Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Obama’s Biggest Mistake Will Be Underestimating The Power Of We the People Abosolute ^
I sit here today and, for the first time in my life it seems...I'm speechless. And it's not speechless because I have nothing to say. It's because I have so, so much on my mind, I cannot find the right words to start with.
So let me try this.
I live in California-San Fernando Valley to be exact-with my family. It's about 60 miles West of San Bernardino, the scene of yesterday's mass shooting where 14 people died and 17 were wounded. Only 60 miles away. It's not New York, not Texas, not Paris, not Lebanon, not London. It was on my doorstep. It was on the doorstep of millions of Californians who woke up thinking the exact same thing as I did as I dropped my son off at daycare. It was just another day. How wrong we were.
Something we take pride in here at Absolute Rights is to report the facts as and when we get them. If news breaks, we report it. If they are unconfirmed reports, we'll say that and update as and when it's confirmed (or not if the case may be). Yesterday, the media did a stellar job reporting the facts as active shooters unleashed terror, in Southern California. Thanks to the power of social media and the 24/7 news reporting this day and age, we sometimes get the story before the police get to the scene. This was apparent yesterday. It's also thanks the power of social media where, deep in the bowels of the Internet, around 100,000 people were listening into the police scanner and reporting minute by minute updates.
Let me tell you what you may not know. We (the media) knew the shooters were Muslim from around 1pm. We knew Syed Farook was the main suspect. We knew that the international press named him and called the shootings a "terrorist attack." We knew there was a woman involved by around 3pm. We knew that the authorities knew this too. We knew there were an unknown number of explosives at one or more locations. We also knew that this was, most likely, going to point towards a terrorist attack. We also knew that, if the media knew, then President Barack Obama knew this. So why, a day later, are we still skipping around calling it EXACTLY what this was? Why, a day later, are the authorities not taking all the evidence they have so far and admitting that this is a terrorist attack? Because make no mistake about it. They know what this was. They just won't admit that the enemy is here and the war has begun.
The bullet riddled car where shooter Syed Farook died along with a female associate. We live in the greatest country in the world. The land of the free and home of the brave. A country where the most well-known law enforcement agencies in the world work tirelessly to protect the law abiding citizens. A nation filled with patriots who would, quite literally, die to protect their families, their homes and the soil they stand on. This is the United States of America. So can you tell me why our FBI, our police force and our government are looking like a bunch of inept fools just now? Can you please explain to me why not one of them seems to know ANYTHING about this coordinated attack by three heavily armed Muslims wearing body armor? Anyone? Let me help. It's because they are not allowed. Why? Simple...President Barack Obama.
Our Commander In Chief will not tell the nation what we all know because this is his worst nightmare coming true. Everything he has done during his time in the white house has been fine tuned to suit his needs and agenda. By using the left leaning media, he's managed to control what we read, what we see and what we hear. This is the man who, when Nidal Hasan murdered 13 people and injured more than 30 others at Fort Hood, Texas while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' as he opened fire, called it "work place violence." This is the man who has yet to attach the word "Islamic" to any jihadi terror attack. This is the man who wants to bring 20,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. even when his closest allies and White House confidants strongly advised him not to. This is the man who, only last week, told us there are no known threats to our nation and it's citizens. This is the man who thinks our greatest threat is Climate Change. And this is the man who, even when all roads seem to point to a Jihadi Terror Attack where 14 American's were cut down where they stood and now lie in a morgue, pushes gun control during a time when EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE ARMED to protect themselves and their family.
Our President. Barack Hussain Obama. The man who ripped our nation apart from the very foundations Americans spilled blood to build had his world rocked yesterday. This is the one situation when good Americans unite. This is when our patriotism shines. No matter what your color may be or what your political standing is, when our loved ones are put in danger from an enemy with deep hatred for everything we stand for, we stand tall. And when that enemy, who are so savage, so unforgiving and so brutal that they will die for their cause are integrated in our society and can strike at anytime, every one of us will want to use our 2nd Amendment rights to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
And if our president thinks he can take away our right to protect our families at the time when we need our guns the most, he will find out the power of We the People and his days in the Oval Office will be over!
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Worst Act of Terrorism since Sept. 11 – WHERE’S THE PRESIDENT?
Last Thursday I heard Attorney General Loretta Lynch say regarding the San Bernardino assault, "Violence like this has no place in this country. This is not what we stand for, this is not what we do."
These words so trivialized concern about terrorism they made me sick. Actually, considering the magnitude of what had happened, her words struck me as lacking human compassion - almost as if she were not even paying attention.
Since then, despite the growing awareness of the significance of this terrorist attack in the United States the President has been conspicuously aloof.
The terrorist attack in San Bernardino has changed the rules of engagement. It provides a basis for changing the way to understand the Islamic terrorist on the loose in the United States - an invisible, self-radicalized foe. It is imperative to the survival of our nation that we develop a new strategy for dealing with the new, invisible Islamic terrorist.
Political correctness will have to go out the window. We can't ignore the danger of a Muslims-American who have just returned from a visit to the Mideast.
Law enforcement must develop a profile for the invisible Islamic terrorist. The Invisible terrorist is Muslim-American citizen, or Muslim immigrant who recently returned from the Middle East and is quietly religious. What else?
To family terrorist family members that tell us 'we had no idea'. 'They never did or said anything that gave us the slightest clue.' We need to say NONSENSE.
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