American interested in Snus

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  • SouthTexas
    • Jan 2007
    • 28

    American interested in Snus

    Today I was watching the History Channel Modern Marvel series about tobacco. They had a segment about Sweedish snus so here I am doing research. I currently smoke ciggarettes (Marlboro medium 100's) but want to quit. I also dip apple flavored long cut Skoal when I can not smoke because of smoking laws in public. Once I quit smoking for a year and only used Copenhagen.

    I have some questions about snus.
    Do you spit while using snus?
    We have pouches available here from Copenhagen and Skoal. Are they the same as Snus?
    Why do you put the pouch or the pinch in your upper lip instead of your lower lip?
    What is that portioner tool for loose snoos used for? Can't you just take a pinch? How does this thing work?
    Has anyone used both snus and american dip, and if so how do they compare on strength, what are the differences, if any.
    If I liked Apple and Peach Skoal, what snus should I try?
    If I liked Copenhagen Long cut, what snus should I try?
    Why isn't snus more popular in America?

    Thanks and hopefully you can help me out a little!
    If there is a thread that already answers these questions, could you please post a link to it for me? Thank you!
  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    I've not yet tried american smokeless, but I'll try to answer some of your questions from a snusers point of view.

    Do you spit while using snus? - no, you dont need to spit because putting the snus 'up' does not produce as much saliva. Also snus (as far as I know) is almost like powder compared to the US smokesless and therefore contain the spit better. So to speak. The portion type seem to produce more saliva.

    What is the portioner tool for? - well, I think the main part of the worlds snus users just uses their fingers and form a tight litlle cone or barrel shape 'pris'. But due to the very loose consistence of snus someone came up with the idea for the Prismaster, a simple plastic device that makes it less messy and much faster to get a pinch. The Icetool is based on the same principle but is much more stylish and have other design-like advantages ...

    About try-outs: if you look at the sticky post concerning personal likes and dislikes, you'll see that some of the most popular brands are Skruf, General, Ettan and Göteborgs Rapé. These are more 'traditional snus'. Some may be flavoured but always in a natural way that only seems to enhance the characteristics og the fine tobaccos. Other brands like Mocca, Roots and Catch are often flavoured beyond any sense - at least thats what I think.
    A good idea might be one the mixed boxes from Northerner or Buysnus ... they'll give you a good preview of the fine art of snus.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Re: American interested in Snus

      Do you spit while using snus? No. Snus is clean and inconspicuous. It just sits under your lip and does its magic.

      We have pouches available here from Copenhagen and Skoal. Are they the same as Snus?
      Similar, although you'll find snus is much better

      Why do you put the pouch or the pinch in your upper lip instead of your lower lip?
      Tradition. You could put it in your lower lip and it would work just the same.

      What is that portioner tool for loose snoos used for? Can't you just take a pinch?
      Most snus is fine ground and has the consistency more of a thick paste. The traditional way is just to take a pinch and roll it into a tube or ball, then stick it under your lip. This leaves you with dirty fingers, though, and so for a more civilised alternative the portion tool lets you make perfect pinches, nicely compressed, each time.

      How does this thing work?
      It's like a syringe with an open end - you jab it into the tin and fill it up, then use a finger to block the tip while you compress the pinch into a sort of pellet, then stick the open end under your lip and push the pellet into place.

      Has anyone used both snus and american dip, and if so how do they compare on strength, what are the differences, if any.
      The stronger snuses like Skruf Stark, Strongcut, Nick and Johnny, etc, seem to be on the order of strength of cope, although normal snus is also quite potent. The biggest thing people seem to note is the flavour - american tobacco seems to be overflavoured with horrid, artificial tastes while the flavours in snus are much more subtle and aromatic. You may find snus less "sweet" if you're used to american flavoured tobaccos, but it's got a very nice character of its own, I find.

      If I liked Apple and Peach Skoal, what snus should I try?
      Something sweeter, I would guess. Perhaps Probe Whiskey or Gotlands Green, Göteborgs Rapé No.2, Skruf Cranberry. Perhaps Roots Cognac or even Röda Lacket. Check the flavour comparison sticky at the top of the forum.

      If I liked Copenhagen Long cut, what snus should I try?
      Kardus is a pure-toacco flavoured snus and is cut much the same way, although its quite a bit more expensive. Gellivare and Landströms are coarse cut and deliver a good kick, and Diplomat is also quite coarse with a good flavour of citrus. Most of the rest are cut fine and will "feel" like snus and not long-cut tobacco. In terms of taste, I'm not sure. A good thing to try would be a mixer-pack from - you get eight tins of portion or loose snus to try out with a booklet which suggests others you may enjoy depending on the ones you like.

