Steel Blue 91 comes from my - well - my 1991 Steel Blue Metallic Corvette. I've used that name on a number of Corvette and automotive forums (,, Therangerstation, etc). It's just the one I've gotten used to.
I found out my wife is pregnant (our first) the day before I created an account. "Snusdaddy" sounded vagely dirty, but funny ("who's your snusdaddy!"). I decided on "snusfather". :lol:
Kinda hard to explain mine because its Norwegian.
I like Knox, and the knox tin. My nick is two words "Knox boxen"
(Its actually "boksen" in Norwegian, the "x" is my little twist on it)
In English "The Knox tin/box"
I used to trade tbonds futures and also was into samurai trading and came up with bondzai... and have had it for a while.... even though I am not a trader any more
Mine's pretty simple(minded) :lol: I'm a huge aviation buff. I have been flying virtually (MSFS9) for years. Some friends and I created a virtual airlines named "AirWoodstock" since we all live here.
Ummm.... i like doing what vaginal douches are doing......ummmmm
making sure fellas have a pleasant intimate experiance?
quietly steps away from doucheboy............
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
mine was invented...oh, about 6 years ago. coc is for the USC gamecocks (where I went to college), SP is an abbreviation for where I grew up, and 2002 is the year I graduated high school. Simple, right?
I'm originally polish and though I go by Matt/Matthew most of the time, my given name is Maciej, which of course most English speaking folk have difficulty with, a bunch of my friends called me Mace for short which became a nickname. the big mace was a natural evolution though I'm not that big of a guy, pretty tall though yeah! And I'm in med school, so we have the MD. Also that's the nickname I use on most sites.