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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    North Korea executes defence chief for napping at military event

    N. Korea has executed its defence chief on treason charges, Seoul's National Intelligence Service was quoted as telling lawmakers, in the latest of a series of high-level purges since Kim Jong Un took power after his father's death in 2011.
    Hyon Yong Chol, who heads the isolated country's military, was purged and then executed by firing squad with an antiaircraft gun, watched by hundreds of people, South Korean media reported on Wednesday, citing the NIS's comments to a parliamentary panel.
    Hyon, who spoke at a security conference in Moscow in April, was said to have shown disrespect to Kim by dozing off at a military event, media said, citing the agency briefing.
    The execution comes after South Korea's spy agency said late last month that Kim ordered the execution of 15 senior officials this year as punishment for challenging his authority.

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    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Everyone in my office would be dead
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        GotNews IDs Gay Activist Train Engineer Who Caused Amtrak Crash has independently identified the engineer at the center of the Amtrak crash that has killed at least seven.
        Brandon Bostian is the 32-year-old gay man who lawyered up after a deadly derailment in Philadelphia. The train was reportedly going twice the speed limit.
        ABC 6 previously reported that “Brandon Boshan,” not Brandon Bostian, was to blame for the deadly crash. (They have since taken down the link.)
        Bostian is a gay activist who previously worked at Target as a cashier before joining Amtrak, according to his LinkedIn.

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        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          City leaders approve plan for National Slave Ship Museum

          NEW ORLEANS, LA (WVUE) - Members of the New Orleans city council approved plans Thursday for a National Slave Ship Museum.
          If the proposal wins final approval, the museum will be located at the Celeste Street Wharf in the Lower Garden District.
          Supporters say the museum will enhance and perpetuate New Orleans' status as a major cultural hub and destination by recreating the saga of the African Diaspora story of slave trade in the United States along the Mississippi River, via the Port of New Orleans.
          The proposed $170 million museum will include a life-size interactive slave ship built inside a new five-story building and a riverfront park with an amphitheater and two replica African villages.

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          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
            City leaders approve plan for National Slave Ship Museum

            NEW ORLEANS, LA (WVUE) - Members of the New Orleans city council approved plans Thursday for a National Slave Ship Museum.
            If the proposal wins final approval, the museum will be located at the Celeste Street Wharf in the Lower Garden District.
            Supporters say the museum will enhance and perpetuate New Orleans' status as a major cultural hub and destination by recreating the saga of the African Diaspora story of slave trade in the United States along the Mississippi River, via the Port of New Orleans.
            The proposed $170 million museum will include a life-size interactive slave ship built inside a new five-story building and a riverfront park with an amphitheater and two replica African villages.

            (Excerpt) Read more at ...
            That will be a great place for all the homeless people and drug addicts to hang out. $170 million. how compassionate.
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • wa3zrm
              • May 2009
              • 4436

              Iowa Judge dismisses entire jury pool because 111 of the 112 are white

              Iowa judge dismisses entire jury pool in murder trial of black man because 111 of the 112 people are white
              An Iowa judge has dismissed a 112-member jury pool after determining that a black man charged with murder couldn't get a fair trial 111 members of the jury identified as white Tyrone Washington Jr., 41, of Northwood, Iowa is accused in the August 2013 stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, Justina Smith Defense attorney Charles Kenville requested to have jury pool stricken, and Judge Colleen Weiland granted his motion
              An Iowa judge has dismissed a 112-member jury pool after determining that a black man charged with murder couldn't get a fair trial when all but one potential juror is white.
              Tyrone Washington Jr., 41, of Northwood is accused in the August 2013 stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, 30-year-old Justina Smith, the Globe Gazette reported.
              Defense attorney Charles Kenville requested to have the entire jury pool stricken, and District Judge Colleen Weiland on Tuesday granted his motion.
              Out of the 112 people in the jury pool, 111 had identified themselves as white. One juror identified himself as Native American.
              Kenville said the lack of racial diversity wasn't intentional but that 'the system is broken in Webster County and this court needs to fix it for Mr. Washington's rights to be upheld.'

