I have moved the original post in this thread to the pot thread that we already have going.
Let me explain:
I for one am for the legalization of pot but I am asking the members of this forum to appreciate the delicate situation we have entered.
As moderators we nightly watch the number of undesignated guest who come to this forum and lurk. Now most of them are just average people looking for info about snus.
However, given the current anti-tobacco movement sweeping America and EU some of them are very likely watchers and researchers.
Thus, we want to keep a low profile and not do anything that will add fuel to the fire.
The last thing that we want is to have snus lumped in with things that are ALREADY considered illegal (regardless of how we feel about the propriety of such a designation............... it is what it is until it changes)
Now please understand..............I am not saying don't talk about pot.....................just be discrete and keep in mind the bigger picture at other words having an active post about pot is not a big deal..................filling the forum with them everyday is probably unwise.
I have moved the original post in this thread to the pot thread that we already have going.
Let me explain:
I for one am for the legalization of pot but I am asking the members of this forum to appreciate the delicate situation we have entered.
As moderators we nightly watch the number of undesignated guest who come to this forum and lurk. Now most of them are just average people looking for info about snus.
However, given the current anti-tobacco movement sweeping America and EU some of them are very likely watchers and researchers.
Thus, we want to keep a low profile and not do anything that will add fuel to the fire.
The last thing that we want is to have snus lumped in with things that are ALREADY considered illegal (regardless of how we feel about the propriety of such a designation............... it is what it is until it changes)
Now please understand..............I am not saying don't talk about pot.....................just be discrete and keep in mind the bigger picture at other words having an active post about pot is not a big deal..................filling the forum with them everyday is probably unwise.
