The End of the World is Nigh ... Sweden makes a mockery of American Christian Holidays festival in order to send free goats to hot countries where muslims might live.
Some ignorant, xenophobic people have been reported as saying that they don't want anybody who lives in a poor, hot country that they don't understand to get the free goats at the expense of the sanctity of the day when their messiah was supposedly born (because it was definitely the 25th December despite the fact that the modern calendar didn't exist 2000 years ago). One was heard to say "I didn't work hard all my life and pay my tax dollars in order for some Swedish as***les to give goats to brown people who are probably all terrorists ... this is Holidays for Christ's sake! Is nothing sacred? ".
Some ignorant, xenophobic people have been reported as saying that they don't want anybody who lives in a poor, hot country that they don't understand to get the free goats at the expense of the sanctity of the day when their messiah was supposedly born (because it was definitely the 25th December despite the fact that the modern calendar didn't exist 2000 years ago). One was heard to say "I didn't work hard all my life and pay my tax dollars in order for some Swedish as***les to give goats to brown people who are probably all terrorists ... this is Holidays for Christ's sake! Is nothing sacred? ".