I definitely remember Goose Island from living in Chicago for 10 years. I don't think I drank much of it, though. But yeah, nut browns are right up my alley. And I like my bars dark and divey, with lots of wood, which means there was practically one on every corner in Chicago. I miss having a local bar a block or two away that I could go to alone and read a newspaper (the Onion, usually) over some beers (and c********s).
best beer on the market is black butte porter by deschutes.
sometimes i drink vodka tonics with monolopowa or absolut.
of course any rye whiskey is at home here, this goes for the more rye based canadians like crown or club. with soda. or water and ice. or just ice.
scotch whisky beautiful, i like a fine islay such as bowmore or laphroaig.
whisky is drunk straight or on ice.
when i'm on the cheaps its whiskey sours with the well.
oh and if i'm feeling a bit crazy maybe a singapore sling or a tequila sunrise.
nick (and johnny) often accompany my drinks (esp. vodka drinks).