Finland is responsible for Swedish Match pulling out of Europe. I see the Russians are conducting military drills on their border....or rather, window shopping as they prefer to call it.
Nick Clegg came across as an amateur at debate. He just got shouty and his voice went high...mingle that with vague bullshit and still nothing was actually said. Farage came across as a seasoned pro but one with a sane, down to earth argument to boot.
I'm just getting around to reading this month's Sauce Magazine (local food rag) and was inspired by an article about spring trends. There is mention of...
This venue is offering 50% off their one year membership plans. I don't know how many members are in the area that could take advantage of it, but I'll...
Here we have a heated debate between then Senator Obama and now President Obama in regards to what the right course of action is for the war effort. ...