Malaysian Airlines plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Malaysian Airlines plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border

    Report: Malaysia Airlines flight crashes in Ukraine

    By Jason Hanna, CNN
    updated 11:24 AM EDT, Thu July 17, 2014

    (CNN) -- A Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur has crashed in eastern Ukraine, Russian news agency Interfax reported Thursday.

    Malaysian passenger plane carrying 295 shot down in Ukraine
    Last edited by Joe234; 17-07-14, 05:54 PM.
  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    John McCain Warns There Will Be 'Hell To Pay' If Russia Shot Down Malaysian Plane

    Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) declared on Thursday there would be "incredible repercussions" if Russian forces or pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine shot down the Malaysian flight that crashed earlier in the day.
    In an appearance on MSNBC shortly after news of the crash broke, McCain stressed it was too early to come to definite conclusions. However, he pointed out Ukrainian aircraft have previously been shot down in recent days and "mistaken identification" of the Malaysian plane could be "part of a pattern" that demands a powerful reaction from the United States.
    "This was an airliner headed towards Russian airspace and it has the earmarks — and I'm not concluding — but it has the earmarks of a mistaken identification of an aircraft that they may have believed was Ukrainian. If that's true, this is a horrible tragic event which was certainly unanticipated by anybody no matter who they are. And there will be incredible repercussions if this is the case," he said. "If it is the result of either separatist or Russian actions mistakenly believing that this is a Ukrainian warplane, I think there's going to be hell to pay and there should be."
    McCain called the pro-Russian separatists and the Russian government "really one and the same" and said both had the capability to shoot down the Malaysian flight. An adviser to the Ukraine interior minister said separatists shot down the passenger plane with a Russian-made Buk ground-to-air missile system. The separatists have denied responsibility. Ukrainian forces have been clashing with the separatists in the eastern part of the country and the region of Crimea since pro-Kremlin Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted following widespread protests against his administration in February.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Howard Stern Fan Pranks MSNBC Host Krystal Ball During Malaysian Plane Crash Coverage
      Youtube ^

      MSNBC's Krystal Ball was the victim of a phone prank by a Howard Stern fan pretending to be a member of the U.S. military in Ukraine who witnessed the Malaysian Airlines flight 117 crash.
      "Well, I was looking out the window and I saw a projectile flying in the sky and it would appear the plane was shot down by a blast of wind from Howard Stern's ass," the man said.
      "So it would appear the plane was shot down, can you tell us anything more from your military training of sort of missile system that may have been coming from?" Ball asked.
      "Well, you're a dumbass aren't you?" the caller replied.
      After an awkward pause, MSNBC went to a commercial break. Ball explained what happened when she returned to the air, "We thought we had an eyewitness on the scene. That individual was not actually an eyewitness."

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      • Joe234
        • Apr 2010
        • 1948

        Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
        John McCain Warns There Will Be 'Hell To Pay' If Russia Shot Down Malaysian Plane

        Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) declared on Thursday there would be "incredible repercussions" if Russian forces or pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine shot down the Malaysian flight that crashed earlier in the day.
        In an appearance on MSNBC shortly after news of the crash broke, McCain stressed it was too early to come to definite conclusions. However, he pointed out Ukrainian aircraft have previously been shot down in recent days and "mistaken identification" of the Malaysian plane could be "part of a pattern" that demands a powerful reaction from the United States.
        "This was an airliner headed towards Russian airspace and it has the earmarks — and I'm not concluding — but it has the earmarks of a mistaken identification of an aircraft that they may have believed was Ukrainian. If that's true, this is a horrible tragic event which was certainly unanticipated by anybody no matter who they are. And there will be incredible repercussions if this is the case," he said. "If it is the result of either separatist or Russian actions mistakenly believing that this is a Ukrainian warplane, I think there's going to be hell to pay and there should be."
        McCain called the pro-Russian separatists and the Russian government "really one and the same" and said both had the capability to shoot down the Malaysian flight. An adviser to the Ukraine interior minister said separatists shot down the passenger plane with a Russian-made Buk ground-to-air missile system. The separatists have denied responsibility. Ukrainian forces have been clashing with the separatists in the eastern part of the country and the region of Crimea since pro-Kremlin Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted following widespread protests against his administration in February.

