Some questions, beginner.

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  • lamp
    New Member
    • Sep 2006
    • 4

    Some questions, beginner.

    Hi2u snussers. I have a couple of questions .

    Does using snus cause looseing of the upper teeth?

    Do you guys re-use used pouches?

    Thanks in advance,
    Beginner snusser
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Long-term heavy snus use is known to cause some gingival recession (gums pull away from the teeth and make pockets) but I think that if you are moderate about your snus use and take good care of your teeth and gums otherwise it wouldn't be much, if any, problem. I'm not an expert, though, so take that for what it's worth.


    • StarWing
      • Aug 2006
      • 124

      Don't guess that is something I have to worry about, since I wear a full set of dentures (both bottom and upper)

      Of course, I use the portions. I've never tried loose Snus - don't know how well that would go being a denture wearer :?: But I intend to try the loose soon - guess the Snus will get into the upper part of my denture, between my denture and gums/inside mouth (top).

      Hmmm... wonder if Snussed Denture Adhesive will ever come available... hehe :lol:


      • lamp
        New Member
        • Sep 2006
        • 4

        I mean like, do you re-use used pouches? Like you put your used ones in that trashcankindofthingy or whatever it's called on ur snustin, and then afterwards you use the used one, not take a new one?


        • StarWing
          • Aug 2006
          • 124

          Originally posted by lamp
          I mean like, do you re-use used pouches? Like you put your used ones in that trashcankindofthingy or whatever it's called on ur snustin, and then afterwards you use the used one, not take a new one?
          The "trashcankindofthingy" could be used for used up Snus to get you by until you get to a place where you can better dispose of it, like in a trashcan, toilet bowl, etc. AND/OR you have just stuck some Snus in your mouth several minutes earlier, and it still has some wear to it (flavor, etc.) but need to take it out temporarily (e.g. brushing your teeth, eating a meal, etc.);

          It is like an ash tray is for cigarettes - temporary disposal or 'ducking' a cigarette (to be relit and the rest smoked later/shortly thereafter).


          • Dave***t
            • Aug 2006
            • 104

            I wouldn't re-use a pouch. Aesthetically it strikes me as a bit, well, disgusting. But more practically, I'd imagine a used pouch kept at room temperature would be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria, and putting that into your mouth can't be a good thing!


            • mwood72

              Originally posted by Zero
              Long-term heavy snus use is known to cause some gingival recession (gums pull away from the teeth and make pockets) but I think that if you are moderate about your snus use and take good care of your teeth and gums otherwise it wouldn't be much, if any, problem. I'm not an expert, though, so take that for what it's worth.
              What would be viewed as "moderate" Snus use? :?:


              • lamp
                New Member
                • Sep 2006
                • 4

                Originally posted by Zero

                What would be viewed as "moderate" Snus use? :?:
                I'd like to know that aswell. I currently go through a tin of Skruf Stark in about 2-3 days, sometimes less, sometimes more. Is that moderate or heavy? Or maybe it's light :?:


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  I'd call heavy use having fresh snus in your lip all day long save mealtime. Sort of 1-2 tins per day-ish. Light might be just a few pinches - morning, after meals, evening sort of thing. Moderate might be something in between... I don't know. I guess it's all very subjective and there are a lot of factors involved. Here is the abstract from a research paper on the subject :


                  Clinical appearance of lesions associated with the use of loose and portion-bag packed Swedish moist snuff: a comparative study

                  Gunilla Andersson and Tony Axèll
                  Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 18 (1), 2-7.
                  doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.1989.tb00722.x

                  The aim of this study was to register and compare clinical oral mucosal lesions and gingival recessions associated with the use of two different smokeless tobacco products, loose snuff and portion-bag packed snuff. Selected for the study were 252 men (mean age 36.3 yr) of whom 184 (mean age 36.0 yr) used exclusively loose snuff and 68 (mean age 36.9 yr) exclusively portion-bag snuff. Oral mucosal lesions were registered according to a four-grade clinical scale. There was a significantly larger proportion of less pronounced lesions, Degrees 1 and 2, among the users of portion-bag snuff compared with the users of loose snuff. This was also valid when differences in consumption data were considered. Smokeless tobacco-associated gingival recessions were found in 42 (23.5%) subjects among the users of loose snuff and in 2 (2.9%) subjects among the users of portion-bag snuff. The results of this study support previous preliminary assessments that clinical changes of the oral mucosa and the gingival margin are less pronounced among those who use portion-bag snuff than among those who use loose snuff.


                  So it would seem that loose snus is about eight times more likely to cause gingival recessions even when you factor in the amount that is used. Given that even among loose users only 23% of them showed marked gingival pockets, we can guess that those 23% are the heaviest users of snus.


                  • lamp
                    New Member
                    • Sep 2006
                    • 4

                    Originally posted by Zero
                    zero's txt
                    Thanks man!


                    • punkka
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 11

                      My boyfriend uses loose snus for a decade and there is no problems with his teeth or gums. Of course he brushes twice a day.


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