Whats your favorite bar drink? sorry for being off topic

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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Aye, there are no martinis but Gin martinis - whoever invented this vodka martini nonsense was clearly out of their head. No gin means it's NOT a martini, full stop :lol:

    Back in uni we used to do these "shooters" we called Irish Car Bombs - half pint of guinness into which one dropped a shot of half-whiskey, half-irish cream - then threw back, all eleven ounces, in one big shot. My word those things messed you up in a hurry :shock:

    Was never a big bourbon fan until I tried Bulliet - totally changed my opinion of the stuff! Full, proper character - easily as classy as a nice single malt. 8)


    • capkanada
      • Mar 2007
      • 29

      Originally posted by Cap'n SnusBeard
      Ack, the most experience I've had with layered shots has been Goldschlager at the bottom, Jagermeister in the middle, and absinthe on top - served to me by my good friend (and now housemate) Jon last year in the bar of the hall of residence I was in last year at uni. That shot is EVIL.

      I'm with you on the gin martinis, though - I have a habit of disliking pretty much anything containing vodka, these days, and you just can't go wrong with a decent martini.
      Hmm... absinthe... you people in the UK/EU/'Places that aren't the US' are so lucky (in ways :wink: ). While I was doing research on the whole customs/taxes thing for snus ordering, I found out that apparently, absinthe is on the list of things that cannot be imported to the US. :cry:
      I'm kind of a fan of the 'Buffalo Sweat' and 'Prairie Fire', myself. Basically all they are are shots with a dash of Tabasco sauce in them; Buffalo Sweat is with Bourbon (though rot-gut..er...Tennessee whiskey will do...could even try it with scotch, but...well...that would just be wrong, and a horrible thing to do to scotch IMO), and the Prairie Fire is done with Tequila. The trick is not to use too much Tabasco, but not to use too little. It actually ends up chasing the shot quite nicely, if you can handle the capsicum tinge from the pepper in the tabasco..

      But, as you may already be able to tell, I'm more of a liquor person than a beer person. A good bourbon, a decent brandy (hey, I live in the middle of the U.S.; it's hard to get the good stuff here...), or if I'm feeling up to it some tequila are things that I enjoy a great deal. :lol:


      • Cap'n SnusBeard
        • Jan 2007
        • 59

        Absinthe is pure evil. I once drank a half-litre bottle of the stuff (at 72.5% by volume) in the space of 2 and a half hours - not fun.

        Oh, the foolish things we do to ourselves.


        • Coffey
          • Feb 2007
          • 150

          I have to say that Canadian whisky has really grown on me. A good one (crown royal, etc...) is now my booze of choice. For beer, Sam Adams is hard to beat in my opinion.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Originally posted by Coffey
            I have to say that Canadian whisky has really grown on me. A good one (crown royal, etc...) is now my booze of choice. For beer, Sam Adams is hard to beat in my opinion.
            Well I'll be damned. I wouldn't have thought you guys had ever even heard of Crown Royal! :lol:


            • capkanada
              • Mar 2007
              • 29

              Ah, Crown Royal. So smooth, so tasty, so good...yet so evil the next morning.

              But hey, the purple bags are great! :wink:


              • Coffey
                • Feb 2007
                • 150

                Well I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in Michigan, we have all kinds of Canadian whisky.


                • jmcphail
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 52

                  I know this thread is ancient, but I was enjoying whisky last night with snus, and noticed how well snus goes with Scotch.

                  I also keep something nice at home for myself, Lagavulin or Laphroaig, preferably both so I can taste test . Room temperature with a splash of water seems to go really well with the tobacco from the snus. Combining it with a few nibbles of good chocolate is fantastic!

                  Originally posted by TBonehawk
                  It's rare to find anything but a blended Scotch in a bar here, so I will nromally stick to beer. However, at home, I keep a bottle of single malt Scotch around to drink straight up with snus.


