Isn’t this how most apocalyptic horror movies start?

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Isn’t this how most apocalyptic horror movies start?

    Ebola: White House Raises Specter of Gov’t Closure During D.C. Africa Summit
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | Wednesday, July 30, 2014 |

    The Obama administration is urging federal employees to stay home during the summit of African leaders being held in Washington, D.C. next week and to monitor local news for announcement of a possible “closing of the federal government” —ostensibly over traffic issues.
    At the same time the administration said the federal government is taking no “additional precautions” to deal with the potential spread of the Ebola virus by those attending the summit.
    In a twelve paragraph article on the summit of African leaders hosted by President Obama, the New York Times devotes five paragraphs to the issue of Ebola affecting the summit—an issue the Gateway Pundit has raised in several articles this week.
    The Ebola death last week of Patrick Sawyer, a naturalized American citizen who was working for the government of his native Liberia raised worldwide fear as he was able to travel by passenger plane from Liberia to Nigeria with a layover in Togo on his way to an international conference without his condition being noted until he became seriously ill on approach to Lagos.
    Leaders and government officials from Liberia as well as the other nations affected by Ebola—Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria are expected to attend the D.C. summit.
    From the Times:
    “In an email to top officials at federal offices, the nation’s personnel chief urged agencies to let their workers stay at home during the event, which takes place next Tuesday and Wednesday. Traffic is also expected to be snarled on Monday and Thursday as the leaders arrive and leave.
    ““Agencies should consider encouraging employees who can be spared from their duties to request to adjust their work schedules,” Katherine Archuleta, the director of the Office of Personnel Management, wrote Friday in a memo.”
    …”Ms. Archuleta wrote that for now the federal government would remain open Monday through Thursday next week, but she advised federal employees to monitor local news outlets for announcements about potential street closings, disruptions to public transportation or a closing of the federal government.”
    …””We believe air travel continues to be safe, and the C.D.C. has stated there is no significant risk in the United States from the current Ebola outbreak,” Edward Price, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said in an email.”
    …”A spokesman for the C.D.C. said procedures were already in place to stem the spread of Ebola, and flight crews and airline personnel will generally not allow a sick passenger to board a plane.
    The spokesman, Jason McDonald, said, “There are no plans or indications that we’re going to take any additional precautions with the leaders who are coming.””
    The White House downplaying of the Ebola threat contradicted State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki who said Monday about the summit, “…we’re taking every precaution…”
    State gatherings in our nation’s capital are highly orchestrated affairs and quite common. This event was announced by the White House in January. It is odd for the federal government to suddenly urge its employees to stay home during a normal work week and to be aware for a possible government shut down on short notice.
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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Ebola's Deadly Jump From Animal to Animal

    Ebola may be present in more animals than previously thought, according to researchers studying the deadly virus, which has already been detected in chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelopes, porcupines, rodents, dogs, pigs and humans.
    Humans and other primates appear to be particularly susceptible to at least certain strains of the virus. During the present outbreak ravaging Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, Ebola has killed 670 people so far and infected more than 1,000.
    Blaming humans, bats, chimps or birds for the illness does not then take into account its full possible scope within the ecosystem. That, the present unprecedented epidemic, the potential for bioterrorism, and the fact that no vaccine is available for clinical use have scientists around the world paying greater attention to Ebola and to the animals it can infect.

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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Open Borders Invite Threat Of Ebola Terrorism

      War On Terror: As the Ebola disease spreads in Africa and detainees from that continent are apprehended, the question must be asked: What if terrorists already willing to die try to bring the disease across our porous southern border?
      The Ebola outbreak that has killed at least 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone could land in the U.S., according to John O'Connor, a spokesman for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
      "It's true," he says, "that anyone with an illness is just one plane ride away from coming to the U.S." Indeed, a Liberian man infected with Ebola boarded a plane and brought the disease to Lagos, Nigeria, Africa's largest city, with 21 million people.
      But what if in the future it's no accident? Nigeria is the home of Boko Haram. The Islamic terrorist group ISIL has long been recruiting terrorists in the West and is known to have members with Western, even American, passports.
      Deliberately spreading the disease to the U.S. might not even require a plane ride, and it's possibile that terrorists already willing to strap bombs to their bodies might just as willingly get infected and pay a coyote to get them across our open southern border.

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      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Airports on high alert for fliers with Ebola symptoms

        Amid fears of a global Ebola epidemic, the feds are keeping a close eye on passengers arriving at JFK and other international airports in the United States to quarantine anyone showing signs of the deadly virus.
        And the city’s Health Department alerted doctors and other health providers to immediately report anyone they suspect might have the disease.

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Ebola Spread Outpaces Control Effort

          GENEVA — The head of the World Health Organization has told the presidents of West African nations stricken by Ebola that the outbreak is moving faster than efforts to control it.
          Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO's director general, says if the outbreak continues to worsen, the consequences could be "catastrophic" in terms of lost lives and socio-economic disruption.
          Dr. Chan is in Conakry, where she met Friday with the presidents of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast.
          WHO and the West African leaders are finalizing a $100 million plan to fight the spread of Ebola, which has claimed nearly 730 lives. Dr. Chan said more than 60 health workers are among the victims, and that some international relief workers have been infected.
          The WHO chief said her hope is the plan emerging from the Conakry meeting will mark "a turning point" in the international response to the outbreak.
          Several hundred medical personnel are about to be deployed to West Africa, Dr. Chan said, and an emergency committee will meet on Wednesday to assess the international implications of the outbreak.

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          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Donald Trump Says Ebola Patients Should Be Barred from U.S.

            Donald Trump expressed panic over news that an Ebola patient will be flown to a specialized isolation unit at an Atlanta hospital. The billionaire took to Twitter on Wednesday to suggest that American borders should be closed to anyone with the virus that has killed 729 people in West Africa. That would apparently include two U.S. citizens — a doctor and a missionary — who are fighting for their lives in Liberia.
            "Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!" Trump tweeted. Some of the replies pointed out that health officials say the unit at Emory University Hospital was built specifically to contain a disease like Ebola, and that the virus is not as easily transmitted as the flu. CDC Director Thomas Frieden says that even if Ebola were to arrive in the U.S., it could be stamped out and poses little risk...

            Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!
            8:22 AM - 1 Aug 2014

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