What do you snusers do?

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  • mel16
    • Aug 2008
    • 16

    Fast food manager! ops:

    Hey, I like my job. I get paid like $10 an hour to stand around and drink coffee, and make sure the kids I went to high school with don't burn the store down. I'm starting my freshman year of college in the fall and going for my bachelor's in secondary education. I graduated high school in 2007, and it took me a year to figure out what I wanted to do. I love learning, and couldn't decide what degree I wanted, because I wanted all of them. There's virtually nothing that I don't find fascinating.

    I talked to a few people about it, and someone suggested teacher. Teachers are encouraged to continue their educations, and usually get pay raises every time they get a new degree. They also get summers off, which is awesome.

    I'm not sure what I want to teach, yet. Maybe Swedish language and culture :lol:


    • cocsp2002
      • Jul 2008
      • 509

      I'm a Sonar Technician Submarines 3rd Class in the Unites States Navy...don't hold it against me though, everyone's gotta make a living. Right now I'm trying to decide what to get a degree in so I can decide what I want to do when I grow up.


      • theillustriousHeather
        • Sep 2008
        • 33

        I'm a domestic engineer
        (aka a Stay at home Mom)


        • cosmokramer
          • Sep 2008
          • 26

          I just quit my job of 6 years as a pizza deliver guy. Used to be good money $20+ an hour, but gas prices have been screwing me, and the economy sucks so it just seems like less people are ordering pizzas, and when they do they seem to tip less. I'm currently jobless, I spend my time playing the 5 string banjo, playing poker, and drinking with friends.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I scan groceries...... $7.40 per hour...


            • madmartigan
              New Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 5

              Philosophy major, now a second year law student.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Originally posted by cocsp2002
                I'm a Sonar Technician Submarines 3rd Class in the Unites States Navy...don't hold it against me though, everyone's gotta make a living.
                Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with that! I was an aviation electrician; I got to crawl around in F-14's, F-18's and every type of helicopter you can imagine. Inertial navigation and automatic flight control were my specialties. They tried to give me subs when I joined; I told them no way.....I don't think I could have handled being stuck in a metal tube for that long. :wink:


                • BlackBart
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 115

                  Gamewarden in sunny Florida and a retired US Navy aircrewman and structural mechanic


                  • Link
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 404

                    I install network stuff for my Network Services dept.

                    When I'm not in a switch room installing or connecting something, I'm usually being cursed at by some smart doctor who knocked his power out playing footsie with the surge protector. Of course the cable is always in the wrong jack too-Why do they always think their machine will work by putting the cable in the spare jack?


                    • airwoodstock
                      Banned Users
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 340

                      Originally posted by Link
                      Of course the cable is always in the wrong jack too-Why do they always think their machine will work by putting the cable in the spare jack?
                      I had an woman come into my store once to tell me her cup holder on the computer broke. I asked her what "Cup Holder"? She pointed to the CD Drive and said "When I push this button, the cup holder used to come out but it dosen't anymore. :shock: :shock: True Story :wink:


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        I'm a Mechanical Engineering graduate student at UW - Madison, and a part time mechanical engineer...


                        • aery
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 22

                          Well I was just about to ask this question myself, so instead of a repeat I shall revive this old thread!

                          I make video games, pleased to meet you all


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            You can't just make a statment like that without leaving more details!

                            Who do you work for? What games have you worked on (anything famous?)? Programmer? Artist? Writer? 8)


                            • aery
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 22

                              Originally posted by Zero
                              You can't just make a statment like that without leaving more details!

                              Who do you work for? What games have you worked on (anything famous?)? Programmer? Artist? Writer? 8)
                              Hahaha, right now I am at NetDevil working on a LEGO MMO. Before this I worked for a company you haven't heard of and before THAT I worked at SOE on Star Wars Galaxies for a bunch of years

                              I've done a bunch of jobs in the industry from testing to community management, basically I do what needs to be done, as long as it isn't art or programming :P A little writing, some sound recording, quest design, voiceovers, etc.


                              • Ainkor
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1144

                                Just boring stuff really,

                                I am a District Manager for a 34 restaurant quick service company. I have 10 stores in western North Carolina that range from the Georgia border east through Asheville and almost down to the South Carolina border.

                                So in plain speak, I am a babysitter with 10 big kids, 30 little kids and 150 babies.

                                Oh and a great wife and 3 kick ass kids!



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