2016 Presidential Election Thread

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    2016 Presidential Election Thread

    Joe Biden Swims Naked, Upsetting Female Secret Service Agents, Book Claims

    Vice President Joe Biden enjoys swimming without a bathing suit, a new book claims.
    Biden, who’s flirting with a run for president in 2016, gives Secret Service agents an eyeful both at his Delaware home and at the vice president’s official residence in Washington, D.C., according to “The First Family Detail” by Ronald Kessler.
    The book relies on named and unnamed sources to describe life guarding prominent politicians including Biden, former President Ronald Reagan, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

    “Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
    “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
    “Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”
    In addition to the alleged skinny-dipping, agents are reportedly irritated by frequent last-minute trips to Delaware.
    A Biden spokeswoman would not address the claims on the record. A spokesperson for the Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
    [READ: Joe Biden's Shotgun Advice Could Land Jill Biden in Jail]
    Kessler worked for several mainstream publications – including more than a decade at The Washington Post – before a stint as chief Washington correspondent at the conservative online publication Newsmax in the early 2000s.
    His reporting has won two George Polk awards.
    Kessler does have credibility reporting on the Secret Service.

    (Excerpt) Read more at usnews.com ...
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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    'He's one of the great sleaze bags of our time':...

    ...Trump accuses Clinton aide of sharing secret emails with 'perv' husband Anthony Weiner

    Trump launched highly personal attack on Clinton aide Huma Abedin Accused her of sharing secret emails with husband Anthony Weiner He branded Weiner a 'perv' and 'one of the great sleaze bags of our time' Trump also called America the 'sucker' of the international community Said U.S. 'gets involved in everything' without asking for anything back
    In typically brash style Donald Trump has tonight taken a blistering aim at Hillary Clinton and her aide Huma Abedin during an event for supporters in Boston.
    Discussing the Clinton email saga, Trump accused Abedin of passing information from those emails to her husband Anthony Weiner, who he branded 'one of the biggest sleaze bags of our time.'
    Addressing a cheering crowd, Trump said: 'She [Huma] is getting secrets and she is married to Another Weiner. She's married to this guy, who, by the way, now works for a PR firm. Who thinks there's even a five per cent chance that she's not telling him what she's coming across?'
    In one of his most personal attacks yet, Trump also called Weiner a 'perv' and 'a bad guy' referring to the scandal the engulfed Weiner after he was caught sending intimate pictures of himself to several different women. Weiner was forced to resign his seat in Congress over the issue in 2011, and in 2013 saw his bid to become Mayor of New York implode after Sydney Leathers came forward with more images.

    (Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...
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    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Not a Joke: MSNBC Has 'Breaking News' on Donald Trump's Hair

      The journalists at MSNBC may have too much time on their hands. On Thursday, the network played a graphic of a Donald Trump speech with the "breaking news" about his hair. MSNBC blasted, "Breaking News: Trump Has Woman Pull Hair to Prove It's Real."
      Anchor Thomas Roberts then excitedly showed video of Trump calling on a woman at a news conference. She walked on stage to inspect his hair:
      Not a Joke: MSNBC Has 'Breaking News' on Donald Trump's Hair
      DONALD TRUMP: It's my hair! I swear! [Calls woman up on stage.] Come on! Come. Is it mine?"
      WOMAN: It is.
      TRUMP: Say it, please.
      WOMAN: Yes, I believe it is.
      Roberts described the news conference as talking "about the front page of the New York Times... and the beef that he has going on with Jorge Ramos and also the fact that his hair is real."

      (Excerpt) Read more at newsbusters.org ...
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      • Burnsey
        • Jan 2013
        • 2572

        The Donald is just a circus act so far, and is becoming boring. I think he may need to step up to the plate soon with an idea or two and quit spewing superlatives and railing at anybody that comes to mind.
        There may be an idea or two under the hair?



        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          First-Time Voter, 92, Gets to Meet Her Savior: Donald Trump

          Donald Trump has outdone himself — he’s managed to bring one ancient person back to political life.
          Beada Corum, 92, recently registered to vote for the first time so she could vote for Trump,. On Saturday, Aug. 29, she got to meet The Donald in person.
          Trump sealed the campaign-trail revival when he kissed Corum on the cheek at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies Conference, when they posed for the cameras.

          (Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...
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          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            "Trump sealed the campaign-trail revival when he kissed Corum on the cheek" ... can't say he's not practical....makes more sense than the traditional kissing of babies.....they don't vote....
            Last edited by Burnsey; 30-08-15, 06:07 PM.


            • Andy105
              • Nov 2013
              • 1393

              92, and voting for the first time?! We wouldn't be in this mess, if she voted for Dewey back in '48.


              • Burnsey
                • Jan 2013
                • 2572

                Originally posted by Andy105 View Post
                92, and voting for the first time?! We wouldn't be in this mess, if she voted for Dewey back in '48.

                Then there's Christie....he might do better not speaking at all.... bar codes for all my friends.... http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/30/us...edex.html?_r=0


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Donald Trump: U.S. Treats Illegals Better than Vets

                  On Saturday, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said illegal immigrants are treated better than Wounded Warriors and veterans in America.
                  Speaking in Nashville at a National Federation of Republican Assemblies event, Trump said that “illegal immigrants, in many cases–not in all cases, but in many cases–are treated better than our veterans, who are the greatest people we have.” Trump spoke about some of the horrors veterans have had to face in accessing basic medical care and services and vowed that veterans would be treated like first-class citizens under a Trump administration.

