Yesterday Obama ran to the podium using a horrendous crime at a college in Oregon to rail against guns. As traumatic as these insane killings are, when Obama addressed the Nation, barely any information was available from Oregon. What was he up to? Was he throwing a shiny object, gun control, out there for the media to goggle at while, . . . while what?
Well, while Putin is settling into a long term encampment in Syria, and going to war. War! Encampment? OK, well not so much encampment as ‘occupation’. Yes, that’s better — occupation, which in Putin terminology translates to ‘annex’ if his dalliance in, well, annexation of Crimea, is any attestation of intent.
Our piteous media cannot find the words to protect Obama, so it blathers on, inanely attempting to explain something it evidently does not understand as it pears in vain through the eyes of a blundering Administration — what can it possibly be thinking? It's so very difficult for the media to make sense of lies and obfuscations flowing out of this Administration, but it tries. Putin understands, and furthermore, Putin takes action. He is ruthless — a merciless and sadistic graduate that makes the KGB proud.
Putin now has tanks, drones, bombers, fighter jets, and he has ships in Tartus, Syria, his only naval base in the Mediterranean Sea. Where’s Obama? Oh, is that him hiding behind Kerry? To make sure the world gets the message, China is also ‘acting’, having sent military advisers aboard a naval vessel which will arrive in the coming days. Israeli military news indicates that this Chinese ‘help’ is in the form of Chinese aircraft carrier Liaonig-CV-16.
Instead of backdooring weapons to Syrian rebels as Obama and Clinton attempted in the Benghazi/Turkey-arm-the-Jihadist fiasco, Putin is waging a war directly and unequivocally on all Syrian rebels. Instead of arming some ‘guys’, but not those ‘guys’, and maybe these other ‘guys,’ but we’re not sure because we don’t really know who’s who, Putin is attacking REBELS. But, but, but, Obama says those aren’t the right rebels. No kidding? Apparently now, Obama likes the Al-Quaeda and other rebels and says he doesn’t like those other guys, the ISIS guys. So what of those?
Putin will in time attack all rebels. Why? Because Syria will be his, and he will not stand for rebellion. Remember how he acted on rebels in Chechnya where he destroyed wide swaths of towns killing men, women and children without flinching. Syria will in time no longer be a haven for countless terrorist cells and terror launching pads. There is plenty of lucre awaiting Putin at the end of his campaign.
Syria will be a gateway to energy cash, particularly gas, with Europe, as well as China, waiting in the Mediterranean for the pipeline to deliver the vital energy source flowing out of Iran’s South Pars field.
Europeans had anticipated that Iranian gas coming through an Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline would have provided them a counterbalance against blackmailing at the hands of Putin’s Gazprom. Europe’s hoped-for diversification in now another dream wreaked on the shoals of incompetence and inaction by Obama and the E.U. This was also one of the main reasons why the E.U. went along with Obama’s incomprehensible Iranian deal. European nations needed alternatives to Putin’s oil and gas.
(Excerpt) Read more at floppingaces.net...