You said it, BB. I've seen a couple of lo-fi vids and if my memory serves me right* they played in some shack or someone's garage (you could see daylight, which in Norway in summer doesn't mean squat) with none other than evil lil' Count Grishnackh on bass.
So it's definitely pre-1993.
Even so, they were playing Death Metal not Black Metal yet. Tracks off what would become Soulside Journey. Which means it was also pre-1992. In fact I think it must've been still in the late 80s Because Burzum's first demo came out in 1991 which means the Count had to already have been busy doin' his own thang for a while.
* I might be confusing Darkthrone for Immortal in that vid but it's been a few years since I saw it.
I still love Children of Bodom. Used to be a big fan of darkthrone, dimmu borgir, emporer, the whole bit. Nowadays though, I love the production values of Bodom, particularly the album 'Follow the Reaper." Like some of you guys and gals, I also have held a fascination with nordic culture for some time, and having grown up in a cold climate like tasmania (however nowhere near as cold as northern europe) I feel that the snus is almost a natural thing for me. I used to smoke, but I am completely unsatisfied with it these days.
I originally heard about snus after watching a swedish movie called "Miss Sweden." A good coming of ager about a young girl called Moa (Alexandra Dahlstrom). Good amusing comedy/drama about a hot lass who likes her snus, I was curious and looked it up. Tried some nasal snuff, wasnt quite it, ordered an 8 can sample pack of the real deal, and the rest... history
i like black metal like darkthrone, moonblood, drudkh, immortal, old satyricon, enslaved, windir, emperor, graveland, etc. but i also like melodeath bands like dispatched, kalmah, all children of bodom before hatecrew deathroll. pagan reign is also a good folk band from russia, and they are folk and don't really fit into any category. i'm a huge fan of burzum. i like viking bands like thyrfing, tyr, etc. i could go on for days. but if you want a real good taste of scandinavian atmosphere, try out windir. but if you want something just as awesome, listen to drudkh. even though they are from the ukraine, they have possibly the best atmosphere of any bm band.(i would say burzum, but i guess i'm a burzum fanboy. i can't say much.) by the way, most of those bands are mixed up from different countries. i'm tired and writing sentences really crappy and not making much sense. btw, fenriz from darkthrone uses snus. he does it in an interview. (portions)
Back when I was in my mid-teens, I was heavily into black metal. Looking at this thread, I noticed no mentions of Burzum until you. Of all of the Norwegian black metal that I used to listen to, Burzum stuck with me the most. I don't at all agree with his racist ideologies, but his music is fantastic. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is probably my favorite of his albums. The opener, Det Som Engang Var is absolutely breathtaking. Filosofem is also great. Ah, what am I saying, all of Varg's stuff is good in some way.
I also used to dig on Emperor, Mayhem, Abruptum (truly evil shit) and of course Darkthrone. Never really got into Graveland very much, but some of their stuff was alright.
This is an interesting threat. Brings back a lot of memories.
Before i was married with a kid i was aspiring to be a professional musician. Black and Death Metal were my main forms of music. I played lead guitar for 14 years. Most likely you've never heard of my old bands because all but one weren't signed to a label but if you were into U.S. Blackmetal (or USBM as we proudly wore on our black t-shirts) 5 years ago there's a slim chance. I started out playing with Diabolic Possession. They're an old school deathmetal band. I believe they're signed now but i can't be certain. I lost track of those guys years ago. We did a small tour and played at the milwaukee metal fest in '03 i think. The USBM band 'Hollowed' snatched me up after that. We were fronted by Sean Baxter from 'Broken Hope' formely on Metal Blade records. I had a blast with these guys. We recorded two CD's and played regionally alot but nothing every came of it sadly. I started my career in construction after we broke up. I played with Pain Theory for about a year after. Probably the best band i've ever played with. That band split into two. half of the band went to 'Dirtfedd'. They're in the process of signing a major deal btw. Keep your ears out for them. The drummer of pain theory and I jammed for about a year after that but it never left the basement. I got a summer job working for Hammerfall (sweden) and Edguy (germany) two years ago. Thankfully my foreman used to be a wanna-be rockstar like i was so he let me go on tour with them lol. It was an amazing experience. Joacim, the vocalist for Hammerfall, turned me onto Snus initially. I took care of their guitars and also handled other backstage jobs. One of which was holding onto Joacim's snus while they performed. Right before they played 'Hearts on Fire' Joacim insisted on having a snus in for that song. So he would run over to where ever i was hiding on stage-left and get one. I didn't try snus until 2 weeks ago actually. I thought it was just chewing tobacco on that tour so i never gave it much thought lol. I should e-mail him and thank him. I met my wife on that tour too. We dated in junior high school but she drove up to chicago to see me for the first time in 10 years. After i returned to Nebraska i was hired as a live session guitarist for Cellador on metal blade records. (these guys are on fire btw, They're in japan as I write this opening for Marilyn Manson) I played with them for a few months but decided i wanted to start a family and focus on my construction job. Besides, Cellador was talking with this killer guitarist from Brazil that blew me out of the water so there was no hard feelings. So i quit my bands, sold everything i owned and moved to Saint Louis, Missouri to start a family and eventually become a union insulator. I have absolutely no regrets. My family means much more to me than some silly band(s).
Here are some links to the bands that are still around, and a few i've perserved on myspace.
wow insulator, nice! i enjoy alot of power metal too(blind guardian, helloween, demons and wizards, rhapsody, manowar, and yes, old hammerfall. etc.) you guys are some interesting people, hehe. well yeah the varg racism bullshit is a bit closeminded and annoying but, like you said.. there is just something about his music. det som engang var has to be my favorite album of his. interestingly enough, sometimes i listen to lame european dance music and trace every once in a while.
it was because snus is Swedish that I chose that moniker for this forum since they are Sweden's other best export.
As much as Mikael smokes, I wonder if he does snus.
I wonder what in the hell will come of their new members to the band now that their backbone of sound has been replaced. I'm not expecting much as Axenrot wasn't that great the last time I saw them play.
It really pisses me off they lost Peter. that dude was the coolest ****ing guy in the band. real super easy to chat with. given my social skills, that's saying something.
Going with the Euro feel on here, any Kraftwerk fans on here? I love those Krauts.
Kraftwerk, Andreas vollenweider and Kitaro were my favorite musicians during the school years. Kraftwerk was the best when it came to mixing it with a little herb (or other stuff). I still have their LPs packed somewhere in the basement.
Below is a chainmail I got, I checked it on and it's true. It was orriginally put out by the Sheriff in some small county because kids kept...