Global Warming! Al Gore may be right!!!

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Global Warming! Al Gore may be right!!!

    May Was the Hottest in Recorded History

    The globe just experienced the hottest May in recorded history, according to reports from multiple organizations. Ocean and land temperatures rose 0.74 degrees Celsius (1.33 degrees Fahrenheit) over the 20th Century average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). That makes May 2014 the warmest May since the agency started tracking those figures in 1880. Both NASA and Japan Meteorological Agency came to the same conclusion — this was the warmest May ever recorded. Overall, this was the second warmest spring ever, trailing only the March-May period in 2010, according to the NOAA.

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  • jtricer1973
    • Jul 2009
    • 63

    Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
    May Was the Hottest in Recorded History

    The globe just experienced the hottest May in recorded history, according to reports from multiple organizations. Ocean and land temperatures rose 0.74 degrees Celsius (1.33 degrees Fahrenheit) over the 20th Century average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). That makes May 2014 the warmest May since the agency started tracking those figures in 1880. Both NASA and Japan Meteorological Agency came to the same conclusion — this was the warmest May ever recorded. Overall, this was the second warmest spring ever, trailing only the March-May period in 2010, according to the NOAA.

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    The name Al Gore and the word right don't belong in the same sentence. Also, I think the key words are " recorded history.' 134 years isn't very long in the grand scheme of things. Just more propaganda for the masses.


    • jtricer1973
      • Jul 2009
      • 63

      Gore and Clinton's Nafta and Gatt was also supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread!! What has it done? All but destroyed this countries manufacturing base. As soon as it was signed companies started hauling ass to get out of this over taxed and over regulated nightmare! They also enjoyed the added benefit of being able to produce goods at near slave wages, then ship it back into the country they deserted.


      • Frankie Reloaded
        Banned Users
        • Jan 2011
        • 541

        I feel a storm of raised taxes for the poor brewin' in that heat.


        • jtricer1973
          • Jul 2009
          • 63

          Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
          I feel a storm of raised taxes for the poor brewin' in that heat.
          Yes, more and more taxes!!! Always!! They are like crack heads without the crack. They can never steal enough of our hard earned money.


          • Frankie Reloaded
            Banned Users
            • Jan 2011
            • 541

            Do not worry. Later they will introduce substantial tax cuts for everybody who makes over $ 5 000 000 a year...


            • Thunder_Snus
              • Oct 2011
              • 1316

              Read a few books that contained info on actual reasonable things to do to curb heat and climate change. It was either Think like a Freak or Super freakonomics. Basically you could put a big hose up int he air and create enough of something to partially block radiating waves from the sun that wouldn't cause any damage to the ozone. They also went into detail about a super cheap and easy to make device that could basically keep all hurricanes at a category 2 or lower.


              • jtricer1973
                • Jul 2009
                • 63

                Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
                Do not worry. Later they will introduce substantial tax cuts for everybody who makes over $ 5 000 000 a year...
                LOL, exactly. Then they'll enjoy one of the expensive cuban cigars they love but won't raise taxes on.


                • alexdal
                  • May 2011
                  • 74

                  I am not so good in english to write a long post but:

                  in 30 years the temperature lowered and no sea in the world raised, it is just a way for some scientist and politics to have billion of dollars!


                  • Thunder_Snus
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1316

                    Originally posted by alexdal View Post
                    I am not so good in english to write a long post but:

                    in 30 years the temperature lowered and no sea in the world raised, it is just a way for some scientist and politics to have billion of dollars!
                    What is your native language friend? Good job with your English, small minor mistakes.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Poll: 53% Of Americans Don’t Believe In Man-Made Global Warming
                      The Daily Caller ^ |

