is that when your joint goes out mid-sesh?


              • SmokedEuro
                • Aug 2010
                • 280

                Originally posted by MikeDubs View Post
                joint failure, is that when your joint goes out mid-sesh?


                • f. bandersnatch
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 725

                  Yes, it causes this awesome psychological condition in which you often start out stories with "so I was on the internet looking at pictures of dinosaurs," or like phrases.


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    Yes, it does...

                    only in predisposed people...


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Yah if marijuana made you psychotic and schizophrenic than everyone alive in the 60's would be slinging feces at the walls and society would have long parished.


                      • abejail
                        Banned Users
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 3

                        I'm 15 years old and have been smoking weed daily for about 9 months now and was wondering if it could trigger bipolar disorder. My mom was diagnosed when she was 14 and its starting to worry me a lot. The doctors here said that she has the craziest case that they have ever seen or even heard of, and I have like a 35% chance of becoming bipolar. When she was probably my age she smoked weed and drank and one time thought Jesus had came out of the TV and told her she was the chosen one, and I guess thats where it started for her. Ever since then it has completely taken over her life, and she hasn't been able to take care of herself since then.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by abejail View Post
                          I'm 15 years old and have been smoking weed daily for about 9 months now and was wondering if it could trigger bipolar disorder. My mom was diagnosed when she was 14 and its starting to worry me a lot. The doctors here said that she has the craziest case that they have ever seen or even heard of, and I have like a 35% chance of becoming bipolar. When she was probably my age she smoked weed and drank and one time thought Jesus had came out of the TV and told her she was the chosen one, and I guess thats where it started for her. Ever since then it has completely taken over her life, and she hasn't been able to take care of herself since then.

                          Sorry to hear about you mother abejail, but from what I understand, one is prone to it from birth based on their genes and a lot of those disorders don't start to surface until you are in your later teen years, the high school years. Lots of children in that age group also smoke marijuana, therefore some people try to draw a correlation where I think none exists between high schoolers getting high and high schoolers getting diagnosed with disorders such as this. However, it has been proven to bring it to the surface if you already have it, so if you have it sitting in the background, smoking may surface it. But if you've been smoking for 9 months, I think you would have noticed by now.

                          And last but not least, you should not be smoking weed or anything at 15, that is crazy young and entirely unnecessary. You feel good all the time as it is at that age, wait until you have to work a 9 to 5 before you start bringing out the big guns. And take that snus out of your lip too, by the time you are an adult tobacco will be too expensive for you to afford anyways, quit while your ahead.


                          • Joe234
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1948

                            Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                            Only if you listen to soca music Joe.
                            Ha! You may be right there.

                            Black Stalin - Black Man Feeling To Party

                            Black Stalin - Burn Dem


                            There has been more talk of cannabis increasing the risk for schizophrenia
                            recently. There was a doctor, who has schizophrenia, on State of the Union ( CNN)
                            with Candy Crowley. He brought this up at least 5 times it seemed.

                            They used to blame LSD for such casualties. I believe it is merely a trigger to
                            someone already predisposed. Schizophrenia typically sets in in the late teens
                            to early 20's. I had known such individuals myself. We had a friend in high
                            school who seemed relatively normal until about age 17-18. He then started
                            rambling that some friend gave him horse horny pills. He told us he was declared
                            legally dead on the operating table in San Diego Calif. Yet he hadn't been to San Diego.
                            He told me the syndicate was after him and that fag armies that put implants in his head.
                            He ended up being diagnosed with schizophrenia and began his journey into medications
                            and group homes.


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              Originally posted by abejail View Post
                              I'm 15 years old and have been smoking weed daily for about 9 months now and was wondering if it could trigger bipolar disorder. My mom was diagnosed when she was 14 and its starting to worry me a lot. The doctors here said that she has the craziest case that they have ever seen or even heard of, and I have like a 35% chance of becoming bipolar. When she was probably my age she smoked weed and drank and one time thought Jesus had came out of the TV and told her she was the chosen one, and I guess thats where it started for her. Ever since then it has completely taken over her life, and she hasn't been able to take care of herself since then.
                              Sounds like schizophrenia to me.

                              There have been hundreds of patients tested and endless research on this issue, yes... any drug can cause psychosis.... (read more here http://www.schizophrenia.com)

                              I am a fan of Pink Floyd, and everyone knows about Syd Barret's psychosis... in this teen years he was a normal child and soon developed psychosis from drug abuse, mainly LSD and cannabis. Friends, co-workers of the band said he used to stay all day long with mountains of cannabis on his table, and play the guitar .... soon he developed schizophrenia... pretty sad..... and had it all his life...

                              I happen to know how I personally can change from using cannabis often. ... so to speak ...

                              It might sound hilarious, can't find the source right now, but even nicotine can lead to paranoia. I'll be looking for the official link ...


                              • WickedKitchen
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 2528

                                I think these things might be brought up 'cos it looks like the legalization bandwagon is gaining steam in parts of our country.


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