      Why isn't snus more popular in America?
      Politics, history, lack of swedes...who knows. Being vastly safer than cigarettes and american-style chewing tobacco it's clearly a big threat to the tobacco companies there so they're probably subtly diverting attention from it, although Camel and B.A.T. are now breaking into the snus market.

      If there is a thread that already answers these questions, could you please post a link to it for me?

      Lots of answers on the forum, mate, have a look around - loads of good info and good people here. 8)


      • gopherbob
        • Jan 2007
        • 125

        I am a recent as of december snus convert! I used to dip skoal and timberwolf.

        You do not have to spit using snus. Any mixing with the spit can be swallowed and it doesn't upset the stomach like dip would.

        Yes, it seems snus is more popular in pouches which swedes call "portions".

        I'm not sure but when its in the upper lip it forces me to use less tobacco. Because its in the top lip less saliva gets up there.

        Its much finer than dip. Don't tell the other snusers I said this but the first time I tried snus it felt like tobacco mud in my mouth! That makes it sound bad but its really better than dip in my opinion. For starting out you don't have to have a portioner... it just makes getting the tobacco from the can into your mouth in a nice shape much easier. Its one of those things that just needs to be experienced.

        Remember I'm pretty new to snus but have been dipping for 3 years. Most snus give me less of a buzz than dip. But I'm ok with it because I feel the snus buzz is more pleasurable. Skruf Stark (which I'm using right now) is about equal to american dip and I think the brand Nick and Johnny might be even more but havn't tried that one.

        Peach skoal and peach timberwolf was my two favorites... timberwolf mainly because of price, I'm a poor college kid. My girlfriend got me this for christmas....

        Which was an excellent choice on her part (she was tired of all the spit bottle laying around). I got the loose which is the kind not in the pouches. Thats the kind I still prefer but have tried some portions. That pack is made by Swedish Match which is the king of snus and has some excellent snus in it. The first thing I noticed was snus has a very clean flavor even in like Skruf Cranberry flavor... its difficult to describe to someone who has never tried it. Snus cans are slightly larger than dip cans and because they are usually much finer (due to being ground not cut) they have more, about 50grams is average. I would say the Swedish Match pack is the way to go. There are three different packs to choose from Loose, Portion(pouches) and mini portion(small pouches). I would stay away from the small pouches but for some reason I like snus in portions better than I liked dip in pouches.

        I havn't found a snus that tastes even similar to copenhagen... probably due to the extreme differences in dip/snus production.

        I'm not sure why its not more popular... with dip I always felt a little dirty or like a redneck. With snus I feel like a swedish king!

        Theres a couple other US guys on here that might be able to share their experiences as well.

        PS swedish match owns timberwolf and redman.


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          Yeah, and welcome to the forum, mate... probably more info than you were expecting :lol:


          • SouthTexas
            • Jan 2007
            • 28

            Thanks for the great information and quick response!

            I guess I'm gonna try a sample pack of the Snus in loose form and purchase a portioner just to satisfy my curiosity. I'm also gonna try and buy two individual cans of pouches but I have no idea which ones to try.

            Since you don't have to spit this sounds like a great alternative to Skoal or Copenhagen.

            Can you tell me how long it usually takes to get to you by mail in the states?

            I called our local Tobacco World shop and they don't carry any snus at all.

            I saw Austin has Camel Snus available. If this is the case it might be a great excuse for a motorcycle daytrip! Do they sell it in convenience stores there or do you have to go to a special tobacco shop? Anyone know a specific location in Austin that sells it?

            Thanks for your help!


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              For your two portion snuses I'd suggest at least one strong snus : either

              Skruf Stark
              Nick & Johnny

              and perhaps something from Roots or Mocca just to see the more flavoured end of snus since most of what you'll get in the sample pack will be much more lightly flavoured (if you're into or used to strong artificial flavours...)

              No idea about Austin or Camel, unfortunately...I'm sure if you sent camel customer service an email they'd be happy to show you where to buy their product


              • gopherbob
                • Jan 2007
                • 125

                both and seem to have about the same track record for delivery time.... i think.

                My last package took 9 days in the mail to get here, orlando FL. Took 2 days before it shipped. So about 11 days.

