Originally posted by charmando
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Realistically, I think we should all pay our fair share. I bitch about paying my 25% or whatever it is they take in taxes, but if I have to take a 25% tax than so should millionaires and billionaires. I respect those who do well for themselves and I do not ask that they get taxed more than me, I just ask that everyone pay what they owe. The current system charges me thousands a year, and to me that is a lot of money, all I ask is that rich people pay the same tax and not evade any of it. If everyone was paying like 15% in taxes, and nobody cheated or hid money, than the overall tax burden per person would not be such a big deal. The current system allows someone with a trillion dollars to pay taxes lower than me sometimes, and it leads to the middle class having to shoulder the burden. Even though the rich pay the majority of the taxes, they are still not paying the same amount I am asked to pay in many circumstances, and I think it is only fair that we all pay into this thing equal. I am not sure if a flat tax would work, but it sounds like a great idea on the surface anyways.
Ron Paul, gotta love him, and I would vote for him every time, but it's shit like this man, shit like this.