Sentenced song 'Aika Multaa Muistot' [everything is nothing] compounded with being lazy. So i kept the 'everything' portion which fits due to my randomness and short attention span.
How did you come up with your USERNAME?
I just took the name of my business and the name I use on the parrot websites I frequent. Everybody just calls me PP tho. PPGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I got my name from some wise-ass teammate when I played basketball back in the day. He said it was due to the fact I could move or "slide" easily in and out of the lane during a game. B-ball used to be my life for many years. I suppose it is better than the name I got in college: "Shi* box". Don't ask. I should have and could easily have pummeled the guy, but instead I laughed. That is what I got for being a happy drunk.
I just realized I never posted my explanation. It sounds lame if you don't speak Dutch but yeah...
The Dutch particularly like to use diseases to express their anger at someone.
You could compare it to the Mediterranean/Latino world where it's common to tell the other party a whole variety of weird stuff their mothers should go do.
So a very(!) rude expletive is to tell someone "Krijg de tering!"* which translates to "may you get the consumption". Old-english "consumption"** being the common folks' term for tuberculosis in decades and centuries past.
As a side note: "tering" and "consumption" (the sickness, not the noun of "to consume") are NOT synonymous. Tering comes from the verb "teren" which mean "to waste", as in "waste away".
*Expect to get in an ugly brawl.
**This came apparently from the fact that those infected with TB appeared to have their lungs consumed from the inside IIRC.
As an added bonus, if a native Dutchie doesn't know the true pronunciation of "Craig" (in English and which is a very uncommon name here) they will invariably pronounce it as "Krijg", so it all works out beautifully.
I use my sign name all over the internet. STORM6490 came from my love of snow storms. I needed a name for my snowboard shop. So STORM it was. The 6490 came from the address. The city assholes would not allow me to put up a sign because my shop was in a building that was grandfathered in and had illegal signs that would have to come down if the owner ever sold. I rented from the ARMY NAVY that was located on 6490 Highway 93 S. So, in the laws, they posted that they wanted the address posted in large letters so the fire department could see it. Instead of storm on the building, I had a few snowboards hung outside on the deck and a large metal sign that had 6490 on it. It was thick rusted steal in the shape of a gear with 6490 in the center cut out with a plasma cnc machine. behind it was highly reflective diamond plate aluminum. You could see the sign at night and during the day like it was on fire. I added MT to my name on youtube so people would know that I was in Montana.
Originally posted by SacriliciousIt's a neologism (I'd never heard it before).
Sacrilege + Delicious = Sacrilicious!
Sort of "Here's to my sweet Satan," only snarkier..
My username simply tells the truth :wink: .
Besides of that I got the idea from a thread on a German snus-forum, where a user stated his rather high consumption, another user asked "are you a chainsnuser?" and a third user asked "aren't we all chainsnusers?" :lol: . So, I signed up on that forum with this username (Kettensnuser in German) and was quite amazed, that it wasn't already taken. Then I just used the "translated version" here.
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