The previous heavy drinking would have definitely made you more susceptible to developing a dependence to benzodiazepine drugs, and alot faster than usual.
Most doctors have little knowledge of the drugs they prescribe. 2mg of alprazolam a day is more than enough to cause withdrawal symptoms. It is possible to get withdrawal symptoms from as little as .25mg a day if you take it long enough, or have a predisposition to it from other benzos or previous alcohol dependence.
When you start to feel that hopeless OMG im gonna die feeling, just think about how much worse it could be, what it would be like if you where on 4-6mg or more a day, where quitting cold turkey could induce fatal seizures.
I know its very painful but you can definitely do it, if you have the access to klonopin than switch over and taper down with that, it will be alot easier, and allow you to taper faster.
I understand you want to be free of the cannabis, I know the feeling, I randomly quit marijuana myself for around a year, just because I was sick of constantly wanting to smoke and be high, I was able to start again once I learned how to control myself, and use it as a medicine and not a drug. You would be better off to continue using cannabis until you completely kick the alprazolam. It is much safer for your body/mental health to be using cannabis instead. If your concerned about the smell, get a vaporizer as badaxe suggested. I have one and it is the most effective way to use cannabis, it is safer on the lungs/body and is no smoke smell at all.
But if that is not an option for you, I understand, just get off the benzos as quickly as you can, you do not want to become addicted to them, benzodiazepine addiction, especially to short acting ones like alprazolam, is worse than being addicted to heroin, in terms of withdrawals and damage done to the body. Taking any benzo daily for a long enough period will kill you eventually.
If you want, I can help you set up a taper plan using either clonazepam, alprazolam or even diazepam (valium). Diazepam also has a long half life, and is a good "taper" benzo, but I would personally recommend the clonazepam.
If your looking for a more 'supportive' community where more people can relate to what your going through, check out there are many helpfull/knowledgeable people there that can give you some great advice, just make sure you post in the right section if you do visit.
Most doctors have little knowledge of the drugs they prescribe. 2mg of alprazolam a day is more than enough to cause withdrawal symptoms. It is possible to get withdrawal symptoms from as little as .25mg a day if you take it long enough, or have a predisposition to it from other benzos or previous alcohol dependence.
When you start to feel that hopeless OMG im gonna die feeling, just think about how much worse it could be, what it would be like if you where on 4-6mg or more a day, where quitting cold turkey could induce fatal seizures.
I know its very painful but you can definitely do it, if you have the access to klonopin than switch over and taper down with that, it will be alot easier, and allow you to taper faster.
I understand you want to be free of the cannabis, I know the feeling, I randomly quit marijuana myself for around a year, just because I was sick of constantly wanting to smoke and be high, I was able to start again once I learned how to control myself, and use it as a medicine and not a drug. You would be better off to continue using cannabis until you completely kick the alprazolam. It is much safer for your body/mental health to be using cannabis instead. If your concerned about the smell, get a vaporizer as badaxe suggested. I have one and it is the most effective way to use cannabis, it is safer on the lungs/body and is no smoke smell at all.
But if that is not an option for you, I understand, just get off the benzos as quickly as you can, you do not want to become addicted to them, benzodiazepine addiction, especially to short acting ones like alprazolam, is worse than being addicted to heroin, in terms of withdrawals and damage done to the body. Taking any benzo daily for a long enough period will kill you eventually.
If you want, I can help you set up a taper plan using either clonazepam, alprazolam or even diazepam (valium). Diazepam also has a long half life, and is a good "taper" benzo, but I would personally recommend the clonazepam.
If your looking for a more 'supportive' community where more people can relate to what your going through, check out there are many helpfull/knowledgeable people there that can give you some great advice, just make sure you post in the right section if you do visit.