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              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                Iowa Judge dismisses entire jury pool because 111 of the 112 are white

                Iowa judge dismisses entire jury pool in murder trial of black man because 111 of the 112 people are white
                An Iowa judge has dismissed a 112-member jury pool after determining that a black man charged with murder couldn't get a fair trial 111 members of the jury identified as white Tyrone Washington Jr., 41, of Northwood, Iowa is accused in the August 2013 stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, Justina Smith Defense attorney Charles Kenville requested to have jury pool stricken, and Judge Colleen Weiland granted his motion
                An Iowa judge has dismissed a 112-member jury pool after determining that a black man charged with murder couldn't get a fair trial when all but one potential juror is white.
                Tyrone Washington Jr., 41, of Northwood is accused in the August 2013 stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, 30-year-old Justina Smith, the Globe Gazette reported.
                Defense attorney Charles Kenville requested to have the entire jury pool stricken, and District Judge Colleen Weiland on Tuesday granted his motion.
                Out of the 112 people in the jury pool, 111 had identified themselves as white. One juror identified himself as Native American.
                Kenville said the lack of racial diversity wasn't intentional but that 'the system is broken in Webster County and this court needs to fix it for Mr. Washington's rights to be upheld.'

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                hell yea!! There must be literally dozens of black people in Iowa to choose from.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  I Am Woman Hear Me Whore

                  May 16, 2015 I Am Woman Hear Me Whore By Mallory Millett One of our current morons masquerading as a sage last week said of Bruce Jenner, "If he says he's a woman, then she's a woman." So, if I say I'm a cantaloupe, then I'm a cantaloupe?
                  One of my favorite quotations is: "Insanity is the pursuit of delusion at all costs while sanity is the pursuit of reality at all costs." If we take a deep look at the world around us we will see the truth of this statement.
                  For instance, let's take Bruce Jenner and his current falderal: thinking he is becoming a woman. This is a man who was quite a man. In his youth he captured our attention by winning Gold in the most difficult division of the Olympics, the Decathlon. By attaining this impossible goal and beating out all the other men in the world he had every expectation of dining off that for the rest of his life, basking in the fame, adulation, money which comes with such attainment. He was of enviable stuff.
                  But the future held something unimaginable. His stepdaughter, who possesses a backside so out of proportion as to be a tad freakish, decided to adopt the motto of our time…"flaunt it"..."brazen it out." Make it an asset (pun intended). In fact, go to the outer limits of flaunting it.
                  So, Kim made a film of herself having sexual intercourse with a big stud and put it out for public consumption the way her best pal, the Hilton gal, had made her own desperate grasp at fame. The feminists announced it's a good thing to be a rebel, an outlaw. Be a damned outlaw!

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                  • Burnsey
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 2572

                    ^^^^ Funny one worms......
                    The last line is the bottom line though: Here's some truth for ya. You see, there's that pesky little Y chromosome. One hundred years from now if they dig up Bruce Jenner they will find, besides a pair of silicon implants and a few bones, someone whose DNA unequivocally shouts out that this human being was and is, for all time, (horror of horrors) a white male!


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Battle over Boy's Circumcision Enters Federal Court
                      NBC Miami ^

                      The case of a Florida woman who fled to avoid her son's circumcision is entering a federal courtroom for the first time.
                      Thirty-one-year-old Heather Hironimus was arrested Thursday in the long-running dispute over the removal of her 4-year-old child's foreskin. She went missing with the boy nearly three months ago and ignored a judge's warnings that if she didn't appear in court and give consent for the circumcision to proceed, she faced jail.
                      The case originated in state courts but will be heard in a federal courtroom Monday in West Palm Beach. An attorney for Hironimus filed a federal civil rights complaint as legal options faded.
                      A judge is due to hear a motion asking for a restraining order against the boy's father to keep the surgery from happening.
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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        'Father' To Marry 'Son' In Bucks County (PA) -- With Court's Blessing

