I can't get a good fun late night drunk like I did when I was 18 either. I guess it's age. Now it's drink 4 beers and go to bed.
420 Policies and Laws
Originally posted by tom502I can't get a good fun late night drunk like I did when I was 18 either. I guess it's age. Now it's drink 4 beers and go to bed.
Lol, i'm turning 24 and I have the same thing. I used to have a BLAST getting sloshed with my friends but now I just drink a 40 at home, by myself, watch southpark then pass out.
Maybe it's because I have a family now but I just don't get the same enjoyment I used to from drinking/smoking etc. Even snus is only mildly pleasing to be honest.
Originally posted by ladysnusbut why would being lazy and forgetful and anti-social appeal....it's beyond me.
Plus, after a long, hard, stressful day at the office sometimes it's nice to be lazy and forgetful.
And you're leaving out the #1 reason why people smoke weed...and that's the effect that results from ingesting it (which really can't be described in words), ya know the "high". It makes you think a little differently, perceive things a little differently... can make a mundane task a little more enjoyable... and overall just slows things down a bit.
I don't think anyone would smoke it if all it did was make you lazy and forgetful... that sounds like sleeping pill.
I have friends who use it daily, like all day at work and when they get home. They are all ages and use it for all different reasons. When I was in high school I also used it quite a bit but quit during my college years and have dabbled with it now and then since. It really relaxes my thoughts and dissapates any negativity if I have any when smoked alone. With people it just makes me jittery and sometimes major anxiety. If there was a anti-anxiety strain at the 7-11 I probably would use it every weekend.
One thing i'll say is that it really changes how you think about things and makes you contemplate things ina way you normally wouldn't. A great insparation i think.
For me after being high all day for a few years it just starts not working anymore, and just leaves you tired all the time.
If you just used it after work every now and again I am sure it would be much more enjoyable than being blazed all day every day.
Originally posted by truthwolf1I have friends who use it daily, like all day at work and when they get home. They are all ages and use it for all different reasons. When I was in high school I also used it quite a bit but quit during my college years and have dabbled with it now and then since. It really relaxes my thoughts and dissapates any negativity if I have any when smoked alone. With people it just makes me jittery and sometimes major anxiety. If there was a anti-anxiety strain at the 7-11 I probably would use it every weekend.
Originally posted by truthwolf1It really relaxes my thoughts and dissapates any negativity if I have any when smoked alone. With people it just makes me jittery and sometimes major anxiety. If there was a anti-anxiety strain at the 7-11 I probably would use it every weekend.
At any rate the anxiety is all in the head.... you can mentally overcome it by reasoning with yourself. If you're careful not to do too much you probably won't get freaked out either. When you drink you try not to drink to the point where you're spinning and vomiting. When you smoke you gotta try to take it easy so you're not swearing you're in the middle of a heart attack.
BTW... ROFL @ sgreger ...going to the doctor based on paranoid delusions... that's classic. can't say I haven't been tempted myself
Originally posted by sgreger1If you just used it after work every now and again I am sure it would be much more enjoyable than being blazed all day every day.
You're not gonna appreciate the buzz from pot if it's your normal, everyday state of consciousness.
[quote="dEFinitionofEPIC"]Originally posted by ladysnus
I don't think anyone would smoke it if all it did was make you lazy and forgetful... that sounds like sleeping pill.
don't forget the rest of my post there deF, because I said I know people that don't get the feelings I get.
I believe this is why weed gets that stigma. and it is VERY DIVIDED.
some people can do and continue to do and others can't.
I wish I could use without any negatives. but go figure because I grow it I don't dig it, but I didn't in high school and I am now 42.
so, I don't guess it's growing on me anytime soon
Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC
BTW... ROFL @ sgreger ...going to the doctor based on paranoid delusions... that's classic. can't say I haven't been tempted myself
No really, I kept thinking I was going to have a heart attack and the anxiety started getting too overwhelming when I smoked. I had a stress echo and they said I was fine so it must all be in my head.
I don't know what it was but I just kept feeling very unhealthy and it stopped when I quit so it must have played some role. And ME, paranoid delusion? If you search this forum you will see that I am never paranoid about anything and never believe conspiracy theories EVAR :wink:
Originally posted by sgreger1Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC
BTW... ROFL @ sgreger ...going to the doctor based on paranoid delusions... that's classic. can't say I haven't been tempted myself
No really, I kept thinking I was going to have a heart attack and the anxiety started getting too overwhelming when I smoked. I had a stress echo and they said I was fine so it must all be in my head.
something that most smokers in other states have never even touched. it's way stronger than it needs to be. Strains with heavier amounts of THC are known to increase anxiety.
That's a great point Ladysnus. Even from when i was much younger the quality and amount of THC in these new namebrand strains are so intense I just can't explain it to other states. When I was living in NC they kept calling the most swag weed ever "kush" or giving it some special name because there was a slight tint of purple on one of the leaves, then they would sell it for like 40$ a gram. I'm like wtf, what kind of mexican swag is this??
I knew this guy who was a professor at UC Riverside who grew his own in these big fish tank type hydroponic system, some special blend of herb and spices or something because the "Windex" (don't know why he called it that) shit he made was the most amazingly potent form of anything i've ever seen. It was like the crack of weed and it stung your nose if you smoked even one tiny snap. Literally there was no way to drive or do anything involving consciouse thought and I was a hardened smoker back then. Only in CA do you see people making stuff this strong. Probably why I felt the way I did, it probably WAS going to give me a heart attack lol.
I've smoked a couple strains from cali when a friend came down to visit. I've only been couch locked once though and that was 4 people and 12, 3 gram blunts of high mids.
smoking doesn't make me lazy, forgetful or anti-social though. I like to do things after I smoke whether it be finishing a paper, reading, working on music with some friends, playing piano(one of my favorites), etc. I can't smoke and just "chill" in the same spot.
as for price I can get kush, purp and all that stuff for $5-$10 a gram while most other people pay $25-$30
Originally posted by sgreger1they kept calling the most swag weed ever "kush" or giving it some special name because there was a slight tint of purple on one of the leaves, then they would sell it for like 40$ a gram. I'm like wtf, what kind of mexican swag is this??
a guy here did that to a friend of mine. he had some reggie and it had a slight purple tint, he sprayed it with some blueberry scented blunt power spray and try to pass it off as purp....needless to say my friend got his money back and kept the weed.
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