Originally posted by Vulpes
I am glad that you don't have anything that severe vulpes, as I have seen first hand how much suffering something like schizophrenia or psychosis can cause.
PSA: If anyone here is younger and thinks they may have any sort of mental issues, definately do not smoke cannabis or drink alcohol for that matter, it only makes it worse.
Tobacco however, is very good for schizophrenia. I won't post all the research links, cos I've done it on several occasions. Probably nicotine specifically, improves cognition, attention and memory, sensory gating (being able to filter out all the background noise (that non-schizophrenics do naturally)), and improves negative symptoms like mood and apathy.
And snus is a safe way of getting my dose
And snus is a safe way of getting my dose

Yah tobacco (nicotene really) is definately great for people with any level of schizophrenia. My wife's brother smokes like a damn chimmney, chain smoking packs and packs of smokes each day. I tell the guy to use snus, I even bought him an ecig once but he refuses. I just think of that much smoke in the lungs and want to throw up, I wish more people would understand the beauty of snus!