        (Excerpt) Read more at ...

        John McCain said there would be hell to pay in Syria too. And he said we went in to Libya too late.
        Sometimes I wish John McCain and his pal Sarah Palin were in power now. I'd like to see too dufuses
        figure this crap out.

        What happened to the VA scandal? The cabinet Sec. Shenseki resigned :-)

        The immigration crisis on the border with 50,000 kids in shelters.

        Or ISIS marching on Bahgdad?

        News cover up by too much insanity worldwide

        F**K Vladimir Putin!

        You Russians on this forum ought to be ashamed of this a hole! You liberated the old Soviet Urinal
        for this KGB fascist? You are now seen as pigs worldwide! Where is "Pussy Riot" when we need them? :-)

        And F**K Merkel too. Of course we tap the phone conversations of Germany's leaders. We have every
        right to Merkel. Since you had man name Adolf Hitler as your former leader. Dumb Bitch :-)

        The EU is a joke of wussies. Ban on snus too!



        • Joe234
          • Apr 2010
          • 1948

          Rebel Leader in Alleged Leaked Audio: We Just Shot Down a Plane


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
            You Russians on this forum ought to be ashamed of this a hole! You liberated the old Soviet Urinal
            for this KGB fascist? You are now seen as pigs worldwide! Where is "Pussy Riot" when we need them? :-)

            And F**K Merkel too. Of course we tap the phone conversations of Germany's leaders. We have every
            right to Merkel. Since you had man name Adolf Hitler as your former leader. Dumb Bitch :-)

            The EU is a joke of wussies. Ban on snus too!

            Steady on old boy!

            Some of us "foreigners" have feelings, and understand the world to be a complex place despite the enraged shouting of the empty-headed!

            What's the old saying? People in glass houses ... something like that!

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              people in glass houses shouldn't masturbate


              • Skell18
                • May 2012
                • 7067

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                Steady on old boy!

                Some of us "foreigners" have feelings, and understand the world to be a complex place despite the enraged shouting of the empty-headed!

                What's the old saying? People in glass houses ... something like that!
                I agree with Joe in part,the EU is a joke and Russians should be ashamed of the facelift commie in charge. It's those in charge in Russia I cannot stand, not the ordinary people, except their views on racism and homophobia, that shouldn't be tolerated by anyone anywhere!


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  I understand Joe's reaction.

                  I urge you all to look at the horrific remains of the plane and its former contents...not the nice edited BBC crap.
                  Whatever country is responsible...only a government owns missiles of this magnitude....need a serious checking.

                  It was disgusting. They shouldn't be able to walk away from this affront to humanity and international relations by merely saying "oops" whilst swigging from a bottle of cheap vodka.
                  Last edited by Frosted; 19-07-14, 10:12 PM.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Oh..and if anybody turns round and says they mistook it for a military transport plane...utter bullshit. I can get the identity of any plane on my phone.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                      Steady on old boy!

                      Some of us "foreigners" have feelings, and understand the world to be a complex place despite the enraged shouting of the empty-headed!

                      What's the old saying? People in glass houses ... something like that!
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • alopezg1
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 722

                        Putin is throwing his weight around just to see exactly how much he can get away with . If the west , Europe and America act too strongly
                        it could result in total war , if weaker action is undertaken it will just confirm Putins belief that he can get away with commiting attrocities and
                        and throwing his weight around in the eastern block because as far as he's concerned the USSR's dissolution was only a temporary concession to external pressure, ideologically for Putin all of these 'territories' as he calls them have never been seperated from the motherland , they certainly 'support' and control these territories and have been doing so behind the scenes for years. Putin is a narcissist sociopath in the way that all dictators are . He romanticizes the Russian ideal and is in the process of enacting his imperial fantasies at the expense of actual people's lives . He is a nutcase and a very dangerous little man.


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          and he's in charge of a very large country ... with nuclear weapons


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            sleep well!


                            • Skell18
                              • May 2012
                              • 7067

                              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                              Oh..and if anybody turns round and says they mistook it for a military transport plane...utter bullshit. I can get the identity of any plane on my phone.


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