Just stuck my newly acquired roll of kronan in the freezer. It is a good idea.
By the way, have any of you 'doctored up' any snus? When I first got my snus trial pack I quickly opened up 6 out of the 8 to try and had no idea about keeping it fresh in the fridge. That being said a couple of them started to get dusty. I put them into a small bowl and lightly misted it while shaking it around until it looked good as new. Since I'm still a snus 'noob' I'm not sure if it affected flavor. Anyone else do this?
By the way, have any of you 'doctored up' any snus? When I first got my snus trial pack I quickly opened up 6 out of the 8 to try and had no idea about keeping it fresh in the fridge. That being said a couple of them started to get dusty. I put them into a small bowl and lightly misted it while shaking it around until it looked good as new. Since I'm still a snus 'noob' I'm not sure if it affected flavor. Anyone else do this?