...non-Swedish speakers - I met a swedish girl and her finnish friend in the Hofbrauhaus in munich a while back who enlightened me to the meaning of "beroendeframkallande". Apparently it means "addictive" :lol:
For the curious...
Re: For the curious...
Originally posted by Zero...non-Swedish speakers - I met a swedish girl and her finnish friend in the Hofbrauhaus in munich a while back who enlightened me to the meaning of "beroendeframkallande". Apparently it means "addictive" :lol:
Snus On!
yeah, that's exactly it - tobacco, specifically, though and not product (tobaksvara...sensible enough). The rest is practically english/germanic with a bit of funky swedish swish. You can almost picture writing "health" the way a swedish person might say it - hälsa... heallssa :lol: Just this crazy beroendeframkallande nonsense which had me puzzled for the longest time :shock:
He replied to my hookah post almost two months ago.