                  (Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com ...
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                  • wa3zrm
                    • May 2009
                    • 4436

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                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

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                      • wa3zrm
                        • May 2009
                        • 4436

                        John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Jackass’ At Fundraiser

                        Speaker of the House John Boehner stunned audience members Wednesday evening at a Colorado fundraiser by referring to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz as a “jackass,” two people in attendance tell The Daily Caller.
                        At a Steamboat Springs event for GOP Rep. Scott Tipton, the Ohio Republican quipped that he likes how Cruz’s presidential campaign keeps “that jackass” out of Washington, and from telling Boehner how to do his job.

                        (Excerpt) Read more at dailycaller.com ...
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                        • wa3zrm
                          • May 2009
                          • 4436

                          Donald Trump On Ben Carson: Doctors Don't Create Jobs
                          Daily Caller ^ |

                          Donald Trump says he has great affection for Ben Carson, but he’s not so sure Carson has the right experience to be president.
                          The billionaire businessman and Republican presidential frontrunner explained why in an extensive interview with The Daily Caller that covered a wide array of subjects. The interview will be published in sections over the coming days.
                          A Monmouth University poll of Iowa released Monday showed Trump tied with Carson for first place — though Trump is quick to note that it was just one poll and that he leads the field, including Carson, in all the other recent polls.
                          But despite the rising threat of Carson in Iowa, Trump has not yet attacked the world-renowned neurosurgeon. Asked by TheDC whether being a doctor provides the necessary experience to be president, Trump said while Carson is “a wonderful guy,” he thinks it would be “very tough” for someone who spent his life as a surgeon to handle the job.
                          “I think it’s a very difficult situation that he’d be placed in,” Trump elaborated. “He’s really a friend of mine, I just think it’s a very difficult situation that he puts himself into, to have a doctor who wasn’t creating jobs and would have a nurse or maybe two nurses. It’s such a different world. I’ve created tens of thousands of jobs over the years.”
                          In the past Trump has questioned whether Ted Cruz is eligible to be president because the Texas senator was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father. Cruz and Trump have since become something like BFFs on the campaign trail, refusing to criticize each other and even scheduled to appear together at an upcoming rally in Washington against the nuclear deal with Iran. Asked whether he still thinks Cruz might not be eligible to be president, Trump said, “based on everything I see, there’s no problem.”
                          “Because other people have brought it up, and it seems like the legal scholars have all been satisfied,” he went on. “It was never a big point for me, but I have watched other people question him, and the legal scholars have been satisfied.”
                          President Barack Obama has been criticized by many Republicans, including Trump, for his regular golf outings. But would Trump, who is an avid golfer and owns many golf courses throughout the world, regularly hit the links if he makes it to the Oval Office?
                          “The problem with the president, he’s played more than people on the PGA tour,” Trump quipped. “He plays a lot. He’s like a touring professional in terms of the amount of play.”
                          “Golf can be a great tool for making deals, but you can’t play with your friends, you have to play with people that you’re looking to — for instance, playing with [House Speaker] John Boehner and playing with [Senate leader Mitch] McConnell and playing with people that you need to make deals with,” Trump argued. “It can be an amazing tool for getting things done and for making deals.”
                          “With that being said, you want to play it the proper number of times,” he went on. “If the president would use golf as a tool more than he does, I think it would be very positive.”
                          Trump often cites how rich he is as a sign of his success and, in turn, a qualification to be President of the United States. By that standard, would someone richer than him, like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, be more qualified for the presidency?
                          “That’s different,” Trump replied. “Honestly, I don’t think I’d swap assets, to be honest with you. I’ve seen that stuff go up and down. I have very, very solid stuff. To me, I love real estate because you can feel it. A lot of people, they’ll make five hundred million dollars by doing some new computer game, but I don’t consider that — I consider that sort of different. I consider that paper.”
                          “I did it in real estate,” he explained, “and as real estate goes, this is about as high as you go.”
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                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            Hillary, Champion of Everyday Americans, Needed Two Aides to Bring Her Iced Tea

                            If I were to approach a person on the street and list off traits like “doesn’t drive,” “needs food prepared,” “needs help with the remote control,” “needs people to bring her beverages,” “has trouble remembering things,” and “doesn’t pay her own bills” about someone anonymously, he wouldn’t think I was referring to current presidential front-runner in the year 2015. He would think I was referring to his poor nana, whom he had to place in a home because she wouldn’t stop yelling at the lamp and was at risk of accidentally microwaving her dentures.

                            But, as we now know courtesy of the ongoing FOIA e-mail dump, all of these traits accurately describe the current Democratic front-runner and (as she is always eager to remind us) doting grandmother, Hillary Clinton. Amidst the e-mail revelations, an alarming pattern is developing about Clinton’s personal dependency on those inside her inner bubble.

                            She isn’t just delegating important tasks to underlings, as any executive might; these aren’t urgent matters of national security, such as aides’ fetching satellite intelligence or the latest reports relevant to a managing executive. Rather, it appears that Hillary is either helpless or unwilling to perform even the most menial and trivial of daily tasks.

                            Email 1/03/10
                            "I’d like to work w you to prepare a menu for Jason. Also does he give me a monthly bill for the food he buys and prepares for me? Could you or he buy skim milk for me to have for my tea? Also, pls remind me to bring more tea cups from home . . . Can you give me times for two TV shows: Parks and Recreation and The Good Wife?"
                            (Excerpt) Read more at nationalreview.com ...
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                            • minnix
                              New Member
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 8

                              This will definitely be an interesting election. I hear the white nationalist movement has thrown their support behind a presidential candidate for the first time since David Duke. Surprise, it's Trump. Interesting article in the New Yorker about it. I'm not sure how far that can carry him though as 90% of Romney's voters were white, you see how that turned out, and that demographic is rapidly shrinking in America today. Alienating minorities is something the Repubs have been trying to get past for a while now since the key to winning is to get their vote, and Trump's not making it any easier.


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