Was staking out limit of disturbance for a job. I had cut about 400' into the woods, and had 100' left to go. That's when I got a face full of hornets. I lost my prescription sunglasses when I was trying to get the bees off, but I somehow managed to escape with only two or three stings. I almost said fsck that job, and left, but ended up staying. I reset the gun in a different place, and tried to get past the hornets. The next stake past the hornets had a yellow jacket nest. I managed to escape without getting stung there. Went to Walmart to get some new glasses, and have an appointment for Sunday, so I'll get some new glasses. I've shredded two pair of pants on green briers, and my arms look like I was assaulted by a couple hundred cats, but I'm a couple beers and a glass of rye in, soon to get another, and I'll take a shower in a little bit. Not feeling to bad. How was your all's day?
