France & UK now have similar problems to US Mexican border

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    France & UK now have similar problems to US Mexican border

    EXCLUSIVE: Army on Alert At French Ports To Stop Migrant Invasion
    Sunday Express ^ |

    SOLDIERS are on standby to patrol northern French ports amid growing tensions about an army of migrants intent on reaching Britain.

    In Calais alone about 100 migrants are arriving every day. Other towns are also reporting high numbers. Most new arrivals are desperate Africans who have travelled from Italy, where they arrive in boats from war-ravaged Libya.
    Last year almost 8,000 arrived there. This year 100,000 have landed, with most saying Britain is their final destination.
    Today the Sunday Express can reveal that the huge trade in moving migrants out of Africa and into Britain is worth £5billion a year to people smugglers, who are *arming them with knives, guns and other weapons to fight French riot police.
    Former Tory home secretary Michael Howard yesterday urged the French to “get their act together”.
    And Dover’s mayor Pamela Brivio called on her counterpart in Calais, the outspoken Natacha Bouchart, to get tough with people smugglers.
    She said: “These migrants are taken to Calais by unscrupulous *people where hundreds are living rough and we have to get to the root of how they are getting there. Who is dropping them off?
    “MEPs should be doing more to address this. We have got to have a united approach on how we deal with this problem.”
    Today tensions in Calais will reach new heights as fed-up townsfolk and Right-wing agitators take to the streets in protest at the 2,000 migrants who have cast a shadow of fear over the port. Police have changed the route of the march to try to avoid clashes with migrants but CRS riot police are expecting violence.
    migrant invasion, calais migrants, army stop immigrants, illegal immigrants, UK border agency, border controls, illegal immigrant camps, sangatte, sanThe trade of moving migrants out of Africa and into the UK is worth £5bn [DX]
    Certainly the situation in Calais is worrying and the Ministry of the Interior is watching events closely A French government official Extra officers have been sent to Calais but government sources in Paris say they are struggling to maintain order and so soldiers are being put on standby.
    A French government official told the Sunday Express: “In the event of the *situation becoming untenable or the safety of the people of Calais being compromised, it is the duty of the soldiers of the French republic to protect French citizens whether they be in France or on foreign soil.
    “Certainly the situation in Calais is worrying and the Ministry of the Interior is watching events closely.”
    Lord Howard of Lympne said he had “some sympathy” with Madame Bouchart who wants the border moved to Dover so migrants can legally travel across the Channel.
    However, he added: “Every *member state of the European Union has subscribed to the principle that refugees fleeing persecution should apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach. France used to take this very *seriously.”
    He said the root of the problem was that France had “lost *control of its borders” after signing up to the Schengen agreement that *“dismantled” travel restrictions between member countries.
    He added that the previous French administration under president Nicolas Sarkozy had recognised that and threatened to withdraw from Schengen, which the UK never signed up to.
    Lord Howard said: “The mayor of Calais ought to be directing her *frustration at President Francois Hollande and getting him to take that kind of action.
    “We have control of our borders. The countries of the Schengen agreement ought to do the same and get their act together to deal with this problem.”
    Related articles Motorists travelling through Calais warned to 'be vigilant' after stowaway sneaks into car French should do more to tackle Calais immigrants Michael Howard says France needs to 'get its act together' over Calais migrants Philippe Mignonet, deputy mayor of Calais, said: “We are suffering as direct victims of people-smuggling mafia gangs who are ferrying these people across Africa up to Italy, France and Calais.
    “These people are in the *smuggling business because there are vast profits to be made.”
    He added: “The Italian home office minister said months ago that their island of Lampedusa is the main *illegal immigration entrance point of the EU. The main exit point is *Calais.”
    Eritrean migrant Adhanom Ghabrai, 28, said: “I have been in Calais for 60 days and I have tried to make the crossing on 40 of those days. Every time I was stopped by police.”
    Fellow countryman Amanil Tekle, 25, who was put on a boat to Italy, said: “We were treated like cattle. The Arab drivers even tried to have the women.”
    Investigations by the Sunday Express reveal that migrants are gathering in other coastal towns and communities in northern France from where they will mount attempts to cross into Britain.
    Some sleep in wooden huts erected by charity groups, others stay in tents. Some are even put up in hotels and youth hostels.
    The Warsaw-based Frontex *immigration agency says that 140,000 migrants fled to Europe in 2011. This year that figure was equalled by the middle of last month.
    The respected UN High Commissioner for Refugees said that by July Italy had received 64,000 people.
    The other main routes are from north Africa to Spain or Portugal and through the western Balkans.
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