life is short...

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I simply want to live life comfortably. I have been anti-materialist since my early teenage years, and I have a feeling this philosophy will never change. However, I have now realized one must work in order to pay bills, purchase commodities, and buy some luxuries (tobacco, beer, tattoos, videogames, etc.) to be happy. However, I save the vast majority of my money. I believe in hard work but also value saving money and not losing who you are to material possessions. When I was a small child, I always wanted to have almost EVERYTHING. When I wised up and matured, this view changed when I became introduced to Anarchism and other ideas. Life is much easier knowing I will not be struggling to be something that is nearly impossible (and in this economy, there is sure little chance!).


    • JBean
      • Jan 2009
      • 445

      Originally posted by Harry

      I use money to DO what I like, not OWN what I like.
      I agree with this 100%. Really, I don't want to own expensive things, but if I want to up and take a road trip for a week, I want the funds to actually do it.


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        i guess i should have been a little more specific..i should have said it is nice to have money but not to let your life revolve around it...
        as sage said don't let it define who you are...
        i admit i love to travel and love having a good time..but some people in the world enjoy their money more than living their life


        • Sondrekek
          New Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 12

          Re: life is short...

          Originally posted by texasmade
          it really is and im going to quote Sal on this one..

          "life is too short and therefore enjoy the little pleasures while you can"

          so i ask if most people why do people worry about becoming rich...i dont think one should live life chasing money...because when they die what do they leave behind except ...well money...why not strive for more and leave behind a legacy of something more than material things??

          Hmm. You got a point there man.


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