420 Policies and Laws

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
    The problem with the border guard was that he asked a weak question which got a weak answer and it wasn't the answer that he wanted to hear. This along with the guards attitude set a ball rolling that then couldn't be stopped. Admittedly after being told to get out of the car I would have shut up. The problem was after he was asked to get out of the car a process was set in motion that couldn't be stopped. If the initial officer had asked reasonable questions and had a better attitude I feel that he would have got a better reaction from the passenger. However, the passenger knew what was going to happen which is why he was recording - this affected his attitude. There's obviously a history with border guards which is why he was recording in the first place.

    In Northern Ireland the Army (me) and police had checkpoints all over the place - you could be stopped and asked these questions 3 or 4 times on your way home from work - but you were always asked the questions politely and with respect. The Army (me) and police always took abuse because it was a pain in the arse for the public - but that's the nature of a big boys job. The first border guard is a pussy who can't handle his job. Period.

    They're catching 3 terrorists a day - bullshit.
    Exactly... When you ask the dumbest question in the world, you shouldn't be surprised when you get treated like the dumbest SOB in the world. The guard was told where they were going within 1^2 mile(assuming some mega mall). That's all the guard needed to know for that line of questioning. He was being an asshole just because he could, and that's unacceptable having someone greet your guests in that fashion. That kind of shit goes on every day, and those jackasses need to remember where their paycheck is coming from. If it were coming from me, they'd be getting their last check that day. If I were ruling this country, I'd expect my law enforcement to be knights. Anything less would be dealt with in the harshest method possible. AFAIC, abuse of power and trust is the worst crime that be committed, and the punishment would be handed out according to that philosophy. Jail time would be the absolute minimum, and the punishment would increase from there according to the severity of the offense.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
      If I were ruling this country, I'd expect my law enforcement to be knights. Anything less would be dealt with in the harshest method possible. AFAIC, abuse of power and trust is the worst crime that be committed, and the punishment would be handed out according to that philosophy. Jail time would be the absolute minimum, and the punishment would increase from there according to the severity of the offense.
      Bravo. If we could eliminate corruption or abuse of power amongst our enforcers of the law, it would have a way positive affect on crime. Sadly that is not the case today, as jackasses like this border guard take their job to be something it's not.


      • danielan
        • Apr 2010
        • 1514

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        When you ask the dumbest question in the world... The guard was told where they were going within 1^2 mile(assuming some mega mall). That's all the guard needed to know for that line of questioning.
        They are not just asking questions, they are profiling your behavior.

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        you shouldn't be surprised when you get treated like the dumbest SOB in the world.
        And when you're an ass in public you shouldn't expect to be treated well. IMO, watching how people interact with public servants and service people is a pretty good window into their souls. This guy started off by mocking the guard's first question, then laughing at them, then being evasive, etc. I have no sympathy.

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        that's unacceptable having someone greet your guests in that fashion
        They are not greeting guests. They are defending the border. Until you get past them, you are not a guest.

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        need to remember where their paycheck is coming from.
        Yea, from the border patrol service, for defending the border. Not Hallmark greeting cards.

        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
        AFAIC, abuse of power and trust is the worst crime that be committed
        Hmmm... I think I'll chose genocide as my worst crime that can be committed.


        • dEFinitionofEPIC
          • Apr 2009
          • 146

          Originally posted by danielan View Post
          Yea, I agree, legalizing recreational drugs, IMO, does more to hurt our democracy then anything before.

          If you think we're complacent now, just wait until we all have our brand new "prescriptions".

          And DNA collection is getting to be a HUGE problem. Collection for even minor incidents, etc. IMO, any DNA collection prior to conviction is a huge grab by the govt.
          I was actually referring more to "legal" drugs, SSRI's and the like. You're not happy?... take a pill. You're kids not acting right?....drug him up. You scared of the flu?... take a poison shot. You're thirsty?...drink some fluoride water. You're hungry?... eat some genetically modified food.

          I'm not saying the world would be better if everyone was stoned all the time... cuz like you said, complacency is already at an all-time high... but the war on drugs IS a FRAUD.


          • dEFinitionofEPIC
            • Apr 2009
            • 146

            Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
            Watch The entire police state series of films 1-4 by Alex Jones. The most recent #4 came out last month. These things will not surprise you when you are informed. Also "Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo is excellent.
            Good look. All of his documentaries are great. I listen to the show every day and am convinced there is no better place to get the news.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              Originally posted by dEFinitionofEPIC View Post
              I was actually referring more to "legal" drugs, SSRI's and the like. You're not happy?... take a pill. You're kids not acting right?....drug him up. You scared of the flu?... take a poison shot. You're thirsty?...drink some fluoride water. You're hungry?... eat some genetically modified food.

