Malaysian Airlines plane crashes in Ukraine near Russian border

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Around 43 people where burned alive to death in Odessa just because they where pro Russian.... Have you heard about it? by CNN OR BBC OR maybe by SKY news? I belive not that much.... Isn't it news that has to be as No1 news?


    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      • Mar 2011
      • 7035

      So people your minds and brains are owned by western media and you dears like baby's believing in what the lie is served to you, So remember not Putin nor Ukrainians nor Russians or Europeans need this war, search somewhere else


      • Andy105
        • Nov 2013
        • 1393

        Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
        Frosted is against EU... What should we do with him?
        We've got room for him.


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
          Emagine unstable Mexico next to USA... USA would not like that...
          That's why we are sending our national guard to the US/Mexican border!
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • R.B. Kazenzakis
            • Oct 2013
            • 182

            I fail to see how annexing the Eastern provinces of Ukraine is something that GN's dear Vladimir Jesusovich would turn down. Putin doesn't want an unstable Ukraine, he wants a shrunken Ukraine offset by a Russia with a little more Lebensraum.

            That said, in the spirit of druzhba, I'll pop open a fresh tin of Islay.


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by R.B. Kazenzakis View Post
              I fail to see how annexing the Eastern provinces of Ukraine is something that GN's dear Vladimir Jesusovich would turn down. Putin doesn't want an unstable Ukraine, he wants a shrunken Ukraine offset by a Russia with a little more Lebensraum.

              That said, in the spirit of druzhba, I'll pop open a fresh tin of Islay.
              "Дружба" has nothing to do with it nor "vänskap" it has with you beloved democracy to do and liberagayism to do, Jesusovich sound Spanish not slavonic so Kazenzakis it was democratically choice people in KRIMEA that wanted to live with Russia and you have to live with it like it or not, besides it's not eastern but southern part you talk about, I am not Russian nor Ukrainian I tell you what I see not more not less


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                And by the way Kazenzakis my beloved is Stalin and Pop Urban, but as long as you use Gn Snus I can pay attention to your point of view


                • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 7035

                  It's looks like no more comments... Then have a nice sleep, and don't be brain washed naiv people


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    Good to know
                    Last edited by GN Tobacco Sweden AB; 22-07-14, 04:50 AM.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Why Russia buys Putin’s lies

                      MOSCOW — The outside world knows Russian-backed militants shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, using missiles supplied by Moscow, even if few leaders are yet willing to say outright that Vladimir Putin has blood on his hands (again).
                      But the Russian public is happy to buy Putin’s lies.
                      “It’s obvious the Ukrainians did this, the separatists don’t have the weaponry or the ability to shoot down aircraft at that altitude,” a partner at a major law firm told me.
                      Never mind that the “separatists” had shot down at least two Ukrainian planes in the week before, or that the Ukrainians had no reason to shoot at any plane because the militants have no airpower.
                      Then there’s an economist at the Ministry of Finance: “The Ukrainians are fascists, of course they’re responsible.”
                      One university professor was a bit more honest: “You don’t understand. We’re Russians, we will never admit guilt to outsiders, especially to Americans. Even if we know we’re guilty.”
                      In the outside world, people know the “rebels” have done all they could to impede any impartial investigation even seizing the bodies of the 298 innocent victims, and that the missile launchers were quickly pulled back into Russia after the atrocity.
                      But this is a schizophrenic society. People distrust their own government, but they distrust and hate foreigners even more. Many understand that Russia is probably responsible, but they’ll never admit it; it’s not a society given to self-criticism or honesty.

                      (Excerpt) Read more at ...
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • trebli
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 797

                        I just read something interesting. A poll was recently taken in Ukraine that revealed 5 million Ukrainians said they plan to leave the country and seek work in the EU within 2 years of Ukraine's acceptance in to the EU.


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by trebli View Post
                          I just read something interesting. A poll was recently taken in Ukraine that revealed 5 million Ukrainians said they plan to leave the country and seek work in the EU within 2 years of Ukraine's acceptance in to the EU.
                          Like every other country then! I don't ever see Ukraine being made part of the EU personally.


                          • trebli
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 797

                            You might be right, but I think it will happen because big business wants cheap labor.


                            • squeezyjohn
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2497

                              I have to agree with GN to some extent ... in situations like this ALL of the western media is extremely biased. You would have to be a fool to believe that everything that CNN and the BBC reports is balanced or even 100% true.

                              If you watch Russia Today or any of the Chinese news channels - the reporting is similarly biased in the opposite direction and it's impossible to ever get the real true picture.

                              If you watch the news with that kind of open mind then you might get a sense of perspective on what's happening ... and empty-headed shouting at the internet will be a less frequent event!

                              In the meantime a completely innocent passenger jet has been shot down leading to the death of 200 people - somebody in Ukraine fired the missile either deliberately or by some huge mistake. Whichever it was, that action was an international crime of the hugest proportion ... and the perpetrators should be identified and action should be taken against them.

                              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                              • Frosted
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 5798

                                I have already supported Russias interests in the Ukraine in previous discussions. I have also seen the raw videos of crimes committed by the Ukrainian 'government.'
                                There is however NO excuse WHATSOEVER in shooting down a civilian airliner.
                                It is drummed into you in the military "identify your target!!!". If you cannot you dont shoot. This incident highlights the depravity and lack of discipline of whatever troops were involved.
                                Last edited by Frosted; 22-07-14, 02:45 PM.


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