                        This week, Bill Novak and Norman MacArthur will go from being father and son to a married couple.
                        Before you jump to conclusions, consider this: Novak and MacArthur are not father and son biologically. Rather, their relationship through adoption was solely a technicality to enable the rights they desperately wanted but were not legally able to attain as a married couple.
                        The same-sex couple, who have been together for more than 50 years, registered as domestic partners in New York City in 1994. After moving to Bucks County, they learned that Pennsylvania law does not recognize domestic partners and prohibits same sex marriages.
                        “The time came about to do estate planning,” MacArthur said. “We were told at that time ‘hell would freeze over before Pennsylvania approves same sex marriage’.”
                        They were advised by a lawyer that the only avenue to becoming legally related was through adoption. “It was the only legal method we could use in Pennsylvania to give underpinning to our relationship,” MacArthur said.
                        So in 2000, Novak adopted MacArthur. Both sets of their parents were already deceased, preventing another legal hurdle.
                        But still they dreamed of being married.
                        That dream was on the cusp of becoming a reality 15 years later, when the United States District Court declared unconstitutional Pennsylvania’s Marriage Laws prohibiting same-sex marriage.
                        But Novak and MacArthur, now in their 70s, faced another challenge: they were, in the eyes of Pennsylvania, father and son.
                        The pair’s Petition to Vacate Adoption Decree was granted on May 14, allowing them to marry. This is the first case in Pennsylvania history seeking to vacate an adoption to allow a same sex couple to marry, their lawyer Terry Clemons said.
                        Clemons said the approach of using adoption to gain rights was not uncommon around the turn of the century as same-sex couples were navigating estate planning and access to medical care.
                        Clemons, a founding partner of Doylestown-based Clemons, Richter & Reiss, P.C., successfully petitioned the Orphans Court of Bucks County on behalf of the couple. He said when the order was signed from the bench, the couple’s friends and family erupted in applause.
                        After years of having to hide behind a phony title in order to gain rights, Novak and MacArthur say they are overjoyed to be able to marry.
                        “We are ecstatic beyond belief. I feel an enormous sense of not only relief but freedom that we can finally do something in Pennsylvania that I’ve been dreaming of for years.”
                        And they’re wasting no time: the day after the Petition to Vacate Adoption Decree was approved, they applied for a marriage license, which MacArthur said was granted in 15 minutes.
                        As of Wednesday, MacArthur said the exact date the couple will make it official hasn’t been set but it will be soon. He said they’ll be married at the courthouse but will celebrate with family and friends at a reception later this summer.
                        The judge’s order will not only change MacArthur and Novak’s life, but will have an impact on many other same-sex couples in Pennsylvania, according to Clemons.
                        “Not only does it pave the way for this couple to obtain a marriage license, it is an important precedent for others who may be in the same position,” Clemons, Richter & Reiss said in a statement.
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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          Mother found pushing dead toddler on swing in Maryland park

                          (Reuters) - A Maryland mother was found early on Friday pushing her dead 3-year-old boy on a park swing, authorities said.
                          Deputies responded to a call around 7 a.m. to check on a woman who witnesses said had been pushing a child for hours on a swing at Wills Memorial Park in La Plata, about 35 miles (55 km) south of Washington, D.C., said Charles County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Diane Richardson.

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                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            Coal-mine companies expect 2,267 layoffs

                            CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Appalachian coal mining suffered a double blow on Friday, as Murray Energy announced plans to lay off more than 1,800 miners, most from West Virginia, and Alpha Natural Resources told 439 more Mountain State miners they could be out of work.
                            The announcements continue a grim employment trend for the Appalachian coalfields.
                            On Friday, St. Clairsville, Ohio-based Murray Energy said it told 1,417 workers at five West Virginia mines that their jobs must be eliminated....

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                            Last edited by wa3zrm; 24-05-15, 05:50 AM.
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                            • CzechCzar
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 1144

                              Correct me if I am wrong Wa3zrm but that logo is the Islamic letter that begins the word Nazarite, used to refer to Christians, no?

                              Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                              Coal-mine companies expect 2,267 layoffs

                              CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Appalachian coal mining suffered a double blow on Friday, as Murray Energy announced plans to lay off more than 1,800 miners, most from West Virginia, and Alpha Natural Resources told 439 more Mountain State miners they could be out of work.
                              The announcements continue a grim employment trend for the Appalachian coalfields.
                              On Friday, St. Clairsville, Ohio-based Murray Energy said it told 1,417 workers at five West Virginia mines that their jobs must be eliminated....

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                              • Premium Parrots
                                Super Moderators
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 9759

                                Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
                                Correct me if I am wrong Wa3zrm but that logo is the Islamic letter that begins the word Nazarite, used to refer to Christians, no?
                                IDK about looks similar to the logo for SlotAmerica to me.....

                                Last edited by Premium Parrots; 26-05-15, 01:30 AM.
                                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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