I blame you all...

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I blame you all...

    Had I not heard about nasal snuff from reading the various posts and threads pertaining to it I may never have bought some. I may never have felt compelled to see for myself if the kick is there, if that nice little pick me up really exists.

    lxskllr, PP, ponysoprano, Toque, all of you guys. Tropical Bob and the rest. Everyone who peeked my interest is responsible for what has happened.

    Just when I had gotten my mind around the world of snus I am faced with a-whole-nother world of flavors and possibilities. Now I have to explain to my wife why I have to spend more money and buy new things to "try". Just when I was getting good with one habit/hobby I now have to dive into another.

    I got my first nasal snuffs yesterday and LOVE them. What is a snuser to do? I'm torn. My emotions are in shambles. Where do I go from here? How do I try them all? Which will I like, which will I dislike?

    It's all of your fault!! You bastards!
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You're quite welcome :^P

    I've been digging the snuff also, but I still consider myself primarily a snusser. The nasal snuff is a nice change up, and for my usage pattern, it's almost free. When I get my next shipment, I won't have to order more snuff for a couple of years or so. This stuff just lasts and lasts...


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      sucks don't it


      huh? what?
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        I say the next logical step is to combine different snuff flavors with your favorite snus and post on the tastiest combinations.

        I'm getting some for those days when I have to go run at 6 in the morning and don't have time for a pris. I find that just a little jolt of nic gets me through an hour run; plus I don't like snusing on an empty stomach, and eating prior to a "fun run" doesn't really sound like the answer...


        • Slydel
          • Mar 2008
          • 421

          Although it might be interesting to snuff, I thought that many people here switched to snus to reduce their health risk while enjoying something much better than cigarettes. Is not snuff just as dangerous as cigarettes or has there been a break through...a low carcinogen, low cardiovascular risk snuff?


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Actually slydel, Nasal Snuff is healthier ( scientifically ) than snus.

            Nasal Snuff has never had a reported case of any cancer of the nose or jaw to any medical practioner.

            I forget the oldest snuff company, but they have never been contacted or sued about any health conditions or been blamed or had their product blamed for any condition and have been around since the 1700s.

            The TSNAs in Nasal Snuff can be misleading.

            According to Roderick from Toque ( i havent seen the report ) their snuff has such low levels of TSNAs that additional testing had to be done for them to even show up.

            Snus and Snuff are both quite safe from a harm reduction stand point.

            Although not enough research has been done on either its safe to say which ever you choose is fine and not invasive on your health.

            I chose Snus and Snuff and enjoy both together.

            Sometimes I just feel like a pinch of Toque Snuff, other times a nice Pris or Portion.... Right now I have a Pall Mall Portion in and just snuffed up some Toque St. Clements.


            • ponysoprano
              • Jul 2008
              • 562

              I find Roderick to be a very honest guy. It seems like he'll even hold back on posting on certain threads for fear of sounding like a biased "ad man". I didn't know that about their low tsna levels, that's fascinating, and I believe it.

              Grim, just stay away from that snuff made from Betel nut and Aloe Vera that the Bantu tribe of the Indian subcontinent has used for centuries. They all have upper-jaw tumors and anthropologists seem to think it's their backyard homegrown snuff that causes it. Not that either one of us would be in a position to accept snuff offered to us from a tribesman of somewhere is Asia... We'd probably scare them, or be elevated to "golden god" staus like C3PO in Return of the Jedi.


              EDIT: I stand corrected, betel leaf and lime snuff in the Indian subcontinent has indeed caused malignancies, but the Bantu tribe is from the Transvaal region in Southern Africa, they are the ones who use Aloe spiced homemade snuff, and indeed have a high rate of jaw tumors. I had the two stories combined.


              • Grim
                • Jun 2008
                • 850

                I know about the aloe vera from that tribe.

                I posted about it ealier.

                But thank you, im not planning on traveling to africa any time soon


                • bakerbarber
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 1947

                  So I got my Toque today.

                  All bullets.

                  Peanut Butter

                  I'll post reviews soon. So far Toffee is where it's at.

                  Thank you ponysoprano for the tip about dumping half the bullet into the baggy. That shit is packed tight. Talk about getting your money's worth.

                  I need to let them air out a bit, some of them are a bit ammonia stank right now.

                  I worked all day and am too tired to dump out each bullet and keep them straight right now.


                  • ponysoprano
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 562

                    enjoy! My next round should be arriving soon, like tomorrow or Monday, or later next week, who knows?! All that matters is that somewhere in the world, a small-ish white envelope is headed my way with nasal joy inside, as well as my roll on General Onyx and several cans of lös Röda. I'm currently snuffing alternating nose-loads of peanut butter and blueberry, it's pretty good, like a PN&J nose-wich.

                    baker: wanna come to either Southern Asia or Southern Africa with Grim and me to become SnuffLords?


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      I'm in.

                      Especially if I get to open up a sweatshop and hire a bunch of hoes who are only allowed to wear dust masks.

                      I'd be like "No free tastes hoe" WHAP!!


                      • Grim
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 850

                        The good thing about ammonia smell, that means your snuff is super fresh!

                        But enjoy, i prefer using the bullet to dump a certain amount on my wrist and then snuff that.

                        Works better.

                        I find that a bullet is very bad about allowing too much snuff into your throat/lungs


                        • ponysoprano
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 562

                          LMAO @ bakerbarber in jungle camo carrying a 1911 pistol, ordering half-naked tribal women to mix snuff with their bare feet while their traumatized children watch in abject horror! You could be the Col. Kurtz of snuff!

                          I agree Grim, bullets make it all too easy to get a throat full of snuff. :shock:


                          • panamaniac
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 42

                            I second bakerbaker; I also purchased some nasal snuff from toque and I must admit its simply delicious, sometimes I can't make up my mind between the St. clemens and the vanilla flavor, thank you guys for opening up my eyes to another vice; at this point I'll be really sad if the bill passes that does not allowed the shipping of tobacco over the mail :evil: .

