How many snus users do you know?

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  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    Originally posted by vill666
    a co-worker showed
    me an ad for snus so I bought that I love it its sad but everyone I show it to thknk its a conspiracy of the tobacco companies n won't try it...they think smokings normal? I'm alone here n texas
    Actually, you're not:

    A whole Texan thread.


    • darkwing
      • Oct 2007
      • 415

      Vill666, people I know who hear about snus or ask me about it also assume it is a tobacco industry conspiracy or that cancer of the mouth is guaranteed. I have given up discussing or explaining it at all, and just go on snusing quietly.


      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        Originally posted by darkwing
        Vill666, people I know who hear about snus or ask me about it also assume it is a tobacco industry conspiracy or that cancer of the mouth is guaranteed. I have given up discussing or explaining it at all, and just go on snusing quietly.

        yeah a lot of people are braindead. it's like if they see you using it, they'd rather you smoke so they don't get all confused on what it is. or they think since it's unpopular, it must be some 'weird' stuff.
        i don't understand people who just are completely satisfied with the same-ol same-ol and not curious whatsoever to try out something new. I did get a coworker who was a smoker and dipper to try it out. He wasn't impressed. I gave him a general mini portion, so it was probably not anywhere near the best kind I should'a got him to try.
        My former supervisor got hooked on it. But only because I was around him all the time. He was rather closed minded and skeptical about it at first (he was bumming dip off me all the time), and when I stopped dip and got into that European stuff he actually thought it was probably laced with pot or something. LOL. He did start to appreciate it though, he was the one who kept asking me for the Goat Rape (no.2).
        So that's the only snus fan I've ever known/converted, despite he probably doesn't bother with it anymore since all he did was bum it and I'm no longer there.


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          I had one colleague who spent a few months in Sweden for work and she tried snus, but claims to hate it. She continues chewing nicotine gum and claims she likes it better. Nothing makes me start retching and stomach-aching like that miserable gum, but to each his/her own, I guess.


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