Robbin Williams: RIP
‘God hates fags’ hate group Westboro Baptist Church to picket the funeral of Robin Williams
Metro [UK] ^ |
The Westboro Baptist Church have announced their plans to picket the funeral of Robin Williams.
In their seemingly endless quest to become the most despised group in the world, the controversial anti-gay church, whose messages of hate include holding their famous ‘God hates fags’ signs, have denounced the late actor as a ‘fag pimp’ because he played a gay character in the cult film the Birdcage and a cross dresser in the family film Mrs Doubtfire.@Rob1nWilliams @RobbyWilliams_ @RobinWilliamsTw @RWFansite Westboro Baptist Church to protest #RobinWilliams funeral:—The church, whose founder Fred Phelps died in March, claimed that through his film roles Mr Williams ‘made merchandise of filthy proud sin’.
Westboro Baptist (@WBCSays) August 12, 2014
WBC merged our #GodHatesTheMediaTour with memorial pickets of Robin Williams via @Independent—They were recently spotted in San Francisco attempting to disrupt vigils held for the actor as well as carrying out their ‘God hates media’ campaign against Facebook, Apple and Google.
Westboro Baptist (@WBCSays) August 13, 2014
They clearly missed the irony of posting news about their hate for the media on the biggest media tool on the planet.LIVE TWEETING !! WBC outside @apple warning all who will to flee the wrath to come! #3 on GHTM tour!—Robin Williams committed suicide on Monday, prompting tributes to the beloved actor from people all over the world
Westboro Baptist (@WBCSays) August 12, 2014
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