Nuke the ISIS degenerates for beheading the journalist

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  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
    I do find it that it illustrates intensely the sickness in western society that it takes one naive journalist to be murdered to wake up - instead of the catastrophes that have already happened recently to Iraqis and Syrians - but I guess they don't matter. There is a sickness within the muslim religion. It was very much within Christianity about 300 - 500 years ago i.e. murder or massacres in the name of 'God'. In fact, religion is a sickness all over - I've obviously experienced that kind of depravity in Northern's a severe mental illness but we don't like to call it that. It's religion and it's different. No it's not - it's a mental illness.


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      Originally posted by Frosted View Post
      I do find it that it illustrates intensely the sickness in western society that it takes one naive journalist to be murdered to wake up - instead of the catastrophes that have already happened recently to Iraqis and Syrians - but I guess they don't matter. There is a sickness within the muslim religion. It was very much within Christianity about 300 - 500 years ago i.e. murder or massacres in the name of 'God'. In fact, religion is a sickness all over - I've obviously experienced that kind of depravity in Northern's a severe mental illness but we don't like to call it that. It's religion and it's different. No it's not - it's a mental illness.
      +1,2,3,4 and 5 for me ... that's the single most sensible thing ever posted on SnusOn in my humble opinion.

      I apologise for the sentiment if you are religious ... but I really believe that any religion is capable of reaching the heights of violence and depravity we are seeing in the middle east today ... and because there are enough stupid soft-headed individuals in the world, it could be your doorstep tomorrow ... anything which teaches that a load of made up stories are true (and that you shouldn't question the evidence) will automatically make de-humanising people much easier - because they are fighting for a made up God. It makes me sick. What other thing in human history would make people systematically lie to their beloved children about how the world is and how to behave towards other people ... even the mildest-mannered religious person taken in by the inherent lie of their faith is part of the problem you see today.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
        +1,2,3,4 and 5 for me ... that's the single most sensible thing ever posted on SnusOn in my humble opinion.

        I apologise for the sentiment if you are religious ... but I really believe that any religion is capable of reaching the heights of violence and depravity we are seeing in the middle east today ... and because there are enough stupid soft-headed individuals in the world, it could be your doorstep tomorrow ... anything which teaches that a load of made up stories are true (and that you shouldn't question the evidence) will automatically make de-humanising people much easier - because they are fighting for a made up God. It makes me sick. What other thing in human history would make people systematically lie to their beloved children about how the world is and how to behave towards other people ... even the mildest-mannered religious person taken in by the inherent lie of their faith is part of the problem you see today.
        Communism and fascism spring to mind . You don't need a god to create ideological absolutes , and for people to die- and kill - for them . I am not a Christian , I nominally Jewish but find the concept of a personal God very difficult to entertain. We say we live in a secular countries but our systems of law and various institutions are shaped by Christian concepts of ethics and morality which they in turn got from the Greeks .Capatalism is just as bad ; how many lives have been lost or ruined by blind obedience and wild eyed devotion to that ideology and it's God .


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Howard Fineman on Beheading: "First Time I've Seen Obama Take Something Personally" (video)

          HOWARD FINEMAN, HUFFINGTON POST: I think the president doesn't think in mano a mano terms. He likes to think of himself, and I know he thinks of himself, as a broad-gauged deep guy who plays a long-term game. Has allies, has a plan. Doesn't take it personally. This is the first time I've ever seen him sort of take something personally. Now there is also a school of thought --

          (Excerpt) Read more at ...
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
            Howard Fineman on Beheading: "First Time I've Seen Obama Take Something Personally" (video)

            HOWARD FINEMAN, HUFFINGTON POST: I think the president doesn't think in mano a mano terms. He likes to think of himself, and I know he thinks of himself, as a broad-gauged deep guy who plays a long-term game. Has allies, has a plan. Doesn't take it personally. This is the first time I've ever seen him sort of take something personally. Now there is also a school of thought --

            (Excerpt) Read more at ...
            Chris Matthews is right - No American president can survive if he lets Iran get nuclear weapons and no American president can survive if he lets Americans be beheaded on international television with impunity. Impunity! He has to strike back! As an American it's in our soul.


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
              I do find it that it illustrates intensely the sickness in western society that it takes one naive journalist to be murdered to wake up - instead of the catastrophes that have already happened recently to Iraqis and Syrians - but I guess they don't matter. There is a sickness within the muslim religion. It was very much within Christianity about 300 - 500 years ago i.e. murder or massacres in the name of 'God'. In fact, religion is a sickness all over - I've obviously experienced that kind of depravity in Northern's a severe mental illness but we don't like to call it that. It's religion and it's different. No it's not - it's a mental illness.
              I kinda agree with you


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                what a mess

                Regardless, I think we need to act in a more decisive manner over all.........either blow them up or let them be

                but this policy of "Hey, we are going to blow you up just a little.....but then we are going to be your friends" seems only to lead to duplicity and a bigger mess
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • joserra
                  • May 2014
                  • 191

                  I don't want to say this but I have to...

                  What about violence and massacres happening in Mexico due to drug violence? Much of the drug violence, therefore, trafficking, is due to the US demand for drugs. So I'm pretty sure the US is responsable for many, many beheadings.

                  If one beheading is something horrible (there's no doubt in that), you can't even imagine the horrors that mexican drug cartels do and apply to their victims.


                  • joserra
                    • May 2014
                    • 191

                    Anyway, that was off topic.

                    I agree that ISIS should be stop but as you have said before, it's sad that a lot of people were being killed before this journalist and a lot of folks didn't care until this.


                    • Andy105
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 1393

                      I doesn't matter whether you cut somebody's head off for Allah, or greed of drug money and corruption. It's still inhuman criminal behavior and should be dealt with swiftly.


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Wintergreen op....!
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • Andy105
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 1393

                          Originally posted by whalen View Post
                          Wintergreen op....!
                          That should do it.


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            wintergreen their asses


                            • trebli
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 797

                              The only hope I can see for a lasting peace is to split Iraq into three sovereign nations. The different tribes and sects cannot live together without constant conflict and bloodshed.

                              1.) Kurd Land in the north.

                              2.) Sunni Land in the center

                              3.) Shia Land in the south


                              • wa3zrm
                                • May 2009
                                • 4436

                                Originally posted by whalen View Post
                                Wintergreen op....!
                                ...already used...
                                If you have any problems with my posts or signature


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