Inner Circle

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    Inner Circle

    Anyone join the inner circle on Copenhagen's website? They sent me VIP passes to the "Built Ford Tough" invitational rodeo. Also I'm gonna get a personalized snuff lid.

    What do you guys think of registering with the major tobacco manufacturers? Are the coupons and freebies worth being on a database? I used to worry about being blacklisted for health care if I signed up, but being jealous of everyone who got coupons all the time changed my mind. What a greedy whore I am.
  • cocsp2002
    • Jul 2008
    • 509

    I register all the time. I'm registered with Camel, Skoal, Red Man, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. But I love it when they send me coupons and freebies.

    Camel recently sent me a cigarette dispenser that's pretty neat. It's a box that you lift a portion of, and when you let it drop, a cigarette is balanced on top. I don't have a whole lot of use for the Camel coupons anymore, but it's still kind of cool.


    • airwoodstock
      Banned Users
      • Aug 2008
      • 340

      I'm just unlucky, I guess. I've registered with the same sites over 2 years ago (got bored one night) and, the only things I get is advertisments!! Even on my birthday, just a "happy birthday, hope you're still alive to buy our products" :shock: Could just be this state.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        I've been registered with Camel for years. They used to send me all kinds of stuff; I was even one of the lucky ones who received an ipod. I was pretty bummed when they got rid of the Camel Cash, though...I still have thousands of those damn things in a box somewhere; all counted and bundled. :x

        They never send me anything anymore; it's almost as if they know that I don't use their product anymore...


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          Cope's got way too much of a 'Brokeback Mountain' vibe going for me.


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            "I can't quit you" ahahaaahaaaa those dudes chewed Rooster.

            Cope is badass.

            If you put in a dip of Copenhagen long cut you get super powers. Like the ability to operate heavy machinery you've never used before, mad chain saw skills, various other lumberjack traits, also free license to not shave and wear sleeveless flannel shirts, you wake up with tattoos you didn't have when you went to bed, and cope makes hair grow on places you didn't know you needed hair.

            Copenhagen is good for what it is. Super expensive though.


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              You could always save some cash a throw a handful of fresh mulch in your mouth. Same taste, at least.

              I've come to believe that no one really LIKES Copenhagen, there are just people who can TOLERATE Copenhagen and use it to make people who use Skoal feel bad.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                Ahh c'mon.

                Skoal tastes like pine-sol, corn syrup, and some bits out of my paper shredder.

                Copenhagen on the other hand has a earthy, oaky sense about it.

                Neither are quite as good as snus.

                I think it's like menthol or full flavor. You decide for some reason to take one path and the further along you go the farther away the other path becomes. Harder to switch after using one for a long time and becoming accustomed to it.

                Well, I signed up with Marlboro too early this summer. I think I got a few coupons in the mail. After I pretty much quit smoking completely.

                I'm still curious if anyone else worries about ending up on a "tobacco user" data base. I might be thinking '1984' but I won't even tell my doctor I smoke. Next they want your DNA before quoting you health insurance rates.

                Ever heard about those companies that went "tobacco free"? They cotton swab your mouth to test for nicotine and fire your ass if they find any. Legally too.


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  I just got home from th PBR in Columbus Ohio. PBR= professional bull riding.

                  The VIP treatment was fanrtastic! Got to meet the cowboys, behind the scenes tour, VIP skybox party, seats on the floor.

                  I even got picked to "try" a new video game. Me and this other dude played it on the big screen in the arena during intermission. I WON.

                  It's called Out of the Chute. They gave me the Wii version. Supposedly it hasn't been released yet. I don't own a Wii. LOL.

                  Game was pretty sorry. It's fun to watch a guy ride a bull in person, but as a game it doesn't hold your attention very long. More for a niche market.

                  I'm no ****in' cowboy and I did my best to fit in. It was a lot of fun. Them bull riders are tough son's a' bitches! I never would have realized the culture and community involved in following this sport. The sponsors alone proove it's market.

                  The border Patrol was there to do the National Anthem.

                  Copenhagen was great too. I got about nine cans. 4 loose, 4 snuff, and 1 hickory to try. I sat at our bad ass up front to the action seats and pushed my icetool into a can of Knox. HAHahaa. Thanks for thi VIP passes Copenhagen, I'm still gonna use snus. $6.50 beer tastes better with snus lip than with cope juice lip.

                  Columbus has great bars too. Got back to hotel around 3:30.

                  Good Times.


                  • ponysoprano
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 562

                    LOL, I just bought a Wii for when my nephew stays with me ops: and because I wanted to play No More Heroes, which is bloody and brutal and plays like a drug induced fever dream. Out of the Chute? Is it a first person Chuter? lol

                    EDIT: here's a link to IGN's first impressions of the game from July's E3 show


                    seems they weren't impressed

                    btw: in Seattle PBR= Pabst Blue Ribbon, the cheap and watery canned beer that young punkrockers and loitering homeless chaps love!


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      Originally posted by ponysoprano
                      btw: in Seattle PBR= Pabst Blue Ribbon, the cheap and watery canned beer that young punkrockers, loitering homeless chaps and Bakerbarber love!
                      How'd you know :?:

                      I got a taste for "cheap" beer. Busch Light, Milwaukee's best, various others shunned by most connoisseurs.

                      BTW the Jack Daniels girls who were using an air cannon to shoot t shirts into the crowd... priceless. YUM


                      • Grim
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 850

                        I registered with Copenhagen TWICE and never received anything letting me know it went through.

                        I also registered with Skoal and a few others.

                        When i registered at camel i ckecked the box that says i use smokeless more than anything.

                        All i get is cig coupons that no store arounf here would take.

                        Yet to get anything about camel snus


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          Originally posted by ponysoprano

                          btw: in Seattle PBR= Pabst Blue Ribbon, the cheap and watery canned beer that young punkrockers and loitering homeless chaps love!
                          I'm one of them, and proud!


                          • RobsanX
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2030

                            Originally posted by ponysoprano
                            btw: in Seattle PBR= Pabst Blue Ribbon, the cheap and watery canned beer that young punkrockers and loitering homeless chaps love!
                            PBR is cheap there?! I'm in!


                            • rr0
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 41

                              Re: Inner Circle

                              Originally posted by bakerbarber
                              What do you guys think of registering with the major tobacco manufacturers?
                              I think your concerns are rational.


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