              I'm not saying the world would be better if everyone was stoned all the time... cuz like you said, complacency is already at an all-time high... but the war on drugs IS a FRAUD.
              this is why everything i take is herbal and organic


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                No offense frosted, but this is exactly what I mean by "our slow decline into Europe" i mention so often. Shit like checkpoints to goto the grocery store is very nanny police state to the average american. But your right, people are always trying to provoke them, especially on videotape. Anything where the "victim" is the one videotaping himself provoking someone is questionable in my mind.
                I sincerely mean no disrespect either sgreger - but in the 1970's Northern Ireland was in a very very dangerous state. America doesn't know terrorism like Ireland did. Bombs were going off every single day - people were getting shot every single day. The country was basically in civil war. Arms and bombs were being shipped around everywhere in boots of cars - curfews were imposed because people were ripping the absoloute shit out of each other. For 30 years. The violence was horrific - I have first hand experience as a child of this. It was rife - you couldn't possibly have any idea how bad it was.
                The police couldn't cope with the violence which is why they asked the British government for military aid for "the civil power" i.e. the police. The country was going to hell in a hand basket in a very big way.

                My mother and I were nearly killed when I was 2 in a Belfast bombing (might I add that these bombs are HUGE) - that is only one example. I could go on and on and on and on about the things I've seen and it wasn't the fault of the security forces.

                The reaction in Northern Ireland was proportionate - the reaction in America is not. People are not being shot every day as a result of terrorism and you are not being bombed every day as a result of terrorism. We were.

                Every single person in Northern Ireland personally knows someone that was killed in the troubles. 3,000 people out of a population of only 1.5 million were slaughtered.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                  I sincerely mean no disrespect either sgreger - but in the 1970's Northern Ireland was in a very very dangerous state. America doesn't know terrorism like Ireland did. Bombs were going off every single day - people were getting shot every single day. The country was basically in civil war. Arms and bombs were being shipped around everywhere in boots of cars - curfews were imposed because people were ripping the absoloute shit out of each other. For 30 years. The violence was horrific - I have first hand experience as a child of this. It was rife - you have no idea how bad it was.
                  The police couldn't cope with the violence which is why they asked the British government for military aid for "the civil power" i.e. the police. The country was going to hell in a hand basket in a very big way.

                  My mother and I were nearly killed when I was 2 in a Belfast bombing (might I add that these bombs are HUGE) - that is only one example. I could go on and on and on and on about the things I've seen and it wasn't the fault of the security forces.

                  The reaction in Northern Ireland was proportionate - the reaction in America is not. People are not being shot every day as a result of terrorism and you are not being bombed every day as a result of terrorism. We were.
                  Wow that's a crazy story. If there is massive civil unrest, I personally do not feel it is unreasonable for the state to declare martial law. Mob mentality does not serve the public intirest most of the time. However, like I think you pointed out at the end there, we do not have such civil unrest in America. We have morons parking a bunch of gasoline and fireworks in an SUV in times square, a moron who is too stupid to light gasoline on fire properly. Therefore, any martial law, nanny state, police state, excessive surveilance state etc does not seem necessary at the moment due to our relitavely low threat level.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    There were two unfortunate incidents that I can think of off hand which were terribly wrong on behalf of the security forces and the government throughout those troubles.
                    1. Internment without trial
                    2. Bloody Sunday


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                      There were two unfortunate incidents that I can think of off hand which were terribly wrong on behalf of the security forces and the government throughout those troubles.
                      1. Internment without trial
                      2. Bloody Sunday

                      1. Internment without trial <-- yah see this is what i'm talking about. Governments make knee jerk reactions to handle an out of controll situation and it ends up with shit like internment camps. It's happened here before.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Internment without trial exacerbated the situation in a massive way.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                          Internment without trial exacerbated the situation in a massive way.
                          I could see how rounding up people, not giving them a trail, and then imprisoning them in gulags could have a negative affect on nearly any situation lololol. The things our government do!


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            The US needs a good nation wide riot


                            • danielan
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1514

                              Originally posted by texasmade View Post
                              The US needs a good nation wide riot
                              Let me know in advance. I want to be pre-positioned by Best Buy.

                              I mean...


                              The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.
                              - Jefferson.


                              • texasmade
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 4159

                                Originally posted by danielan View Post
                                Let me know in advance. I want to be pre-positioned by Best Buy.
                                lol. if it goes down it will be all over the news. most likely will be called "an extreme act of terrorism"


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