420 Policies and Laws

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  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    Originally posted by danielan View Post
    Then you just have to deal with the mafia black market?

    LOL - I don't really care one way or another about legalization. I suppose I'm for less laws in general and having laws that everyone breaks, IMO, leads to a decrease in respect for the law.

    But the meme we have here is that taxing and regulating tobacco = expanding black market and more crime.
    I understand your point. However, how large of a problem do we have of alcohol being traded on the blackmarket. Short of your traditional moonshiners in the hills, blackmarket alcohol is not profitable and does not carry the murder and crime rate associated with drug cartels or even the murder and crime rate that was associated with the days of prohibition.


    • danielan
      • Apr 2010
      • 1514

      I suppose it will all hinge on the amount of regulation and the rate of taxation.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Drugs will never be made legal, at least not in the United States. You must realize that the drug market deals with numbers in the trillions, especially the opium market. This is the reason why our soldiers are guarding poppyy fields instead of burning them down, and why we are fighting the Taliban who (prior to our arrival) made destroying the poppy fields one of their first priorities. (the crop size has more than doubled since we took over).

        Drugs are liquid, the money cleans itself. Same thing with diamonds. When you have criminal money, you need to launder it, but by putting that money into drugs, you can immediately make it liquid since, again, it is a self cleaning investment vehicle. This is also why blood diamonds are big, it's hard to keep a million dollars in cash lying around, but it can easly be consolodated into a handfull of diamonds and stored more easly and also laundered more easily.

        The criminals, many of which are in our own intelligence agencies like the CIA, have a long history of bing complicit with the drug trade and even enabling it at various times. Because a lot of people need to a) make a lot of money off the books and b) clean money they got from other crimes, drugs will always be here and always be illegal.

        (When I say drugs I don't meen mary j, Cali is baout to legalize that in a few months if the polls are to be believed)


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I can't imagine crack, coke, meth, and heroin, or lsd being legalized, but I can see mary jane being so. It's pretty widely used, is not considered a "hard drug", it's a simple plant. It would be good to legalize it.


          • danielan
            • Apr 2010
            • 1514

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            I can't imagine crack, coke, meth, and heroin, or lsd being legalized, but I can see mary jane being so. It's pretty widely used, is not considered a "hard drug", it's a simple plant. It would be good to legalize it.
            Opium is basically just poppy juice.

            I'd be more ok with this if we did mandatory testing for welfare recipients. If you're buying it yourself, and not otherwise breaking the law, take whatever you want. But I don't want to sponsor it.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by danielan View Post
              Opium is basically just poppy juice.

              I'd be more ok with this if we did mandatory testing for welfare recipients. If you're buying it yourself, and not otherwise breaking the law, take whatever you want. But I don't want to sponsor it.
              I was agasp when I first learned that they DIDN'T drug test welfare recipients. Like if your trying to make sure hardworkign people are getting the money and not just paying for bums heroin addiction, the obviouse answer is to drug test people If youve got time and mone yto be smoking crack all day, you could be working.

              I think we tried that in Cali once but the left opposed it as always. They never let us get close to touching that welfare system. Why though I am not sure.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Welfare recipients, and especially people in government housing and section 8 should be tested, and their homes randomly searched. I say this because there is a large drug and gun use in these places, and the goal should be to make them not want to live there forever, and while they are, to be fully legal.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                  They never let us get close to touching that welfare system. Why though I am not sure.
                  Because the crack selling gun toting crims and welfare moms majorily vote Dem.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    I think they should just try a full legalization of everthing in a place called Vegas.


