The discussion is even better 
That is the best description of the alarmists' plight I ever seen

Poor God. He’s been so busy these last few years trying to convince liberals he’s still calling the shots. But they're just so obstinate. They point to the shrinking Antarctica ice as their proof. So, he starts out easy and just traps one of their ships in solid ice. A gentle act of persuasion on his part. But no, that didn’t convince them. So he gets agitated, and promptly adds over a million
square miles of ice to the average this year. "Take that."
But it’s not enough for the libs.
They warn us that hurricanes will surely now be more severe. And being libs, they're adamant that they alone know this. This gets his dandruff up, and He then promptly puts a total halt on hurricanes in general pretty much. "That'll teach em."
But He forgets one thing, they're liberals. They know better.
Next, they turn to the great Lakes as their “proof”. With years of unequivocal predictions of the Lakes evaporating. Now it's a matter of principle with Him. They're getting really annoying. Because now He has to scramble over to that region to add a foot to the lakes. This is not a real big problem to God, but it is an inconvenience to Him none the less. It’s like he’s at his wits end with these people. He hasn’t had to go to the mat this hard to prove he’s in charge since Ramses II had to be convinced with some locusts and a Sea parting. They insist they are the only ones who know what will happen with tomorrows weather, and the poor guy has to do double time to convince them otherwise. He needs a vacation. Maybe a nice beach somewhere. But first, maybe clear out all the annoying environmentalists with a quick tsunami, or a slow evolving Volcano first. Because they're just so annoying anymore.
And then there’s this past Winter. I picture Him standing up there, arms folded across his big chest, tapping his foot with frustration, in the month May, as the snow continued to fall. Like, “This should put an end to their nonsense once and for all.” But nooooooooo. Not with liberals. They’ll call him a denier instead.
My advice? If you find yourself caught in a lightning storm, inch yourself slowly away from your liberal friend, and go find shelter under a big oak tree, or the largest metal structure you can find.
His patience is almost gone. And I fear what his next decision of how to show something is "settled" is going to look like. It will involve a large hole with smoke rising from it methinks.
square miles of ice to the average this year. "Take that."
But it’s not enough for the libs.
They warn us that hurricanes will surely now be more severe. And being libs, they're adamant that they alone know this. This gets his dandruff up, and He then promptly puts a total halt on hurricanes in general pretty much. "That'll teach em."
But He forgets one thing, they're liberals. They know better.
Next, they turn to the great Lakes as their “proof”. With years of unequivocal predictions of the Lakes evaporating. Now it's a matter of principle with Him. They're getting really annoying. Because now He has to scramble over to that region to add a foot to the lakes. This is not a real big problem to God, but it is an inconvenience to Him none the less. It’s like he’s at his wits end with these people. He hasn’t had to go to the mat this hard to prove he’s in charge since Ramses II had to be convinced with some locusts and a Sea parting. They insist they are the only ones who know what will happen with tomorrows weather, and the poor guy has to do double time to convince them otherwise. He needs a vacation. Maybe a nice beach somewhere. But first, maybe clear out all the annoying environmentalists with a quick tsunami, or a slow evolving Volcano first. Because they're just so annoying anymore.
And then there’s this past Winter. I picture Him standing up there, arms folded across his big chest, tapping his foot with frustration, in the month May, as the snow continued to fall. Like, “This should put an end to their nonsense once and for all.” But nooooooooo. Not with liberals. They’ll call him a denier instead.
My advice? If you find yourself caught in a lightning storm, inch yourself slowly away from your liberal friend, and go find shelter under a big oak tree, or the largest metal structure you can find.
His patience is almost gone. And I fear what his next decision of how to show something is "settled" is going to look like. It will involve a large hole with smoke rising from it methinks.
