Time to send the National Guard to the US/Mexican border!

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    Wait, I am confused? How is it a complex problem? Pass a law saying that everybody caught crossing the border will be shot on sight. Problem solved.

    Now, I am not advocating we do this. However, pandering to illegals only increases the influx of illegals. Enact a policy with regard to illegal aliens like those they have, in, say, Mexico. Much harsher.

    And, yes, the price of fruit will increase a bit. I don't mind paying $0.50 more for an apple.


    • Burnsey
      • Jan 2013
      • 2572

      Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
      Wait, I am confused? How is it a complex problem? Pass a law saying that everybody caught crossing the border will be shot on sight. Problem solved.

      Now, I am not advocating we do this. However, pandering to illegals only increases the influx of illegals. Enact a policy with regard to illegal aliens like those they have, in, say, Mexico. Much harsher.

      And, yes, the price of fruit will increase a bit. I don't mind paying $0.50 more for an apple.
      This........all makes sense except bold....all of these people come through Mexico. I imagine the graft paid to law enforcement is a huge part of the national economy.........


      • joserra
        • May 2014
        • 191

        Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
        Wait, I am confused? How is it a complex problem? Pass a law saying that everybody caught crossing the border will be shot on sight. Problem solved.

        Now, I am not advocating we do this. However, pandering to illegals only increases the influx of illegals. Enact a policy with regard to illegal aliens like those they have, in, say, Mexico. Much harsher.

        And, yes, the price of fruit will increase a bit. I don't mind paying $0.50 more for an apple.
        Wait... you're right, how come I didn't see this? A brilliant solution!

        How to eliminate obesity in the world? Prohibit high calories products! How to stop world hunger? Giving food to people! You're right, migration, crime, obesity, poverty aren't complex problems, just stupid academics and policy makers who don't have your wisdom to solve them

        I don't know how much an apple is on average in the US but let's say it's $1 dollar. You say you wouldn't mind paying $0.50 more for it but believe me, a 50% inflation (just on agricultural products, or all products, or certain products, choose your favorite assumption) would be a disaster for the US economy, so don't speak so lightly about paying $0.50


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436


          Why is Mexico letting all those people move through your country freely and not returning them to their country of origin?
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • joserra
            • May 2014
            • 191

            wa3zrm: I agree with you, the US citizens should not have that crime/tax/social burden upon themselves. Paying $1 dollar in taxes that go to inmigrant aid is inmoral and shouldn't happen. I personally wouldn't like if people kept inmigrating to my country and taking my jobs, turning salaries down, increasing crime rates, etc.

            That being said. It is difficult for a government to eliminate a socio-economic problem (and even a cultural one) that has happened over a century. It is not like the government wants people to emigrate (does the US want shootings at their schools? no, and it still happens).

            But I'd agree that I'm not sure that Mexico is doing everything we can to stop inmigration to the US... Money sent by inmigrants to their relatives in Mexico is a huge source of income for poor families and a lower work force means higher wages. But I repeat, it is not fair for the US to carry that burden and it should eventually stop.

            All I'm saying is that the solution for inmigration is not more guns and the National Guard, the solution in my opinion is:

            Short run: migratory and laboral reform, so that the US laboral market gets the most from inmigration doing the less harm to US workers. No taxpayer money given to inmigrants (it is unfair).
            Long run: Mexico's own economic development


            • trebli
              • Mar 2010
              • 797

              Personally I favor the "Papua New Guinea" solution. Don't send them back home because that is not much of a deterrence. Send them to Papua New Guinea. I understand it is working well.

              Quote: "The Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea, colloquially known as the PNG solution, is the name given to an Australian government policy in which any asylum seeker who comes to Australia by boat without a visa will be refused settlement in Australia, instead being settled in Papua New Guinea if they are found to be legitimate refugees."



              • CzechCzar
                • Jun 2010
                • 1144

                I find it amusing that you mocked my solution, before providing your own equally laughable solution.

                Immigration is different from obesity. Securing the borders is an explicit responsibility of the US government. Making sure people don't overeat is not. It is virtually impossible to make sure that each and every American citizen only eats a certain amount of calories per day. Securing the border, and kicking out the illegal aliens already living here, is not only doable, it's the government's frickin' job.

                You say below that we should get the most out of immigration (text highlighted). How would this work, exactly? Any increase in the supply of labor necessarily lowers wage rates, making the poor make even less. Always. What with the dire straights of the American lower class, I'd think preventing American jobs from being displaced would be emphasized more by our Democratic administration. Guess not.