                    • NonServiam
                      • May 2010
                      • 736

                      People on state aid should definitely be drug tested, I wouldn't go as far as searching their homes randomly, on the other hand, a person that is on probation or parole forfeits some degree of their search/seizure rights while under supervision. My theory is this, if it is a regularly occurring substance in nature, then legalize it. If at any point it is manipulated to increase it's potency, effects, or addictive traits, etc... then nail their ass to the wall. Sorry crack-heads and meth-monkeys, but you will be out of luck. You'll have to stick to natural cocaine or for you meth monkeys, you'll just need to get an extra jumbo shot of expresso in your Starbucks coffee to get your tweek on

                      EDIT: Well, I just realized a flaw in my plan. If naturally occurring intoxicants are only illegal if made more potent, addictive, etc... Then there is your black market. The cartels will just be smuggling in super-pot or super-duper-coke. Oh well, what are ya gonna do. It's not a perfect world. I'll probably stick to my beer and tobacco anyway. And maybe an occasional toke of the wacky-tobaccy should it ever become completely legal in my lifetime.


                      • bipolarbear1968
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1074

                        Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                        People on state aid should definitely be drug tested, I wouldn't go as far as searching their homes randomly, on the other hand, a person that is on probation or parole forfeits some degree of their search/seizure rights while under supervision. My theory is this, if it is a regularly occurring substance in nature, then legalize it. If at any point it is manipulated to increase it's potency, effects, or addictive traits, etc... then nail their ass to the wall. Sorry crack-heads and meth-monkeys, but you will be out of luck. You'll have to stick to natural cocaine or for you meth monkeys, you'll just need to get an extra jumbo shot of expresso in your Starbucks coffee to get your tweek on
                        ...lmfao. I couldn't agree more.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                          People on state aid should definitely be drug tested, I wouldn't go as far as searching their homes randomly, on the other hand, a person that is on probation or parole forfeits some degree of their search/seizure rights while under supervision. My theory is this, if it is a regularly occurring substance in nature, then legalize it. If at any point it is manipulated to increase it's potency, effects, or addictive traits, etc... then nail their ass to the wall. Sorry crack-heads and meth-monkeys, but you will be out of luck. You'll have to stick to natural cocaine or for you meth monkeys, you'll just need to get an extra jumbo shot of expresso in your Starbucks coffee to get your tweek on

                          That wouldn't work, as (at leas tin CA) all marijuana is manipulated to increase it's potency (that's why we've go tthe bomb danky dank out here). Furthermore there are a host of mary j products that are derived from mary j plants for increased potency like hash oil, the stuff they call "goo" that it like 90% thc etc etc. And cocain isn't natural, lol I mean coca leaves are but refined powdered cocain has most certainly been manipulated to increase it's potency.

                          I don't think i'm on board to legalize everything, even though i think it would probably do some good, but mary j is a no brainer. Call me in november when we legalize it here in CA.


                          • NonServiam
                            • May 2010
                            • 736

                            Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
                            ...lmfao. I couldn't agree more.
                            EDIT: Well, I just realized a flaw in my plan. If naturally occurring intoxicants are only illegal if made more potent, addictive, etc... Then there is your black market. The cartels will just be smuggling in super-pot or super-duper-coke. Oh well, what are ya gonna do. It's not a perfect world. I'll probably stick to my beer and tobacco anyway. And maybe an occasional toke of the wacky-tobaccy should it ever become completely legal in my lifetime.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                              EDIT: Well, I just realized a flaw in my plan. If naturally occurring intoxicants are only illegal if made more potent, addictive, etc... Then there is your black market. The cartels will just be smuggling in super-pot or super-duper-coke. Oh well, what are ya gonna do. It's not a perfect world. I'll probably stick to my beer and tobacco anyway. And maybe an occasional toke of the wacky-tobaccy should it ever become completely legal in my lifetime.
                              Super pot is already legal in CA so that won't be a problem, and super duper coke... have you ever lived in a big city? lol.


                              • NonServiam
                                • May 2010
                                • 736

                                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                                Super pot is already legal in CA so that won't be a problem, and super duper coke... have you ever lived in a big city? lol.
                                Ah-Ha! I forgot all about the legendary Maui-Waui

