Guays I have finally returned and I'm glad to be here again! I thought I would never make it out of Moes basement alive. His Offroad Coffee/Vanilla deprivation experiments were brutal. Luckily I was freed by a gaggle of aliens but they ended up keeping me for a while to do some probing around. After they became thoroughly disgusted they finally let me go.
Thanks to everyone for all your well wishes while I was gone. I have been able to read a lot of them lately and I really appreciate the concern you all have shown.
I will spare you all the details about my absence but let me just say that after some pretty severe complications from my sex change surgery and then the month or two I spent just playing with myself I am now back...and my fingers are stronger and longer than ever. However I realize now I should have had my tonge extended as well.
On a serious note I do want you all to know that I did not just abandon the site or my many friends here. I let the mods and ownership know what happened and where I was and stayed in contact with them during the course of my absence. I appreciate them respecting my privacy during this time and for them passing on all your well wishes. I won’t say too much more about it except that I am fine [for the most part] and it’s good to finally be able to resume business as usual. A huge thanks to SnusDog for the xtra effort he put in while I was gone.
Soooo with that said..... where are my blue barrels and who’s the first victim.
Thanks to everyone for all your well wishes while I was gone. I have been able to read a lot of them lately and I really appreciate the concern you all have shown.
I will spare you all the details about my absence but let me just say that after some pretty severe complications from my sex change surgery and then the month or two I spent just playing with myself I am now back...and my fingers are stronger and longer than ever. However I realize now I should have had my tonge extended as well.
On a serious note I do want you all to know that I did not just abandon the site or my many friends here. I let the mods and ownership know what happened and where I was and stayed in contact with them during the course of my absence. I appreciate them respecting my privacy during this time and for them passing on all your well wishes. I won’t say too much more about it except that I am fine [for the most part] and it’s good to finally be able to resume business as usual. A huge thanks to SnusDog for the xtra effort he put in while I was gone.
Soooo with that said..... where are my blue barrels and who’s the first victim.