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Lagavulin is brilliant stuff! Also a big fan of the Macallan 8)


                    • jmcphail
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 52

                      I agree. Sometimes Lagavulin is my favorite, and sometimes Laphroaig, but Lagavulin 16yo is 20-30 dollars more expensive than Laphroaig

                      I have gravitated to the Maritime whiskies over time, away from the Speysides. Something about the brine and smoke flavors really get me. Speysides can be amazingly smooth, almost brandy-like, but don't get my attention like the Maritimes. The last MacAllan I tried was a 12yo "Port Wood Finish" - and it was definitely yummy - but it made me lonely for some peat, dammit.

                      For Islay, Lagavulin and/or Laphroaig are tops for me. The only Campbelltown I've tried is Springbank and I thought it was good but maybe too subtle for me. Talisker, from Skye, is good but has too much of a sharp attack for me and not enough smoke, but is available at a grocery store 3 blocks away... I haven't tried any Lowlands yet, Bruichladdich is on my list, too.

                      I have many, many whiskies to try and not nearly enough money, unfortunately. I'm blown away by the huge variety of flavor the distillers produce, while all using the same 3 basic ingredients of water, malt barley and yeast. Incredible! My hat is off to the Distiller's art!

                      Crap, I'm thirsty and it's only 10am...

                      Originally posted by Zero
                      Lagavulin is brilliant stuff! Also a big fan of the Macallan 8)


                      • think
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 21

                        What ever brewery's India Pale Ale is available. They are extremely hoppy. I think we have quite a few brands of Canadian Whiskey all over the US. I don't think you could walk into a single bar or liquor store in all of the US and not find Crown Royal. Try to get a Molson's or Labbatt in Mississippi though, and you're out of luck. Maybe one grocer carries it in my town, and it's way to expensive.


                        • jmcphail
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 52

                          That's a huge shame, too. Growing up in Michigan we drank Stroh's when we were broke, and Leinenkugel's or Labbatt's Blue or Molson Canadian when we weren't. Damn good beer.

                          I've been drinking quite a lot of Pilsner Urquel this summer, it's really delicious when it's hot.

                          Originally posted by think
                          Try to get a Molson's or Labbatt in Mississippi though, and you're out of luck. Maybe one grocer carries it in my town, and it's way to expensive.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Zero
                            Lagavulin is brilliant stuff! Also a big fan of the Macallan 8)
                            Scotch is my favorite, followed closely by Irish depending on my mood.

                            Highland Park
                            Compass Box Peat Monster A monster it is. Try it if you can find it anywhere :wink:
                            Black Bush
                            Red Breast

                            These are some of my favorites. Much of it depends on mood though. Once you get over $25 a bottle, it's hard to find a bad whisky


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              In terms of beer:

                              -Guinness Extra Stout
                              -Almost any Pale Ale or IPA. Sierra Nevada (of Chico, California) and Bridgeport IPA (of Portland, Oregon) are my favorites.
                              -Porters. My favorites are Black Butte (of Bend, Oregon) and, again, Sierra Nevada.

                              I like my dark beers best.

                              In terms of hard alcohol:

                              I basically stick to bourbon whiskey. I don't drink hard booze very often, but my favorites are Jim Beam Black, 1792, and Knob Creek.


                              • phish
                                • Jan 2007
                                • 265

                                I don't know how I missed this thread.

                                Big fan of single malt whiskey. I like anything peaty from Islay (laphroaig, ardbeq, lagavulin) and especially, the finest malt in the world, Talisker.

                                Bourbon is nice to get drunk on and red wine is brilliant with a meal. As for beer I am a fan of traditional English Ale's. I'm not that up the the rest of the world's 'real beer' as we have such a good selection but I'm sure I'm missing out :P

                                Went on a trip to Poland recently and their vodka is mind-blowing. Had ones flavoured with cherries, honey, pepper and even grass. Yummy


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