                Since no one is really entertaining the possibility of executing illegal aliens, how about 10 years of indentured servitude? That strikes me as fair.

                Oh, and, one last thing: this huge influx of illegal aliens is a relatively recent phenomenon. We could buy produce beforehand, I am sure we will be able to afford it afterwards.

                Originally posted by joserra View Post
                Wait... you're right, how come I didn't see this? A brilliant solution!

                How to eliminate obesity in the world? Prohibit high calories products! How to stop world hunger? Giving food to people! You're right, migration, crime, obesity, poverty aren't complex problems, just stupid academics and policy makers who don't have your wisdom to solve them

                I don't know how much an apple is on average in the US but let's say it's $1 dollar. You say you wouldn't mind paying $0.50 more for it but believe me, a 50% inflation (just on agricultural products, or all products, or certain products, choose your favorite assumption) would be a disaster for the US economy, so don't speak so lightly about paying $0.50
                Originally posted by joserra View Post
                wa3zrm: I agree with you, the US citizens should not have that crime/tax/social burden upon themselves. Paying $1 dollar in taxes that go to inmigrant aid is inmoral and shouldn't happen. I personally wouldn't like if people kept inmigrating to my country and taking my jobs, turning salaries down, increasing crime rates, etc.

                That being said. It is difficult for a government to eliminate a socio-economic problem (and even a cultural one) that has happened over a century. It is not like the government wants people to emigrate (does the US want shootings at their schools? no, and it still happens).

                But I'd agree that I'm not sure that Mexico is doing everything we can to stop inmigration to the US... Money sent by inmigrants to their relatives in Mexico is a huge source of income for poor families and a lower work force means higher wages. But I repeat, it is not fair for the US to carry that burden and it should eventually stop.

                All I'm saying is that the solution for inmigration is not more guns and the National Guard, the solution in my opinion is:

                Short run: migratory and laboral reform, so that the US laboral market gets the most from inmigration doing the less harm to US workers. No taxpayer money given to inmigrants (it is unfair).
                Long run: Mexico's own economic development


                • alopezg1
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 722

                  how about not shooting anyone?


                  • alopezg1
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 722

                    Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
                    I find it amusing that you mocked my solution, before providing your own equally laughable solution.

                    Immigration is different from obesity. Securing the borders is an explicit responsibility of the US government. Making sure people don't overeat is not. It is virtually impossible to make sure that each and every American citizen only eats a certain amount of calories per day. Securing the border, and kicking out the illegal aliens already living here, is not only doable, it's the government's frickin' job.

                    You say below that we should get the most out of immigration (text highlighted). How would this work, exactly? Any increase in the supply of labor necessarily lowers wage rates, making the poor make even less. Always. What with the dire straights of the American lower class, I'd think preventing American jobs from being displaced would be emphasized more by our Democratic administration. Guess not.

                    Since no one is really entertaining the possibility of executing illegal aliens, how about 10 years of indentured servitude? That strikes me as fair.

                    Oh, and, one last thing: this huge influx of illegal aliens is a relatively recent phenomenon. We could buy produce beforehand, I am sure we will be able to afford it afterwards.
                    And not reinstating slavery


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      It always makes me laugh so hard my lungs fall on the computer keyboard when I read these views of people in the USA - a country whose whole foundation is the settlement of immigrants from all over the world, who stole the land from and persecuted those who had lived there for thousands of years! Without a single hint of irony or anything - they shout and moan about immigration.


                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • alopezg1
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 722

                        In ten years i wouldn't be suprised if the entire petrodollar charade collapses completely leaving most Americans in a situation worse than
                        the poorest of Mexico. Good luck trapsing across the border the other way towards south America, whose prospects incidentally , look infinitley brighter. Hopefully they won't shoot or enslave you


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          Especially coming from someone who calls themselves Czech Czar .....


                          • Andy105
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 1393

                            Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                            It always makes me laugh so hard my lungs fall on the computer keyboard when I read these views of people in the USA - a country whose whole foundation is the settlement of immigrants from all over the world, who stole the land from and persecuted those who had lived there for thousands of years! Without a single hint of irony or anything - they shout and moan about immigration.

                            We learned from the best. The Brits didnt even consider native Americans as humans, when they started stealing their land, before there even was a United States.


                            • squeezyjohn
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2497

                              Nobody's perfect Andy!

                              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                              • alopezg1
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 722

                                The native Americans are the only ones who have a leg to stand on for moaning about illegal immigrants


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