Through the use of images I'll show you what it brings. But before I do that (just to be fair), I will say that the drug has its medicinal benefits, theres no doubt about that, but medicinal patients are hardly the bulk of the enthusiasts or the consumers. They might represent 10% or less of that base. The other 90% represents the following:
Filthy dirty homeless drug addicts hanging out on your street corners. Pan handling, and when asked to leave they respond, hey man I thought this place was cool man? I thought I could just sit here and play musicĀ all day long, annoy the crap out of normal people, not shower for a few months, or even bother to wipe my ass. Who cares if I turn people away from local businesses and shops? Its a free country, why can't I just sit here, lay in my own piss, and beg for money on the street? What's it to you bro? It's just weed bro! It will improve the economy and shit bro! *Read the rest of the story with images...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Filthy dirty homeless drug addicts hanging out on your street corners. Pan handling, and when asked to leave they respond, hey man I thought this place was cool man? I thought I could just sit here and play musicĀ all day long, annoy the crap out of normal people, not shower for a few months, or even bother to wipe my ass. Who cares if I turn people away from local businesses and shops? Its a free country, why can't I just sit here, lay in my own piss, and beg for money on the street? What's it to you bro? It's just weed bro! It will improve the economy and shit bro! *Read the rest of the story with images...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...