                      President Obama is emphasizing global warming ahead of the November elections, but a new poll suggests he faces an uphill climb.
                      According to a Pew Research Center poll, 35 percent of Americans say there is not enough solid evidence to mankind is warming the Earth while another 18 percent says the world has warmed due to “natural patterns” and not human activity.
                      That’s a 53 percent majority against the president’s position.
                      Of the 35 percent who cite lacking evidence for their disbelief, half say it’s because man-made global warming is “just not happening” or that we “don’t know enough yet” about the issue to tell. Pew says that “business conservatives” and “steadfast conservatives” have the largest majorities that don’t believe in man-made global warming, with 75 percent and 71 percent, respectively.
                      Forty percent of Americans believe that mankind is causing the planet to warm. So-called “solid liberals” are the most likely to say human activity is warming the Earth — 78 percent of this group believes this to be true.
                      But younger cohorts of voters also seem to be more worried about global warming, according to Pew. Even among the group called “young outsiders,” belief in man-made global warming is high, as 37 percent of this cohort believes mankind is responsible for heating the planet.
                      Pew describes “young outsiders” as “a right leaning group” that diverges “from the conservative groups in their social liberalism, while holding deeply conservative values about the role of government and the social safety net.”
                      This week, the White House and its environmentalist allies kicked off a series of events highlighting the dangers of global warming. It started with the release of a report from the group Risky Business, which said that global warming would cause hundreds of billions of dollars in economic damage in the coming years.
                      And on Wednesday night, President Obama gave the keynote address at a dinner hosted by the League of Conservation Voters, a massive environmental group that pours millions into elections and issue campaigns. During his speech, he lambasted global warming skeptics for questioning the so-called scientific consensus on the issue.
                      “I’m not a doctor either, but if a bunch of doctors tell me that tobacco can cause lung cancer, then I’ll say, ‘OK.’ It’s not that hard,” Obama, said to applause from environmentalists.
                      “When you take those first steps, even if they’re hard, even if they’re halting sometimes, you start building momentum and you start mobilizing larger and larger communities,” he said. “Every step makes a difference.”
                      But it looks like Obama may have more convincing to do when it comes to global warming if more than half the public is skeptical of the idea that mankind is warming the planet.
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                      • jtricer1973
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 63

                        When I was a child in the early 80's it was all about how CFL's (I think it was CFL's) in cans of hairspray was eating a hole in the ozone layer. Then it gradually got to where you never heard about the ozone anymore, it was all global warming. And sometimes I even hear them use the term global cooling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WTF!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! I just wish they would make up their minds about which lie to constantly shove down our throats!!!!! And very recently, I have heard them talking about the ozone layer again. First time I have heard that mentioned since I was a child!!! I guess you can only tell the same lie for so long then you have to change or modify the lie or the "proles" will catch on!!!
                        Please forgive the Orwellian reference.

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                        Last edited by jtricer1973; 27-06-14, 03:59 AM.


                        • Burnsey
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 2572

                          I can't think of a single reason that humans can be blamed for global warming....maybe one......well, maybe...

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                          • jtricer1973
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 63

                            Originally posted by burnsey View Post
                            i can't think of a single reason that humans can be blamed for global warming....maybe one......well, maybe...



                            • wa3zrm
                              • May 2009
                              • 4436

                              NYT: Scientists 'Startled' at Great Lakes' Rise; Another Warmist Prediction Is Biting the Dust

                              An undated but clearly recent page at the National Wildlife Federation breathlessly warns readers, in a section entitled "Threats from Global Warming," that "Lake Erie water levels, already below average, could drop 4-5 feet by the end of this century, significantly altering shoreline habitat." A Thursday Huffington Post Canada Business entry observed that "the (Great Lakes) basin has experienced the longest extended period of lower water levels since the U.S. and Canada began tracking levels in 1918." Of course, it's because of "climate change."
                              Friday, Julie Bosman at the New York Times reported (HT Powerline) that "The International Joint Commission, a group with members from the United States and Canada that advises on water resources, completed a five-year study in April 2013 concluding that water levels in the lakes were likely to drop even farther, in part because of the lack of precipitation in recent years brought on by climate change." But the reason Bosman was on the story is because — fortunately for area residents, but unfortunately for "startled" global warming adherents claiming to be "scientists" — Great Lakes sea levels are rising again.

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