                OH yea, store your snus in the fridge! Unless your taking a can with out somewhere. Keeps it much fresher and much nicer.

                I think I read somewhere that the Camel Snus is 5 dollars a can? If this is the case I would save the motorcycle ride for some other time and just order it. And that 5 dollars doesn't include tax. RIPOFF!


                • SouthTexas
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 28

                  OK I got my order in to Northerner!

                  I ordered:
                  Loose Snus 'Try out Box'
                  Kicks Wild Berry, portion snus ( 1 can )
                  Kardus, Loose Snus ( 1 can )
                  Nick and Johnny Portion Snus ( 1 can )
                  Lucky Strike, Portion Snus ( 1 can )
                  and a Prismaster

                  They threw in a baseball cap that says Grovsnus. I have no idea what this cap means.

                  Got the Lucky Strike just because it was the only name I recognized, although I doubt it tastes anything like a lucky would. Good marketing technique though. I can't find any place to order the Camel Snus online, even though Austin is a few hours away from me.
                  I'm pretty excited but hate to wait. I'm into instant gratification!

                  My plan is to stop dipping until the snus gets here and only smoke. Then when the snus gets here to switch entirely to the snus, and only smoke if I absolutely start nicking out.. I have a feeling if I keep dipping Apple Skoal until the snus gets here I will be ruined to trying snus because of the very strong artificial flavor Skoal has. By the way, when I dip Skoal or Copenhagen I only spit about two or three times and then just swallow which can't be good. American dip is fermented I found out today. Snus is not. Plus I think putting the snus in the upper lip generates less saliva? Anyways, I can't wait!

                  I'll post back to give my opinion on snus after a go with it. Thanks for the great advise again!

                  PS- a can of Skoal or Copenhagen costs over 5 US dollars (closer to 6 dollars) unless they have a discount for buying two cans at once. Ciggarettes went over 4 bucks a pack after the first of the year here.


                  • gopherbob
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 125

                    I think you either have to know someone or go to austin to get it. Since they are just testing it out they are not interested in selling all over.

                    Skoal and cope is still 4 dollars here (florida).


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      ^^ Good luck quitting smoking, dude - many snusers, myself included, found it works magic. After my first taste of snus I didn't even want to smoke again. As for the Grovsnus hat, Grov is just another snus brand - plain tobacco flavour, sort of a rugged/manly brand with a coarse grind, traditional flavour and nothing girly in it 8) Good move on the Lucky Strikes too - I was sceptical of them, being a new product from a new company in the snus arena (B.A.T.) but it's got a really great flavour - bold and, as it says...toasted! Goes great with coffee :idea:


                      • Subtilo
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 524

                        Originally posted by Zero
                        Good move on the Lucky Strikes too - I was sceptical of them, being a new product from a new company in the snus arena (B.A.T.) but it's got a really great flavour - bold and, as it says...toasted! Goes great with coffee :idea:
                        Hm, maybe I should try them out. I used to smoke Lucky Strike during my military service, and really enjoyed their taste. A good coffee snus for me is Montecristo. It's in the absolute top when it comes to rich flavour. It's also perfect with whiskey and fireplace...


                        • SouthTexas
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 28

                          Well I put in a small order from BuySnus last night as well. Now I have an order placed from Northener and BuySnus. This will tell me how they compare on shipping speed. Plus I wanted to get a few more Snus that people here seem to be fond of to try out.

                          Ordered Gustavus Original loose 1 pack
                          Goteborgs Rape #2 portion 1 pack
                          Skruf Strong loose 1 pack
                          Tre Ankare White portion 1 pack

                          I'll have a pretty wide range of snus to try out now. Ya buddy!

                          Then looking back over Northerner's offerings I saw Firebreak tobacco gum. My friend tries quitting smoking like every other month and is always chewing nicotine gum, which is way expensive and tastes like hot steaming peppered doo doo. Anyone try Firebreak gum? Does it curb the urge to smoke? I saw online it is a pretty controversial product and Japan wants it pulled off the shelves and banned. Pretty sad if you ask me.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            ^ when you get your snus, store what you're not using in freezer bags in the freezer and keep the ones you're using in the fridge - snus must stay fresh. I like to keep an old tin for my daily use as well since I don't go through anything near a tin or half-tin a day. I put the amount I'll want for the day in there and keep the rest in the fridge 8)


                            • nzkiwi
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 141

                              Good idea!

