Nuke the ISIS degenerates for beheading the journalist

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Nuke the ISIS degenerates for beheading the journalist

    Tell Obama he can nuke the ISIS degenerates for beheading the journalist. The ISIS pigs are worse the the Nazis! Kill them all now!

    Inappropriate video removed by SnusOn Admin Team.

  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    For beheading the journalist???? I do often wonder whether people from the west like this journalist actually understand when they go to these places just exactly what degenerate inhumanity these cretins are capable of. Personally I think they are extremely naïve. You wouldn't catch me anywhere near such areas unless I had a rifle and an army.

    ISIS have done a lot lot worse than this.....they are guilty of many massacres which can be seen on video.
    Last edited by Frosted; 20-08-14, 11:41 AM.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Kill them all? That doesn't sound like an Obama cheering leftist to me :^D

      Play with snakes, and you sometimes get bitten. That's the way it goes...


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
        Tell Obama he can nuke the ISIS degenerates for beheading the journalist. The ISIS pigs are worse the the Nazis! Kill them all now!

        Inappropriate video removed by SnusOn Admin Team.




        • Frankie Reloaded
          Banned Users
          • Jan 2011
          • 541

          I do not think all Americans should be burned, smashed or otherwise killed by any sort of nuclear mass murder.

          On the other hand, I do think the original poster should load his gun and shoot it. If possible, into his own mouth.

          But that is just my angry reaction to somebody who would happily cause any megadeaths just to compensate for his own shortcomings. Like "A Jew took my house, let's send them all to concentration camps". Or like: The Americans killed a man of my race, let's kill at least one town-full of them and poison the rest of the country with radiation". It's just plain stupid. Really: Before killing hundreds of thousands, why don't you try it in a small scale, just to see how it feels? As I said, load a gun, open wide and let go of all your frustrations...


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
            I do not think all Americans should be burned, smashed or otherwise killed by any sort of nuclear mass murder.

            On the other hand, I do think the original poster should load his gun and shoot it. If possible, into his own mouth.

            But that is just my angry reaction to somebody who would happily cause any megadeaths just to compensate for his own shortcomings. Like "A Jew took my house, let's send them all to concentration camps". Or like: The Americans killed a man of my race, let's kill at least one town-full of them and poison the rest of the country with radiation". It's just plain stupid. Really: Before killing hundreds of thousands, why don't you try it in a small scale, just to see how it feels? As I said, load a gun, open wide and let go of all your frustrations...
            He quite clearly said ISIS - not muslims. ISIS need liquidated ASAP.


            • Frankie Reloaded
              Banned Users
              • Jan 2011
              • 541

              Just them? Well, then it's OK, because that would probably mean less than a hundred thousand people murdered - nothing an idiot would not approve.

              So, hooray for the disciminating nukes which only kill militants! Oh, wait. It's just the other way round, like in Gaza: If a person is killed by the US and/or their allies, it must have been a militant...

              Anyway, I came across a nice article:

              For decades, Americans pissed their pants over the possibility that they or their livelihoods would go out in a flash. One American family really got a taste of what that would be like. March 11, 1958 was a normal day at the Gregg residence. Bill Gregg was in his tool shed. His wife was out on the front porch sewing. His daughters were in a play house their Dad had constructed with his bare hands. His son was in the tool shed with his father, learning how to be a goddamned red-blooded American man. Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Do you have any idea who Iisis are? They were disowned by Al Qaida for being too violent.


                • Frankie Reloaded
                  Banned Users
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 541

                  And using nuclear weapons on people is not violent? Here:

                  Choose a place to nuke the all-too-violent Caliphate, select yield and count dead bodies. That is the American humanitarian solution, like bombing Serbian maternity hospital to prevent births of future Serbian villains...


                  • Frankie Reloaded
                    Banned Users
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 541

                    Maybe... a ban for all Americans to enter Middle East could put a stop to all beheadings of American journalists by ISIS and/or others who do not love the idea of having their country´s riches stolen so that the rich would be richer and they would be poorer still...


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      The problem can only be solved by ground troops.

                      The deployment of more soldiers would be political suicide for the current American government, not to mention the financial burden of another military adventure.

                      Shipments of new weapons could easily end in the hands of extremists and separatists. ISIS allegedly is already equipped with the finest American and Russian military technology, captured from the regular troops of Syria and Iraq, but they would surely love to get fresh supplies.

                      I'm afraid the best solution for the region would be to install a new Saddam and to co-operate with Assad. It would also be a perfect opportunity for a joint operation between the USA and Russia, who should be natural allies anyway in the present global political situation.

                      BTW, I could not understand from the beginning, why all the western governments were welcoming the Arab Spring. It was quite clear how that all would end.



                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
                        And using nuclear weapons on people is not violent? Here:

                        Choose a place to nuke the all-too-violent Caliphate, select yield and count dead bodies. That is the American humanitarian solution, like bombing Serbian maternity hospital to prevent births of future Serbian villains...
                        Frankie - this is not a sane argument.
                        I S massacred their own muslim brothers and sisters in Iraq and Syria. In one video they cut off all their heads and stuck about a hundred odd of them on fence spikes across the Syrian capital. In another in Iraq they were filmed killing hundreds of Iraqi soldiers one by one and in mass graves. I cannot post the videos here - they are so disgustingly violent that I'd be instantly banned. This is NOT an argument about one poxy American journalist.

                        I'm not going to argue further with you Frankie because you are either not properly informed or aren't playing with a full deck.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          I do find it that it illustrates intensely the sickness in western society that it takes one naive journalist to be murdered to wake up - instead of the catastrophes that have already happened recently to Iraqis and Syrians - but I guess they don't matter. There is a sickness within the muslim religion. It was very much within Christianity about 300 - 500 years ago i.e. murder or massacres in the name of 'God'. In fact, religion is a sickness all over - I've obviously experienced that kind of depravity in Northern's a severe mental illness but we don't like to call it that. It's religion and it's different. No it's not - it's a mental illness.
                          Last edited by Frosted; 20-08-14, 10:46 PM.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by chainsnuser View Post
                            The problem can only be solved by ground troops.

                            The deployment of more soldiers would be political suicide for the current American government, not to mention the financial burden of another military adventure.

                            Shipments of new weapons could easily end in the hands of extremists and separatists. ISIS allegedly is already equipped with the finest American and Russian military technology, captured from the regular troops of Syria and Iraq, but they would surely love to get fresh supplies.

                            I'm afraid the best solution for the region would be to install a new Saddam and to co-operate with Assad. It would also be a perfect opportunity for a joint operation between the USA and Russia, who should be natural allies anyway in the present global political situation.

                            BTW, I could not understand from the beginning, why all the western governments were welcoming the Arab Spring. It was quite clear how that all would end.

                            Pretty much. Normally I'd say it's not our problem, and we shouldn't get involved in any way, but we caused the problem. We're kind of obligated to get involved at this point, but I don't see anyway out. Trying to correct things, we'll be playing enforcer for the government du jour for generations to come :^S


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
                              And using nuclear weapons on people is not violent? Here:

                              That is the American humanitarian solution, like bombing Serbian maternity hospital to prevent births of future Serbian villains...
                              Mate - don't bring that up. It's a hugely complicated issue that war. I was there in the siege of Sarajevo in 1993 and survived being killed by a sniper (I wasn't wounded but by christ it's the closest bullet I've taken as it went by my ear)- it is extremely difficult to get your head around the complexity of that war. I can't even argue that one.....and I was there.


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